Community News
Warning Signs from our Bodies

A health problem may start many years before you experience a symptom. The symptom is like the tip of the ice berg. Warning signs can be plantar warts, corns, athlete’s foot or ingrown toenails. There was a man who had plantar warts at the ball of his foot. In Reflexology, the ball of the foot corresponds to the lung. The plantar warts were surgically removed. He was also a smoker with morning cough. Once he stopped smoking, the cough went away. It is important to heed the warning signs that our bodies give us. With Chinese Medicine, Reflexology, or knowledge about Meridians (Acupuncture, Acupressure), a practitioner knows where in the body a problem is starting. With Reconnective Healing® the body/Creator knows what to heal.

Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP, Energy All Around Therapies

Recreational Gambling

If you enjoy gambling, here are some strategies to keep gambling recreational.

1) Plan Ahead: Arrange your day and evening beforehand and plan other leisure activities in addition to gambling.

2) Set a Time Limit: Determine the amount of time you are going to gamble before you start. Ensure you stick to your time limit by wearing a watch, setting your phone alarm, or have someone call or pick you up.

3) Set a Money Limit: Determine the amount of money you are going to bet before you start. Use only money set aside for entertainment, not money needed for food, bills or other necessities. Decide in advance if you are going to play any winnings along the way or keep them separate to take them home. To help you stick to your set limit, leave your debit and credit cards at home.

Karen Hlady, Community Engagement & Prevention Advisor,
Gambling Awareness Program,

Why Visit a Registered Nutrition Consultant

Registered Nutrition Consultant Practitioners (RNCPs) are scientific evidence-based trained nutritional professionals who can educate you about diet, lifestyle and detoxification for optimum health and energy. They can design an individualized nutrition program that respects your unique biochemistry, food sensitivities and intolerances to help you build and maintain wellness. When designing a program, environmental pollution, metal toxicity, micro-organism imbalances, medications, and other factors that can contribute to your body’s total toxic load and perpetuates chronic disease are considered. RNCPs support your body’s natural detoxification processes to help eliminate wastes and toxins that can damage cells, tissues and organs. They can help you with lifestyle changes that incorporate the benefits of regular exercise: better cardio and lung capacity, more energy, muscle tone, posture improvement, stress release, weight control, and mood enhancement. RNCPs are certified by the International Organization of Nutritional Consultants.

Crystal McMillan, MA, RNCP, Bareroots Natural Health and Yoga Centre

Help for Seniors to Stay in their Homes

Many seniors wish to maintain an independent lifestyle in the comfort and familiarity of their own home but find it difficult to do so as they age. The good news is that there are a wide range of services available to help seniors do just that. These cost-effective services range from general care to extended care to nursing care. The level of care required is determined with an initial in-depth assessment and consultation welcoming family members, support providers and clients to identify the specific areas of need and care required. General care may include regular or special diet meal planning/preparation, assistance with appointments, grocery shopping and light housekeeping. Extended care attendants can provide family relief/respite, personal care, medication dispensing, pre/post operative and rehabilitation care. Nurses can help with Injections, wound care, catheter and colostomy changes and more. The level of care required can range from one visit per week to twenty four hour, full time care.

Sue Williams, Owner, Sue’s Seniors Care Inc.

Feel Safe at Home or Away

As important as it is to feel safe at home, that feeling shouldn’t end when you head out the door. You want to feel safe and secure wherever you might be! Whether in your home, walking to your mailbox or going on vacation, there are devices available that give you 24/7 access to help. These on-the-go devices can send an alert when you press a button, sense when you fall and send an automatic alert, and provide direct, two-way communication with a 24/7 Response Center. They are designed to help locate the user in a variety of situations – home or away, indoors and out.  It really is possible to get out there and enjoy life with peace of mind.

Joan Ryan, Nanaimo Lifeline

What is balance and wholeness?

