Community News
“What do you want for Christmas?”

We all dread that question! If we don’t give a detailed list, we set ourselves up for racy black undies three sizes too small. It is the thought that counts right? Here is a perfect solution to getting what you want for Christmas, in the right size. A good lingerie shop keeps a customer “Wish List”. Go and try on a selection of things that you would love to receive as a gift and add them to your wish list. Then, give the store’s card to your significant other and say “They know what I want!”.

Don’t Let Stress Rule Your Life

STOP take a breath; disengage from your stress and overwhelm. Ask yourself what really matters? Will this issue matter 6 months or a year from now? All too often we get caught up in the moment but it doesn’t have to be that way. Give yourself relief to restore your vitality and focus. Try massage, meditation and walks in nature to help release your physical and mental pain. It’s time for you to get back in the driver’s seat of your life. Explore what really makes you feel good in your heart; what it is that makes it sing like a symphony and then do it!

Tips for Staying Active

This time of year, the darkness coupled with the colder weather, can really challenge our resolve to stay active. Here are a few tips to keep us motivated: 1. Sign up for a fitness or yoga program with Nanaimo Parks and Recreation. If you have registered for a class, you are more likely to show up. 2. Buddy Up – Make a commitment with a friend, family member or even the family dog. You are more likely to follow through on workout commitments if others are with you. 3. Set a Goal – Get 10,000 steps every day for three months. A self-regulated challenge is often enough to keep us moving.

Keep Your Home Healthy this Winter

“Close the door, you are letting in the cold air”. Our homes are built to be energy efficient and we diligently seal any cracks that may be allowing cold drafts into the house. Unfortunately, this also seals off our home from fresh air. In turn this increases the concentration of VOCs from the use of cleaning products, traditional air fresheners and scented personal products. To keep your air healthy, try unscented products, add certain indoor plants and open windows when seasonally possible. There are also a growing number of natural, scent-free air fresheners that absorb both odours and chemicals.

Take Time for Yourself

Let the Holiday festivities begin! With all the excitement of the holidays comes the stress of travel planning, parties, family and all those other little things that seem to appear from nowhere. At this time of the year, it is even more important than ever to take some time for yourself each day. Even 10 minutes at the beginning or end of the day to just sit in the quiet and let our minds go blank can make all the difference. Be sure to take time for you so you can then take time for the important things this season.

Creative Ways for Staying Active

Change it up! Change Workout Times – Instead of going for a walk after dinner, try going at lunchtime when it’s light out. The workout will still happen – just at times that work best for the daylight. If walking in the evening, remember your reflective gear. Change location – You can always do a workout at home by investing in a few pieces of fitness equipment like hand weights or fitness bands. There are several free online workouts available as well. Check out the City of Nanaimo Activity Guide, visit or call our recreation experts at 250.756.5200 for ways to keep you and your family active and healthy this season.

Health Benefits of Volunteering

Do you volunteer? If so, there are many compelling reasons to keep it up! You may already know about the positive effects that volunteering has on mental health including lowering stress, anxiety and depression, and increasing social connection. But did you know that volunteers might also be rewarded with better physical health? This includes both lowering blood pressure and a longer lifespan. Greek philosopher Aristotle was onto this many years ago surmising that the essence of life is “To serve others and do good.” And if this research is any indication, serving others may be exactly what the doctor ordered.

Fill Your Cup of Cheer

The Great Nanaimo Toy Drive is looking for some people whose cup of Christmas Cheer needs some filling. For 35 years the Toy Drive has helped families in need ensure their children have a few gifts at Christmas. By ‘filling’ that need, we can fill our own cups of cheer. The simple act of purchasing a new present for a newborn or child up to 16 years old, and dropping it in one of the convenient drop off boxes at Nanaimo Fire Halls, CCCredit Unions, major shopping centres among others makes us feel better and connects us to our community. Contact us for more information or to volunteer.

Product Review:

Serrapeptase, the little miracle enzyme! Serrapeptase is a proteolytic enzyme, which means it breaks down long protein chains into amino acids that the body needs. These enzymes bind to the alpha 2 macroglobulin in our plasma where it is shielded from the immune system while retaining its enzymatic activity. They are then free to roam through the blood stream seeking to break down hard protein (non-living tissue), fibrin surfaces, scar tissue, granuloma, and even thin out mucous to ease conditions such as chronic sinusitis.

It’s been proven to be a safe and effective alternative to NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen) and should be taken on an empty stomach. The capsule must be a special DRcap (Delayed Release capsule) or enteric coated capsule that allows the Serrapeptase to pass through the stomach to the small intestine where the enzyme is then released.

Someone to Turn To

There are hundreds of programs and services available across our region to help people with a wide variety of issues including housing, financial assistance and senior services. The big questions is “How do you find them?”. bc211 is the answer. You can simply call, send a text, email or go online to reach a navigator who can help find the best options for you. This free and confidential service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, in over 160 languages. bc211 has been available on Vancouver Island since September 2017. It is funded by United Way and various partners.