A happy dog owner shared her experience. “The Reconnective Healing® session that our 14-year old dog Penny received was a tremendous help. She was experiencing bouts of hoarse coughing, keeping both her and me awake at night. Following her first RH session, she had a very peaceful night – and so did I! The second session cleared up most of the remaining occasional cough. As an added bonus, Penny seems to be more agile and is walking more easily. I too seem to have benefited from being present for her sessions; my joints are hurting less and are more flexible than before. Thank you!” J. H., A happy client.
Wellness Travel
We all travel for a variety of reasons. For some, it’s an escape and a break from reality. For others, it’s a chance to experience the unknown, learn and get out of our comfort zones. Over the past few years, a new reason for travel has gained popularity: Traveling for your own personal health and wellness. Wellness travel is all about putting your physical, mental and spiritual health at the forefront of your trip. It’s becoming one of the fastest growing travel trends today. By combining travel and wellness, you’re fueling your sense of adventure while nourishing yourself inside and out.
How Can I Bring Joy to a Local Child this Christmas?
For 50 years, the SOS Caring for Community at Christmas program has been making life a little bit brighter for local residents in-need. The program provides a special gift for children and youth and a local grocery gift cards for the adults. SOS Angel Trees are located in 46 local businesses where you can pick up an Angel ornament. Purchase the gift listed on the ornament and return your unwrapped gift to the store. A local child’s heart will fill with excitement when they find your gift, wrapped in bright paper under their tree on Christmas morning. The program also gratefully accepts monetary donations at their offices or through Canada Helps.
Coping with Holiday Stress
The holiday season is a special time but for some, it can be a time of grief and sadness. Sometimes the holidays include stressful situations that lead to more time and money spent on gambling than anticipated. If you plan on gambling during the holidays, here are a couple of strategies to keep things fun and mitigate the risks: Don’t gamble alone; keep it a social activity; leave your bank cards and credit cards at home; and finally, set time and money limits and stick to them. If you feel the need for a distraction such as gambling to escape the holiday stress, look for a healthier alternative: take in a movie, go out for dinner, connect with a friend and please feel free to call our 24/7 confidential helpline at 1-888-795-6111. Our counsellors and support workers are here to help!
Fear of Falls Causes Unsafe Behavior
When someone is fearful of falling, they start to avoid everyday activities by staying at home and doing less. This lack of activity leads to loss of strength, reduced muscle tone, and loss of coordination and balance. This physical deterioration increases the risk of falling and, if a fall does occur, it further heightens the fear. Turn your fear of falling into positive actions: remain active, exercise regularly, use assistive devices such as walkers or grab bars, and wear sensible shoes. Consider joining a group session designed especially to teach balance exercises for fall prevention.
Micronutrients for Better Health
Over the last decade, there have been huge increases in ADHD, Autism, the number of people on anti-depressants and on disability receiving treatment for mental illness according to Dr. Julia Rucklidge, PhD, Professor of Clinical Psychology, speaker at 2013 TedTalk. Fortunately, 60-80% of patients respond favourably when given micronutrients either in addition to or instead of medications. Micronutrients are essential dietary elements that are needed in very small quantities. They include copper, zinc, selenium, iodine, magnesium, iron, cobalt and chromium. I encourage you to watch Dr. Julia’s presentation in full; TedXChristchurch.com/Julia-Rucklidge
Holiday Wishes
With all the hustle and bustle of deadlines and meetings, we sometimes forget to take the time to reflect on the important things in our lives; our health, our family and our friends. We are grateful for these and many things that we take for granted; clean air, water from the tap and feelings of wellbeing. With Christmas just around the corner, we want to take the opportunity to wish our many readers, advertisers and friends, Peace, Happiness and Good Health this Holiday Season.
Take a Deep Breath: The Counsellor Cliché
When counsellors say “deep breath”, there is a physiological reason why this can help with things like stress and anxiety. Super-short form, we have two systems at play here: the “GO” system, (Sympathetic Nervous System) and the “SLOW” system, (Parasympathetic Nervous System). When we are anxious, the “GO” system kicks in increasing our heart-rate, muscle tension, and making our breathing shallow and rapid. Deep belly breathing tells the body that there is no need to be so stressed right now, and invites the “SLOW” system back on board. So, as we approach the Holiday Season, breathe on!
Heal with Prolozone
Modern western medicine is built on a “diagnosis paradigm”, wherein therapies are initiated based upon the diagnosis. In other words, the diagnosis, rather than the patient determines the treatment. Ozone, like most natural therapies, works by correcting homeostatic imbalances in the body of each individual patient, and is not directed at any particular clinical diagnosis. Ozone therapy itself does not produce the healing effect; instead, it induces the body’s innate healing mechanisms to create the healing effect. Thus, unlike medications and herbs, it can be successfully used in essentially every medical condition regardless of the diagnosis.
What is Caregiver Burn Out?
If you are a care giver of a loved one, it’s important to also take care of yourself. Signs of burn out are: withdrawal from family and friends; feeling blue, irritable and helpless; changes in sleep patterns; getting sick more often; and feelings of resentment. What can you do to support yourself? Talk to a trusted friend or co-worker; set reasonable goals; be realistic about your loved one’s disease, especially if it is a progressive disease such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s. Use respite care services when you need a break or while you are assessing care plan changes.
What not to buy for Christmas!?
A popular woman’s magazine ranked socks as the number 2 item on the list of things men definitely do not want for Christmas. What do they know? What could be better than sharing the feeling of wellbeing with someone you love? When you fill the man of your life’s Christmas stockings with the right socks, he will enjoy a gift of wearable technology that can reduce pain, increase strength and endurance and increase stability and balance for months to come. And to make sure that you are fair in your gift giving, don’t forget the women in your life. They too will thank Santa Clause for the socks.