What is it and how will you know when you achieve it? Many of us have learned to look outside to what society tells us, whether it be family, friends or the media. From a young age, we have been trained to look up to our elders, do as we are told and mind our manners.  Some of these things are good but some are limiting and don’t encourage us to discover our own truth. As a result, we end up in pain; physical, mental, emotional or spiritual pain, all of which is the body speaking to get our attention. A sense of feeling unfulfilled or overwhelmed is another sign of being out of balance. Fortunately, there is much that we can do to change this. Meditation, massage, essential oils and nutritional supplements can all be incorporated into our lives. Join us at the Wellnessnews Workshop on May 17 where you will receive tools and much more.

Tammy Phye, R.A., EOT, Lifestyle Harmony

Clean Eating: Lemon Tahini Dressing

This delicious dressing can be used for salad greens or as a sauce over rice, steamed vegetables, and baked potatoes.

2/3 cup plain almond or rice milk

5 tbsp lemon juice

1 clove garlic

½ tsp salt

½ cup tahini

1/8 tsp toasted sesame oil

Place all the ingredients in a blender and puree for 1 minute at high speed. Herbal D-TOX Cookbook for Cleansing by Dr. Terry Willard, CI.H.,Ph.D.

Book Club: Herbal D-Tox Cook Book for Cleansing by Dr. Terry Willard, PH.D.

Out with the old and in with the new. Detoxification is one of the central concepts of natural healing because it is impossible to build healthy new tissue without eliminating old cells and their by-products. This D-Tox program is designed for both meat eaters and vegetarians. The recipes in this book are designed to stimulate your own creativity and to show you that a delicious Meal Plan can accompany a detoxification diet.

Nathan Zassman, Aviva Natural Health Solutions,

On-the-Go Hearing Health Tip

Did you know that any sound exceeding 60 decibels can have a negative impact on your hearing? A music player can reach up to 100 decibels, and at that level, it would only take 15 minutes for you to inflict some damage on your hearing. It is tempting to crank up the volume when you hear a great song, or even if you are in a noisy environment and find it difficult to hear, but your hearing health is too important to sacrifice for a moment of enjoyment. Some music players are equipped with volume locks to warn you of dangerous sound levels and/or to prevent you from turning up the volume to a dangerous level. If you find it hard to hear your music in a noisy place, wait until you are in a quieter environment; you will hear the music better anyway!

Lana Cuddeford, Nanaimo, HearingLife Canada

Get an MRI to find out what’s wrong!

MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is particularly effective in detecting orthopaedic injuries in knees, shoulders, hips, and ankles, and for assessing brain and spinal cord issues.  MRI scans interpreted by radiologists provide essential information to family physicians to form treatment plans. MRI uses a strong magnetic field, radio waves and computer technology to generate detailed diagnostic images.  MRI is non-invasive; there is no harmful radiation as with other forms of imaging. When having an MRI scan, all metallic items must be removed before scanning.  The MRI Technologist will guide you during the 30-45 minute scan to hold still so that quality images, without blurry motion artefacts, can be obtained.  You will be given hearing protections as MRI is noisy but painless. MRIs are performed in a hospital where waiting times can be up to a year or performed very quickly in a private facility.

Nanaimo MRI, Inc.

4 Steps to a Healthy Mouth

1) Keep your mouth clean; Use a soft-bristle toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste; Floss every day.

2) Check your mouth regularly for signs of gum disease: Red, shiny, puffy, sore or sensitive gums; Bleeding when you brush or floss; Bad breath that won’t go away. Signs of oral cancer: Bleeding or open sores that don’t heal; White or red patches; Small lumps and thickening on the sides or bottom of your tongue, the floor or roof of your mouth, the inside of your cheeks, or on your gums.

3) Eat well: Limit foods and beverages containing sugar or carbohydrates; Eat healthy snacks like cheeses, nuts, vegetables, and non-acidic fruits.

4) See your dentist regularly. 48% of Canadians who haven’t seen a dentist in the past year have gum disease. Regular dental exams and professional cleanings are the best way to prevent and detect problems.

Dr. Robert Wolanski, Dentist/Owner, Lakeside Dental Clinic