Community News
Community Partnerships & Resources

At Wellnessnews Choices for Healthy Living®, we are proud to be active in our communities. We promote events and activities that help bring health and well-being into people’s lives. This month, we have partnered with the Victoria HarbourCats and the Nanaimo NightOwls Baseball Clubs, The Victoria Goddess Run and the Aging Well Seniors Expo in Cowichan. Our health and wellness resources include our printed newsletters, our online, the “Wellness Wednesday” radio show on CHLY 101.7 FM or and our Expos. Check out the Hub for more information and to enter our June contest.

Vibrational & Traditional Chinese Medicine

Meridians, based on traditional Chinese medicine, are pathways for life energy – Chi. Chi is a force that informs and connects all parts of your body and controls its function. Acupuncturists and reflexologists access Chi via acupuncture points to stimulate the flow of Chi, releasing blockages that cause dysfunction and dis-ease in the body. We define energy as “information that vibrates” (Cyndi Dale, 2009). Vibrational medicine uses frequencies and resonance for the same purpose. It stimulates the body on a cellular and subtle energy level, activating and facilitating the energy flow in the meridians which leads to the release of energy blockages.

Plan for the Future

There are many conversations that families should have. One of those concerns your final wishes. Planning your funeral and cemetery arrangements in advance means you can discuss the options with family in a relaxed, stress-free environment. The other conversation is planning for your future health care. If you were sick and couldn’t speak for yourself, would your family know your wishes? You might be surprised by the space between what you want for future care and what your loved ones think you want. It’s important that they know your values, what is meaningful in your life, and how you would like decisions to be made.

Grandparent/Grandchild Relationships

How close are you to your grandchildren? Are you in regular contact with them? Many do not live close enough to each other to meet in person so it is lucky that technology such as FaceTime, What’s App and Zoom has made it easier to build a relationship with grandchildren from far away. There are health benefits to establishing these relationships. One study published in “The Gerontologist” as well as other studies show that grandparents who are part of their grandchildren’s lives perform better on cognitive tests and have sharper minds. Many reports feeling younger and being more interested in the world around them.

Help to Remain in Your Home

As we age, it may become more difficult to stay in our own home and enjoy an independent lifestyle. Home care services can help. There are a range of services available including; companionship, homemaking services, personal care and nursing care. These services are easy to initiate with a phone call. At an appointed time, a nurse who adheres to all safety protocols comes to your home to provide an assessment of your needs. This assessment is free with no obligation to purchase. One or more of these services can help you remain in the comfort of your own home.

Keep Gambling in Check

Have you heard of Canada’s Low-Risk Gambling Guidelines? They recommend keeping it under 1% of gross household income, four days/month or less and only two types of gambling. Also, consider the following which can increase your risk of developing a gambling problem: 1) If you struggle with mental health and addictions issues or have experienced gambling problems in your family, 2) If you are drawn to fast-paced games that involve frequent betting like slot machines, in-game sports betting, or many online forms of gambling, and/or 3) you’re playing for escapism or to make money. Check out #LRGG.

There Are NO Bad Foods

Contrary to popular opinion, there are no truly “bad” foods. There are indeed foods that are better and worse when it comes to nutrition, but food, even cake, has no “morality”. We tell ourselves that these “junk foods” are “bad”, yet we often celebrate milestones in life with them. Weddings, birthdays, getting into college, or even retiring come with a cake that is shared with friends, family and colleagues. Although cake might not be the most nutritious form of calories, it can still be enjoyed in a balanced diet where nutrients come from other sources throughout the day.

May is a Great Time to Clean

May is a great time to spring clean your home and spruce up your exercise and eating habits. We welcome you to check out the Wellness Hub, our local, online Health and Wellness resource. The Wellness Hub features hundreds of health tips and articles on a variety of health and wellness topics along with a directory of hundreds of local businesses and practitioners offering services and products. It is easy to search, access and share information. While you are checking out the Wellness Hub, don’t forget to enter the May Contest for a chance to win Baseball Tickets.

Get Help Wherever You Are!

Now that the world is opening up, you may be heading out on longer adventures or travelling again. Wherever you go, you will want to feel secure knowing that help is available! Whether in your home, walking in the park or on a road trip, there are devices available that give you 24/7 access to help. These on-the-go devices can send an alert when you press a button, sense when you fall, and provide direct, two-way communication with a 24/7 Response Center. They are designed to help locate the user in a variety of situations – home or away, indoors and out.

Stay Healthy While Travelling

Long-distance travel, either by air or land, can lead to a small risk of blood clots. If you have cancer, had recent surgery, abnormal blood clotting disorders or obesity you should be assessed by a healthcare practitioner before travelling. Tips to prevent blood clots during flights that every traveller can benefit from include; *Maintain adequate hydration as it also encourages mobilization, *Contract the calf muscles regularly or get up every 1-2 hours, *Wear below-knee graduated compression stockings, and *Choose an aisle seat when possible as it is proven to encourage mobilization. Talk to your pharmacist about ways to stay healthy while travelling.

Is Laughter the Best Medicine?

There have been studies that prove that the answer is YES. The Mayo Clinic published a study that showed that laughing is a great form of stress relief. Aside from improving your mood, laughter strengthens the immune system and diminishes pain. It protects your body from the damaging effects of stress by decreasing stress hormones and improving relaxation. It also releases good-feeling endorphins. If this wasn’t enough, a Norwegian study has shown that those with a good sense of humour outlived those who did not, especially when battling a disease such as cancer. So bring on those belly laughs!