When your back chronically hurts you are told it is a sign of aging and degeneration, which is very true … but did you know there is a method of treatment to regenerate your back? Acupuncture and ozone therapy results in about 75% of chronic pain sufferers to become permanently pain free. Chronic pain occurs in areas of the body that contain ligaments, cartilage or articular surfaces which makes them especially vulnerable to the effects of decreased oxygen utilization and aging. Ozone gives the tissues what they need to heal. And as they heal, the circulation to the area is re-established.
I Would Love Voxx Socks for Christmas
Our father hated soft packages at Christmas time. We were not that fond of them either because they were usually socks. Socks are ranked number 2 on the list of things we DO NOT want to find under the tree. Today, anyone who works on their feet all day, the hiker and skier out in nature or the senior working hard to maintain their mobility would be thrilled to receive a pair of Voxx socks. Their benefits include enhanced pain relief and management, especially PDN pain, enhanced postural stability and balance, improved mobility and higher energy levels. Dad loved Voxx socks and wore them 24 hours per day.
Online Gambling Support
When the weather grows cooler, rainier, and drearier, we tend to retreat into our homes and apartments. The coronavirus seems to be gaining ground as we have now been hit with the second wave of Covid-19. As Christmas, Hanukkah and other seasonal holidays grow closer, online gambling becomes an attractive companion for the internet-savvy. When people gamble out of boredom, loneliness, or the desire to make money, the risks of gambling beyond their financial or temporal boundaries increase. If you or someone you love is struggling, please go to https://bit.ly/3nxYiFV directly. A Gambling Outreach Support worker will contact you within 24 hours.
Benefits of Independent Living
Independent senior living, bridging the gap between aging in place and assisted living, is a retirement haven for seniors who want flexibility and peace of mind. Independent living communities have blossomed, allowing creative cuisine, independent schedules, private parking, and flexible service programs. Say goodbye to the hassle of hydro bills, dishes, vacuuming, or grocery shopping. Independent living communities have in-house maintenance workers, and landscapers to take care of it all for you. Time to start enjoying retirement and living the good life! If you are an active senior looking to get the most out of your retirement, we encourages you to learn more about independent living.
Holiday Greetings
Our community came together in 2020; we stayed home when asked and wore masks because we cared about each other. At 7 pm, we stood and banged pots along with our neighbours. We kept in touch through the computer screen and found ways to reach out to those shut-in. Supporting our local businesses became paramount. With no Expos in the near future, our new WellnessHUB connects our community with health and wellness resources. We are thankful that we were able to print this newsletter throughout 2020 and will continue to do so in 2021. We wish everyone Health, Hope and Love this Holiday Season.
Medication Review Services
If you are a BC resident with a valid BC Services Card and have been prescribed at least five medications in the last six months, you may benefit from Medication Review Services. Medication Reviews may identify issues such as an interaction between your medications, changes that may be needed in dosage, etc. This service provided by your Pharmacist, helps British Columbians better understand their medications. When you understand your medications – why you are taking them, when to take them, and how to best take them – you make informed decisions and have greater ownership of your overall health. Speak to your community pharmacist.
Dental Implants Care
During these interesting times, dentists are noticing a greater number of people coming in with pain and infection due to decay and gum disease. We have also noticed patients coming in with implants that have not been cleaned for many years. These patients are now calling us because they have swelling and soreness around their implants caused by an infection. If you have implants, they need to be looked at by a dentist, evaluated and cleaned to prevent infections and loss of the implants.
A Phone Call Brightens Their Day
Seniors are among the most vulnerable during this pandemic. They are restricted and even those with family near, feel isolated and alone. A phone call can cheer them up and make them feel “noticed” and cared for. The daughter of a parent living in a Senior Residence stated; “I fear seeing mom in person as she has many pre-existing medical challenges making her medically vulnerable to Covid-19. My mom has shared with me that her phone calls with the family are all she needs to feel loved and cared for on a daily basis. The connection by voice brings her some peace.”
Say Goodbye to Tiny Hearing Aid Batteries
Rechargeable hearing aids allow you the freedom to experience high quality sound without the worry of carrying spare batteries. Traditional hearing aid technology did not allow for this freedom; hearing aids required spares and replacement batteries. Utilising Li-ion battery, rechargeable aids allow you to carry on with your active life with simple and reliable charging. Li-ion is the battery technology utilising the power of lithium ions, this means you can reuse the same battery simply by recharging the hearing aids with the supplied charger.
Invest in Your Health
I often hear that organic veggies are too expensive or that paying for preventative health care costs way too much! Yet most of us look after the engine in our cars correctly and do maintenance on our house to prevent a huge expensive job in the future. Why not look after and invest in our health? As we age, our bodies tend to absorb less nutrients and may carry many toxins. Products such as Black Oxygen Fulvic/Humic minerals have been shown to be a chelator and offer powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Ask me how you can get these minerals into your hands.
Do You Have a Feeling of Overwhelm?
Giving and Gratitude are important elements that should be included in our everyday life. Having a warm feeling of thankfulness towards the world and a concern for others, helps us be grateful for what we have instead of focusing on what we don’t have. Gratitude is consistently connected with greater happiness, it helps people feel more positive emotions and improves health. Expressing gratitude every day assists in releasing the feeling of Overwhelm. A Certified Body/Emotion Code Practitioner can help you release the unprocessed negative (trapped) emotion of Overwhelm which will allow you to live a more joyful life.