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5 ways healthy hearing can improve your life

“Do you want to go out for dinner?”

That’s a question that always deserves an enthusiastic “Yes!”

But what if you stop yourself from enjoying a restaurant dinner because you find it too hard to follow a conversation in a noisy environment?

There have been tremendous advances in hearing aid technology since your grandparents’ day. Hearing aids can be highly customized to adapt to specific types of hearing loss and they are so discreet, they are barely noticeable.

Here are five reasons why getting your hearing tested will lead to a happier, more fulfilling life

  1. You’ll say yes more often

Two people feel badly when you have to say “no” to an invitation. You, and the person doing the asking. Think of how much better you’ll feel when you can embrace new opportunities — and try out that new restaurant everyone’s raving about.

  1. No more excuses

It can be difficult to explain why you are isolating yourself. Sometimes you make up reasons not to join friends or family at events. It’s hard for them to understand why, especially since all they want is to spend time with you.

  1. You’ll feel more in control of your life

We waste a lot of energy finding ways to cope with awkward situations. It’s better to turn the awkward situation into a positive one. You’ll be glad you’re doing something about your hearing loss — and others will be, too.

  1. Only actors get applause for pretending to be someone they’re not

Stop nodding your head to make people think you understand what they’re saying. Chances are they haven’t been fooled.

  1. You can live in the moment

You have the right to feel fully involved in life. Your life. It wears you down to keep saying, “Pardon? Can you repeat that?” The only thing that needs repeating is time spent enjoying the company of others.

If you think it’s time to start living life in the fullest, or know someone who needs a gentle nudge, book your free HearingLife consultation here or call 1-833-776-4733

Are You Getting the Right Vitamins & Minerals?

Aging gracefully can come with its challenges. One of the most important things you can do for your health is to ensure you’re getting the right vitamins and minerals. We all know about calcium, so here are some supplement suggestions that are equally important but less common. Always check with your healthcare provider before introducing new supplements into your diet. *Folic Acid – Helps with memory loss and depression. *Vitamin D – Works with calcium to help prevent osteoporosis. * Vitamin B12 – For red blood cell production and nerve health, and is especially important for strict vegetarians. Stay strong, and stay healthy for life!

Spring Clean the Medicine Cabinet

Here are a few tips to clean up your Medicine Cabinet and other places where medication and vitamins are stored: *Gather all medications in one place. *Check the expiry date of each item. *Set aside any medications that you no longer take or has expired. *Set aside any medication that is not in its original container or whose appearance, consistency or odour has changed. Take all discarded medications and vitamins to your pharmacist for safe and ecological disposal. Do not throw them into the waste basket, sink or toilet. The Medicine Shoppe can help with the cleanup process and disposal.

Words to Live By

I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did but people will never forget how you made them feel. – Maya Angelou

Spring Has Arrived

Even though spring has sprung, we can still experience rain and cooler temperatures well into April. Make sure to continue to stay warm with these six hacks: *Stay warm indoors – put on that extra sweater. *Beware of slick outdoor conditions. Wet sidewalks and walkways can be very slippery and can cause a slip and fall in an instant. *Wear appropriate clothing outdoors. Layers and a windproof/waterproof outer layer are recommended. *Stay current on immunizations. Have you had your Covid booster? *Consume a balanced diet and *Keep well-hydrated. These are important all year long. Happy Spring.

Ask Your Pharmacist

Do you have questions about vaccinations, how to quit smoking or other health issues? Your Pharmacist can help provide information and answer many of the questions that you may have. Vaccines can help prevent disease and save lives. Ask what vaccines might be right for you. Is 2023 your year to QUIT SMOKING? The B.C. Pharmacare’s Smoking Cessation Program helps eligible B.C. residents of any age stop using tobacco products by covering the full cost of nicotine gum, lozenges and patches. Ask your Pharmacist for more information about this program and vaccinations today.

Free Hearing Test Components

Hearing loss is a fairly common health issue for adults in Canada.

The good news is that it is treatable, especially when addressed at earlier stages. If your hearing is not what it used to be, why not schedule an appointment to get it checked as soon as possible.

To help with this, NexGen Hearing is pleased to offer free hearing tests at our hearing clinics across Vancouver, Lower Mainland BC, Vancouver Island and the British Columbia Interior.

What can you expect during this hearing test? That’s what we’ll explore in this edition of the NexGen Hearing blog.

