Community News
Floss is Boss

According to a national survey, over one quarter of people tell white lies to their dentist about flossing. (Pssst.. We see through them every time.) In fact, 7% of people would rather hear the sound of nails on a chalkboard than floss; 18% would rather wash dishes and 9% would rather do their taxes! The reality is, flossing should be a critical part of your daily oral hygiene routine and should never be skipped. Commit to flossing for just two minutes during your bedtime routine and you’ll have a clean, fresh mouth. Something we all want.

Lakeside Dental Clinic,

Make Time for Yoga

Fall finds many of us back to our usual busy schedules and sometimes that regular yoga class falls off the “to do” list. Here are my top three reasons to squeeze in a weekly yoga class:

1. To relax: “Happy hormones” like dopamine and serotonin are released during yoga.

2. To cope with stress and emotions: In the long-term, yoga helps you cope with stress, anxiety, and even grief. Yoga teaches you to breathe through emotions, slow down and recognize your strength.

3. To improve your athletic performance: Yoga will increase flexibility and core strength, thereby helping to prevent injuries.

Susan Pederson, Owner, Suga Yoga,

They Took My License Away!

After all those years of independence it can be devastating to be without wheels. Time to make a new plan. Many experts agree, it is best to sell the car and put that money into an account marked “My RIDE”. Then make arrangements to have a service be your driver. Check your calendar and pick your dates. A standing appointment allows you to plan ahead and to know Your Ride is available when you want it. Having YOUR RIDE means you can still have your independence. Take control; life can still be better than good! It can be meaningful and fun!

Dorothy Spencer, Oceanside Area,

Men’s Personal Growth Program

Life takes courage. To be more courageous, simply gaining new information is not enough. We learn by doing. This is core for David Osborn, the facilitator of the SOS Men’s Personal Growth program. Some of the outcomes of the program include helping men to gain understanding of their anger and conflict style, improving their communication skills, and helping them develop a deeper sense of purpose. David provides new and practical experience while establishing an environment for men to become more assertive and compassionate with themselves and with others. Working as a school counsellor and a Registered Clinical Counsellor (R.C.C.) for over 25 years, David is passionate about restorative justice, energy psychology, and current brain research.

Lissa Alexander, Marketing Coordinator, SOS,

Community Profile – Pioneer Wellness Centre

The Pioneer Wellness Centre at #1, 534 Pioneer Crescent in Parksville opens September 1st, 2017. The centre’s holistic practices include energy healing & balancing; individuals, couples, families & youth counselling; counselling services for grief, trauma, depression, anxiety and many other counselling areas.

The Pioneer Wellness Centre is made up of three enthusiastic women and their businesses:

Permelia Parham, Vibrational Healing

Sharon Thomas, Ocean Sky Counselling

Meghan Robertson, Cornerstone Counselling Services

GRAND OPENING is on Friday, September 8; 2pm to 7pm and Saturday, September 9; 2pm to 5pm.

RSVP: 250.240-2656. A great opportunity to check it out.

Pioneer Wellness Centre

Serrapeptase, the Little Miracle Enzyme!

Serrapeptase is a proteolytic enzyme, which means it breaks down long protein chains into amino acids that the body needs. These enzymes bind to the alpha 2 macroglobulin in our plasma where it is shielded from the immune system while retaining its enzymatic activity. They are then free to roam through the blood stream seeking to break down hard protein (non-living tissue), fibrin surfaces, scar tissue, granuloma, and even thin out mucous to ease conditions such as chronic sinusitis. It’s been proven to be a safe and effective alternative to NSAIDs (NonSteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen) and should be taken on an empty stomach. The capsule must be a special DRcap (Delayed Release capsule) or enteric coated capsule that allows the Serrapeptase to pass through the stomach to the small intestine where the enzyme is then released.

Enerex Botanicals Ltd.,

Book Club: The Brain Diet

A nutritional plan for raising smarter children; improving your mental and physical well-being; and improving your odds against depression, anxiety, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, migraine headaches, ADHD, and more, as you age.

Clean Eating: Chicken Taco Avocados


1 c. black beans, cooked
1 c. corn
1 c. shredded chicken
1 c. shredded cheddar, plus more for topping
1 package taco seasoning
2 tbsp. fresh cilantro, plus more for topping
3 ripe avocados.


1 c. ranch dressing
1/4 c. lime juice
1 tbsp. fresh cilantro
1 tsp. kosher salt
1 tsp. black pepper.


In a large bowl, stir and combine filling ingredients. Halve and separate avocados, removing pit and hollowing out insides. Mash insides in a small bowl and set aside. Place avocados face up and fill each with 1/3 cup of filling. Sprinkle with more cheddar, then broil until melted. In a medium bowl, combine dressing ingredients. Fold in mashed avocados and mix until smooth. Remove from oven and transfer to serving dish. Drizzle with dressing and garnish with more cilantro, if desired.

Adapted from

Do Kids Need Orthotics?

Many children and adolescents have flat feet but have no joint pains.  There are others who develop knee and/or arch pain that limits their ability to enjoy certain activities such as running or playing sports.  If there is pain, and an obvious fallen arch, foot orthotics in the shoes, either over-the-counter or custom, may be warranted taking into account family history and degree of severity.  If there is no pain, yet there is an obvious fallen arch then the question is whether to correct or not.  Many medical professionals believe that fallen arches will adversely affect the knees and hips and lead to early arthritic pain.  Correcting the foot posture early on is then seen as a preventative measure for future knee and hip joint health.  If you are concerned with your child’s foot alignment it is worth discussing the options with a biomechanical professional.

Diane Calder, BSc KIN, Certified Pedorthist, B.D. Mitchell Prosthetics & Orthotics,

Finding a Perfect House

Having a home that you are happy in is extremely important to your overall well-being. There are several factors that you should consider when purchasing a home. The main ones are budget, size and location. Other considerations are also important. Are you purchasing a home where you are going to live into your 80s or 90s? If so, consider a rancher with no stairs. Also consider if the hallways and doorways are wide enough for a walker or a wheelchair. Is the house in an area accessible by public transportation or close to amenities such as a grocery store, drug store or activity centre? This becomes vital if driving becomes difficult in the future. One of the most important things when purchasing a home is to hire a real estate professional. She will work with you and help you find the perfect house for you.

Rita Callan, Realtor, REMAX First Realty,

Managing Refined Carbs

Refined carbohydrates are plant based products, mostly grains like wheat, corn and rice that have been stripped of their fiber, vitamins and minerals. Sometimes, they are referred to as “empty calories”. Because they digest quickly and easily, they release a large amount of sugar.  This results in a rapid rise in blood sugar level that is harmful to the body and can result in high cholesterol or chronic inflammation. Eating a healthy diet of whole foods, lean meats, fruits and vegetables is the best way to avoid refined carbohydrates. Unfortunately, for many of us, this is not realistic. Help is available. Emulin+ is the world’s first carbohydrate manager. It contains a patented botanical mix called Emulin® that helps our body better manage the large number of refined carbohydrates; starch and sugar that we consume in our diets.

Irene Booth, Global Leader and Distributor,