Community News
Live Theatre – Miracle on 34th Street

This is the Christmas story that we all want to believe in! Kris Kringle, a retired old man, is hired as Macy’s Santa in New York, and begins to spread Christmas cheer by directing parents to other stores, where they can find the exact special gift on their child’s Christmas list. As he threatens their commercialization of Christmas, those in charge try to have Kris committed. The stakes are raised with a court competency hearing, and the risk of one little girl’s belief in Santa. When the court confirms Kris is the true Santa, both children and adults alike experience the delight of childhood fantasy.

Socks for Christmas

What are you getting your family and friends for Christmas this year? How about a gift of Wellness? This year, give your loved ones a pair of socks. But not just any sock. Socks with wearable technology that works with the brain to reduce pain, increase strength and endurance and enhance stability and balance for months to come. Knee high socks with mild compression are great for the travellers on your list. For the hikers, chose wool sock that hug the feet and keeps them warm in the outdoors. And don’t forget yourself, you too deserve a gift of wellness.

DANGER of Stored Emotional TRAUMA

When a traumatic event happens, emotional information is created and then stored in two places – as a memory in our brain and as an emotion/feeling in the body! Stored and unprocessed emotional trauma is the root cause of many health issues as proven in numerous scientific clinical research studies around the world. The energetic stored negative emotion can be easily removed without pain through the use of a new 3-D-Healing application based on Quantum Hypnotherapy. If you experienced a traumatic event, seek help. PTSD can be resolved so that life can continue to be in a happy place.

Give the Gift of Organic Beauty

Are you celebrating Christmas with gifts for your loved ones? Consider giving luxurious skincare products that hydrate, nourish, and pamper the skin. When selecting gifts of beauty, look for natural, handcrafted skin products made with the purest organic essential oils, without harmful chemicals and allergens. What we put on our skin and on our face is just as important as what we put into our body. Most skincare products contain fillers, even those described as ‘natural’. Make sure to read the label. Look for skincare products with no nasty chemicals, preservatives or artificial fragrance.

Travelling? Visit Your Pharmacist First

Travelling is a rewarding experience that will expose you to new languages, foods and cultures. Whether you travel for fun or for work you want to ensure the health of you and your family. Your pharmacist is a good resource to ensure you have everything you need for your trip. When travelling, you are at increased risk of contracting illnesses due to exposure to different environments. Some questions for your pharmacist regarding your destination includes, are any vaccines required and do I need to take any other precautions? Make sure you benefit from his or her advice before you leave. Enjoy your travels!

Voluntary Self-Exclusion Program

Do you find yourself gambling too much? Has gambling stopped being a game? The Voluntary Self-Exclusion Program (VSE) can be a useful tool to help you gain control of your gambling. The VSE Program enables you to voluntarily exclude yourself for 6 months, 1, 2, or 3 years from all facilities with slot machines, commercial bingo halls, or from accessing, BCLC’s online gambling site. Excluding yourself from a gambling facility, automatically excludes you from for the same period of time. Only you can sign yourself up; another person cannot do so on your behalf.

Celebrating the Holidays After a Loss

Dealing with grief can be twice as hard during the holidays. The first holiday after the loss of a loved one changes the way a family celebrates. Although family traditions and rituals are sacred events, they can be adapted to the changing dynamics in the family. Planning for the change, whether it be starting new family traditions or updating old ones, creates realistic expectations around significant events. It is important to acknowledge that things are going to be different. Adjusting to a family member passing is a big transition; accept it for what it is – an opportunity to create stronger family bonds and traditions.

What is a Hearing Evaluation Like?

To start, you will meet with a Hearing Care professional and a thorough history will be taken. An inspection of your ears will take place to confirm good ear health. You will be asked to respond to tones in a sound treated room. The tones tested are specific and range from the low to high frequencies that are important for hearing speech. You will undergo word testing to measure your communication abilities and how you hear speech in quiet and in noisy situations. Results are recorded to guide the Hearing Care Professional in forming a treatment plan if hearing loss is present.

The Power of Smell

Smell is amazing. It is far more than just a sniff or a whiff of something. Smell is the most primal of all of our senses and is the only one embedded in the limbic brain. The limbic brain is our emotional brain and in the end EVERYTHING boils down to how we FEEL. Our ability to smell has the ability to alter mood and behaviour. Changing how we feel changes behaviour. Instead of striving for a scent free environment, get rid of synthetic scents and toxins. Replace them with the smells of nature to improve mood and motivation. Viva our sense of smell!

Take Care of YOU During the Holidays

The holidays can be a time of happiness and a time of high stress. We stress over meal preparation, finding the perfect gift, and traveling home. It’s important during this season to take some time for ourselves to rest and reflect on the year we have had. Increased stress levels reduce our immune systems, making us more susceptible to colds and flus. Rest, drink lots of water, eat healthy, get exercise, and take care of any aches and pains by seeing your local physiotherapist, massage therapist or chiropractor. You are important so take care of you too. Happy Holidays!

December Activities

December can be overwhelming as we try to prepare for the holiday season. We often forget to stop and enjoy moments with our friends and family. Here are some holiday-themed events for the whole family: • SKATES with SANTA: Tuesday, December 17, 6:30-8 pm at Frank Crane Arena and Friday, December 20, 3:45-5:15 pm at Nanaimo Ice Centre. • DUNK with SANTA: Saturday, December 21, 3-5 pm at Nanaimo Aquatic Centre. • WINTER WONDERLAND – $2 Skating Sessions: December 24 & 26 to 30 at Frank Crane Arena. • FINALE 2019 – Family New Year’s Eve Party: December 31, 5-10 pm at Beban Park.