What Does a Hearing Test Entail?

Being proactive about your hearing health today will pay off tomorrow.

That’s why we recommend getting your hearing checked, especially if you have concerns regarding hearing loss or feel as though your hearing has deteriorated over time.

Our free, three-step hearing test includes:

1. Air Conduction

You will be listening to tones of decreasing volume until they are no longer audible.

Both left and right ears will undergo this test independently.

2. Word Discrimination

You will listen to spoken words in both ears.

Since you won’t be able to read the speaker’s lips, this will effectively measure your ability to identify speech.

3. Tympanometry

In a tymnpanometry test, we will check whether your eardrums and middle ear system are working properly.

This way, we will be able to determine if your hearing loss is coming from your inner ear or your middle ear.

Hearing assessments are painless and take less than one hour of your day. All you have to do is choose a NexGen Hearing clinic near you to book your free hearing test.

Reasons to Test Your Hearing

While most adults get their eyes examined frequently, many people do not get their hearing tested as often as they should.

While hearing aids cannot repair hearing damage, they can help restore the sounds of the world around you.

Still, it is preferable to maintain the hearing level you already have and use preventative measures to ward off further hearing loss. A hearing test can help determine where that hearing loss is occurring, so that you can take measures to preserve your hearing from here on out.

Here are 3 reasons to visit an audiologist:

To catch hearing loss early

One in five adults in Canada experiences hearing loss.

The longer you wait, the more difficult it will be for your brain to adapt to hearing aids.

For health reasons

Hearing loss does not only occur due to aging.

It can be a symptom of several health conditions, such as cardiovascular disease or diabetes.

Also, if you work in a noisy environment, getting your hearing tested can help you protect your ears better.

To establish a baseline

If you are in your 50s or more, and you haven’t gotten your hearing tested recently, it’s time to visit your local audiologist.

Even if there is no significant hearing loss, your test will serve as a benchmark for future assessments.

If you find yourself turning the volume up while your family complains about your hearing issues, or you are frequently asking other people to repeat themselves, you might be experiencing hearing loss. Do not postpone your hearing test any longer!

Listen to Your Body

Having established the importance of getting one’s hearing checked, we invite you to contact us today to schedule your free hearing test.

By examining your unique hearing requirements, our specialists will determine the best next steps for your hearing needs and assist you with any questions you may have.

Great Socks for Travel

Many of us have compression socks for travelling. On the day of travel, put them on when you get up; that is when your legs are less swollen. This allows your body to adapt to the socks. Make sure to leave them on for a few hours after you land to again allow your body to adapt. Wearing the socks for the extra time can reduce any swelling of the legs much more effectively than if they are taken straight off. Travel socks do not work unless you wear them. Voxxlife socks provide comfort compression that clients love to wear.

Clarity is Key

When making any changes to your lifestyle, having a clear understanding of why and what you are changing is key to long-term success. If you’re unclear about the direction you wish to move towards you may find yourself being pulled in another direction. Clarity is the first of many baby steps to take when reaching a goal; it’s a common place to get stuck especially if you’re a perfectionist. Clarity can be refined as you progress. Reflecting on how you’re proceeding is the best tool to get more clear about how, why and what you do to reach your goals.

Remember 1-4-2

Have you heard of Canada’s Low-Risk Gambling Guidelines (#LRGG)? Guideline 1: Gamble no more than 1% of household income, e.g.: $60,000 annual gross income = $50/month. Guideline 2: Gamble no more than 4 days per month = roughly once a week. Guideline 3: Avoid regularly gambling at more than 2 types of games, including lotteries, sports betting, table games, slot machines, scratch tickets, horse racing, bingo, video lottery terminals (VLTs), and online gambling. Mental health & addictions, gambling type and reasons for gambling can make these guidelines difficult to follow. Reach out to VI Gaming Support! We’re here for you.

Nutritional Insecurity

“I always find that as the weather changes, I move from eating lots of soups and winter roots to lighter fruit and vegetables. However, sometimes it is hard to get my hands on my favourite healthy foods and I wind up eating the stuff that is easier at hand and faster to prepare.” Does this sound familiar? For approximately one-third of seniors in Canada, factors including ease of access, cooking time, mobility, loneliness and more, contribute to nutritional insecurity. Comfort Keepers caregivers can help you shop, prepare and enjoy healthy home-cooked meals! Contact us.