Dental implants are the most natural way to restore missing teeth. They distribute the forces back to the bone where they naturally belong. This is in contrast to partial dentures or bridgework that places the force of the missing tooth on the neighboring teeth, leading to a higher risk to their damage and or loss. As well, the bone where the missing tooth is will continue to shrink away with time. This leads to the loss of bony support on the neighboring teeth adding further risk to their future. The placement of dental implants will actually stop this “bone shrinking” process and preserve, not damage the neighboring teeth.
What is a Compounding Pharmacy?
If you are unable to take a mass-produced medication, a compounding pharmacy can create a personalized medicine just for you. Reasons to turn to a compounding pharmacy include; inability to swallow a pill, an allergy to gluten or dyes, or a drug may be in short supply. The pharmacist works with the prescribing health care practitioner to create a solution that works for you. The compounding pharmacist can add appealing flavours, create unique dosage forms and provide innovative delivery methods to make it easier for you to take your medicine.
Role of the Funeral Director
Funeral directors are caregivers and administrators, event planners, as well as listeners and supporters. They make the arrangements for transportation of the deceased, complete all necessary paperwork and implement the choices made for final disposition and memorial service. It is important for your family to know your choice whether cremation, traditional, or green burial. Have the conversation with family now to find out what arrangements may already be in place or to help put them in place for the future. Planning ahead can be as simple as a conversation to record your wishes. Your funeral director is there to listen at any time.
When it’s Not Just Aging
While it’s true that some health conditions are more common with age, there are some symptoms that should be discussed with your doctor. 1. Memory loss – this can sometimes be the result of medications, vitamin deficiencies, and some disorders. 2. Vision problems – getting treatment early for certain vision problems like glaucoma can prevent serious damage. 3. Tooth loss – getting regular dental care can help seniors avoid tooth loss. 4. Depression – certain health conditions and medications can make depression symptoms worse, but this problem can be treated professionally. 5. Weakness – a good exercise program can help prevent loss of muscle mass.
Shoulder Pain Relief
To eliminate the pain of frozen shoulder or rotator cuff injuries and to regenerate the joint, especially with osteo-arthritic elements; acupuncture and Prolozone injection therapy are my treatment protocols. Hypoxia or the inadequacy of cellular oxygen reaching the body’s tissues causes degeneration in the ligaments. Prolozone is excellent for all forms of musculo-skeletal and joint pain including chronic neck & back pain, rotator cuff injuries, degenerative, arthritic hips,knees, degenerated discs, shoulder and elbow pain. Because in many cases Prolozone actually corrects the pathology of the disorder, there is a 75% chance for the chronic pain sufferer to becoming permanently pain free.
Healthy Facts about Wool
Here are some facts about wool that you may not know. *Wool is not only reusable but also biodegradable *Sheep Wool has natural UV protection built right in *Wool is composed of the same protein that makes up the outer protective layer of your skin and works in total harmony with the body’s own protection mechanisms. *Wool is naturally non-allergenic (Allergic reactions are either due to lanolin, or the harsh and toxic chemicals used to treat it) *Wool is a natural moisture repellent making it mildew and mold resistant. *Wool is a negative ion and protects from electrical magnetite waves.
Is Hearing Loss Linked to Other Conditions?
Hearing loss is connected to many other health conditions in the body. While hearing loss may not be the cause of these diseases or conditions, it is considered a risk factor for many. *Tinnitus refers to the sensation of perceiving sounds that have no external source—in other words, hearing sounds that are not there. *Meniere’s disease is a chronic inner ear disorder that causes recurring episodes of severe dizziness (vertigo), ear pressure, tinnitus and hearing loss. It typically affects only one ear, although some people experience symptoms in both ears. *Treating hearing loss aggressively can help ward off cognitive decline and dementia.
Tranportation Options
We are through the coldest months of the year, but spring rains bring their own set of challenges, especially on the road. Slick roads and poor visibility plague drivers everywhere. Fortunately, if you are feeling less than confident behind the wheel, there are many alternate options. Public transit, carpooling and our own transportation services can get you to your doctor’s appointments, your weekly swim classes or even help as you run errands. A home care service can provide facilitated transport to help you get out and about with ease and peace of mind.
Community Profile – The Laundry Fairy
Are you tired of endless laundry? Do you wish your dirty clothes could magically appear washed and folded? The Laundry Fairy can do that for you. Your time is valuable so don’t waste it doing laundry. Simply schedule the Laundry Fairy’s pick-up and drop-off time and they will do your laundry for you. They pick it up, wash, dry and fold it, and then deliver it back to you the next day at your scheduled convenience. FREE pick up and drop off is available between Cedar and Qualicum Beach with 24 hour turn around, 7 days a week.
Great Socks for Travel
Many of us have compression socks for traveling. On the day of travel, put them on when you get up; that is when your legs are less swollen. This allows your body to adapt to the socks. Make sure to leave them on for a few hours after you land to again allow your body to adapt. Wearing the socks for the extra time can reduce any swelling of the legs much more effectively than if they are taken straight off. Travel socks do not work unless you wear them. If the ones you have are not comfortable, look for a different kind.
Support for Excessive Gambling – Service Profile
Has excessive gambling become an issue for you or someone you love? The BC Government provides British Columbians with free information and resources to support informed choices and healthy behaviours with respect to gambling participation. BC Responsible & Problem Gambling Program provides services that are confidential and free of charge, funded by the Government of British Columbia. This includes *24/7 Gambling Support Line, *Outreach Support and *Personal and Group treatment. Call 1-888-795-6111 or go to for more information.