Community News
Have You Considered Senior Living?

Are you tired of cooking and cleaning? Do you find the responsibility of home ownership overwhelming? Are you lonely or often find yourself feeling sad? Today’s seniors have the option to live in beautiful surroundings where their independence is respected but assistance is available if required. Say goodbye to the responsibilities of grocery shopping, preparing meals, cleaning and maintenance and say hello to chef prepared meals and snacks, weekly housekeeping, 24 hour emergency response, access to wonderful amenities and lots of recreation and activities. Begin looking for options BEFORE you have to and be sure to try a meal before making your final decision.

Trauma/PTSD Workshop

Information and Energy are the key to health. Detlef Friede and Wolfgang Zilker use ancient knowledge of healing and the latest technology to stimulate and support your body’s built-in healing capacity. The healing process is tremendously accelerated by first assessing the priorities within the underlying individual energy field and then correcting the missing information and/or trauma/PTSD in the correct order. Please ask us for details and a free 20 minute consultation or join us at our workshop on February 23, 2019 from 2:00 – 5:00pm @ Natural Healthy Clinic, Nanaimo.

Their Grief: What You Can Do to Help

Everyone grieves in their own way and at their own pace. Here are some ways to help a loved one who is suffering: Be respectful of their coping methods. Your loved one may not have the answer when asked, “What can I do to help?” Try to spot their needs; Mow their lawn, bring in groceries, pick up the dry cleaning. There is plenty of support at first, but it will dwindle long before the need does. Let your loved one know that you are aware that they are still in pain, and continue to “be there for them” as long as it takes.

Matters of the Heart

February is the month of love and the month devoted to matters of the heart. Heart month is dedicated to raising awareness of the heart. Exercising to support but not strain your heart like going for a 30 minute walk each day will help keep your body circulated. With our beautiful sunny winter days who doesn’t love the fresh air? Bring a friend along to catch up or take your walking poles
for an adventurous outing. Eating healthy food and small snacks throughout the day will keep your
energy up and make you feel good and less tired.

Look After Your Knees

Many of us take our knees for granted until they start to bother us. What can we do to reduce our risk of knee injuries? Protect your knees by doing simple exercises like squats and lunges that strengthen the muscles around to knee. Walking also help by keeping the joint moving. Regular chiropractic care has also been shown to be beneficial to maintain proper alignment of the body and knees. Visit a chiropractor to find out more.

Trouble Sleeping?

Are you a side sleeper? Is your bed a place where you are constantly tossing and turning, time-checking, and speculating about things that may never happen? A special pillow exists for side sleepers called the Body Pillow. This long and narrow pillow gives comfort and support during the night for both the upper and lower body. With a body pillow, the entire body is in alignment: knees, hips, and arm are relaxed while consistently being held afloat by the pillow. A body pillow will help you wake up in the morning feeling restored and ready to face the day.

2nd Annual Wellnessnews Women’s Expo

We are proud to present the 2nd Annual Women’s Expo on February 9th, 2019. Bring your Mom, Daughter, and Friends and join us at the Vancouver Island Conference Centre in Nanaimo for a day of wellbeing. With over 100 exhibitors, the Diva Oasis and wellness seminars, it will be a day to explore, indulge, shop, learn and have fun. The Expo is FREE. Get your VIP tickets where you get your Wellnessnews or from one of the exhibitors. While not required to attend, tickets redeemed raise funds for Samaritan House. Check the Women’s Expo website for an updated exhibitor list and scheduled health talks. See you on February 9th.

Keep Moving with Indoor Activities

Now that it is January, the weather can be cold and crisp. Freezing temperatures and snow may cause you to want to stay indoors. There are many inside exercises you can do to keep fit and to keep your body moving. Using your own stair case to climb up and down is a good way to keep the strength in your legs and back, and to give you better balance and agility. Yoga poses and stretching will help keep the blood flowing and make you feel good and less tired. Happy New Year from Bastion Physio.

No Quick Fix

So the Holidays are now over, the bills are piling up and panic has set in. It’s tempting to wish for a quick fix, like a lottery or casino win, to make our financial worries disappear. But what are the odds of winning? Not in our favour. That’s why it’s called gambling. If you have the money and are in a light-hearted space, enjoy your gambling activities. But if you’re thinking of gambling to cover your rent or pay your bills, don’t! Let us help you find a better way. Please call the gambling info line at BC211 or chat/text on

Say Goodbye to Mascara

Tired of your mascara smudging? Russian Classic Lash Extensions are a natural and subtle way to enhance the beauty and expression of your eyes. Eyelash extensions are single strands of synthetic, silk mink that are curved, designed to replicate a natural eyelash. Once applied to your own eyelashes, they will look and feel completely natural. Application is comfortable and painless; done while you lie on a massage table. With the eyelash extensions, your lashes will be fuller and longer and you will no longer require mascara. With proper care, they will last the length of your normal eyelash growth cycle.

Keeping your New Year’s Resolutions

With the New Year comes New Year’s Resolutions! The best way to make, and keep, New Year’s Resolutions is by making SMART goals: Specific, Measureable, Agreed upon, Realistic and Time-based. Decide what you want to do or accomplish, and then break it down into smaller portions that are more easily attained. Write them down, put them somewhere visible and then get to work. The resolutions can be for health, work, family or for all the above. Pick one or two and you will be amazed at what you can accomplish when you break it down into smaller steps.