I often hear that organic veggies are too expensive or that paying for preventative health care costs way too much! Yet most of us look after the engine in our cars correctly and do maintenance on our house to prevent a huge expensive job in the future. Why not look after and invest in our health? As we age, our bodies tend to absorb less nutrients and may carry many toxins. Products such as Black Oxygen Fulvic/Humic minerals have been shown to be a chelator and offer powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Ask me how you can get these minerals into your hands.
Do You Have a Feeling of Overwhelm?
Giving and Gratitude are important elements that should be included in our everyday life. Having a warm feeling of thankfulness towards the world and a concern for others, helps us be grateful for what we have instead of focusing on what we don’t have. Gratitude is consistently connected with greater happiness, it helps people feel more positive emotions and improves health. Expressing gratitude every day assists in releasing the feeling of Overwhelm. A Certified Body/Emotion Code Practitioner can help you release the unprocessed negative (trapped) emotion of Overwhelm which will allow you to live a more joyful life.
Support Locals in Need this Christmas
For over 50 years, the SOS Caring for Community at Christmas program has been creating the magic of Christmas. The program provides a gift for children and youth so there is something special for them under the tree on Christmas morning. Adults receive local grocery store gift cards so they may choose food that is important to them. To support the program donate online, call 250.248.2093, find an SOS Angel Tree in a local business, or attend a local event that benefits the program. Drop off a new, unwrapped gift or monetary donation to the SOS Community Services Centre in Parksville. Visit the website for drop-off times.
Combatting Isolation
Our lives have changed drastically over the past eight months and it is affecting our mental and physical health. Social distancing and social isolation go hand in hand. Make sure that you take the time every day to reach out to loved ones, friends and neighbours. Pick a book to share and start a book club. Send mail the old-fashioned way, go for a socially distanced stroll. If you are feeling isolated please call us, we can help!
Relief for Sore Feet and Legs
Do you spend a lot of your day standing or walking? Being on your feet for long periods of time can cause sore feet, swelling of the legs, varicose veins, general muscular fatigue, and other health problems. VoxxLife socks with HPT technology provide enhanced pain relief and management, better stability and balance, improved mobility and more energy. The Athletic Knee highs with gentle compression reduce swelling, keep muscles warm, increase blood flow in the legs and are comfortable for all wearers. Wool work socks with HPT are ideal for working outdoors and for activities like skating and hiking. Socks make great gifts.
Health and the Aging Brain
A mystery of Alzheimer’s is why some people develop the disease while others don’t. This makes finding a cure extremely difficult. Studies show that some of the risks factors of possibly developing the disease include; a history of past concussions, untreated food allergies, high blood glucose levels, neurotoxins and ingesting food grown with pesticides like glyphosate. What can you do to lower the risk? Nourish the brain with the right minerals, fats, vitamins and surround yourself with the right people. It’s vital to get out into nature and exercise! Your Brain will love you for this in its elder years.
Source Local, Support Local
The Central Island Wellness HUB is an online health and wellness resource with local businesses and local information. The Wellness HUB features hundreds of business and practitioners offering services and products in the central Island area. In addition, there are hundreds of health tips and articles on a variety of topics. It is easy to search, access and share information. Do you have a health and wellness business? You can become a member with a free basic listing. See the website for more details.
Benefits of Walking Poles
Nordic pole walking, developed in Finland in the 1990s, is now one of the most popular types of exercise for seniors. Walking poles used in pairs, help maintain the right balance and rhythm while walking. They are useful in reducing the risk of tripping, sliding and stumbling over small hazards and on uneven terrain. The benefits of urban pole walking, especially for seniors includes improved endurance, heart health, blood flow, strength, and resting metabolic rate. For people recovering from surgery or anyone with balance issues, pole walking can help you get moving again. Want to learn more about Walking Poles? Come for a free Walking Pole Seminar.
The Law of Attraction
Do you attract negative emotions, people, and events into your life? The Law of Attraction (LOA) states that the vibe you give out is the vibe you get back. If you are having negative feelings, you attract negative emotions, people and events. When you have positive feelings, then you attract positive emotions, people and events into your life. A Certified Body/Emotion Code Practitioner can help you release your negative feelings or unprocessed negative (trapped) emotions. This will help you attract positive vibrations and live a more joyful life. Complimentary consultations are available. Contact for details.
S.O.S – Christmas Program 2020
Christmas will look different this year for many families. The SOS Caring for Community at Christmas program will continue to help local families and individuals as it has done for more than 50 years, with community support. “We want to make sure that all local children and youth find a special gift under the tree, and we know many families and individuals will need help putting food in the cupboard over the holidays,” says SOS Christmas program coordinator, April Deleau. Please visit the SOS website to make a financial donation and to find gift drop-off times for the SOS Toy Shop.
Tips for Fall Prevention
November is Falls Prevention month. Falls are a real concern for older adults. The following tips can reduce your risk:*Get regular exercise and physical activity. *Have your medications reviewed by a physician or pharmacist as some medication combinations can cause dizziness that leads to falling. *Have your vision and hearing checked regularly. Poor vision and hearing are linked to increased risk of falls. *Make your home safer – remove tripping hazards, improve lighting and keep important items within reach. In the event that a fall happens, getting help quickly is important. Lifeline’s Auto Alert button provides help 24/7 and automatically detects falls.