A fundamental principle of yoga is that your body and mind are one and connected. Stress in one domain will affect the other and vice versa. Yoga can help you cope with stress and improve overall health and satisfaction with life. While all exercise is good for stress, yoga is different because it powerfully combines both physical fitness with an underlying philosophy of self-compassion and awareness. We actually release emotional energy effectively throughout our yoga practice, even if you’re not aware of it!
Wendy Anderson, RYT-200, Yoga 10 Studio, Yoga10Studio.com, CourtenayMassageTherapy.com
Reducing Elderly Falls
Inappropriate footwear can increase an elderly person’s chance of a fall. Many people purchase the wrong footwear because they want to help their aging parent by finding something that is easy to put on, and they think that softer is better. Not true. As we age, our motor and sensory skills decline. Our loss of proprioception skills (one’s ability to sense where our limbs are in space) makes us feel less sure of our footing and therefore less balanced. Loose-fitting, soft-soled footwear does not provide appropriate signals to the feet to inform them of where they are in relation to the ground. Properly fitting, sturdy shoes with non-skid soles provide more direct contact between the ground and the foot, sending sharper signals to the brain. Choosing lace-up or velcro closure shoes instead of slip-ons ensures the best stabilization of the foot within the shoe. B.D. Mitchell Prosthetics & Orthotics, MitchellPandO.com
Ask The Expert
Q: Any tips for driving in the rain? I sure find it difficult to see well at night when it’s raining.
A: You are not alone. Most of my patients complain about this, no matter how good their vision is. First, see your eye doctor to rule out any vision problems. Try to avoid looking directly at oncoming headlights. Get an expert to look at your vehicle in case of problems. Are the seats the right height for you? Are headlights and mirrors properly positioned? Is viewing the dashboard comfortable? Lastly, you might benefit from some extra training from a driving professional.
Dr. Alex Kennedy, Mosaic Vision Care, MosaicVisionCare.com
Vegetable vs. Animal Protein
The typical North American diet delivers 90 to 150 grams per day of protein, yet we only require about 20 grams per day, with vegetable protein being recommended over animal protein. Our bodies have no mechanism for storing surplus dietary protein and consuming more than we require is detrimental over time. While the breakdown of cooked animal protein is especially taxing on our stomach and pancreas, it still cannot be converted into complete amino acids, which the liver needs. Excess protein consumption causes strong acid formation, depletes calcium, overworks and enlarges the pancreas, causes liver congestion and kidney/adrenal fatigue, etc. Nevertheless, vegetarians and vegans are often questioned regarding protein!
Optimum Wellness Factor, www.optimumwellnessfactor.ca
Weight Loss and the Holidays
’Tis the season for family, festivity, and many temptations! Don’t let these temptations throw a wrench in your weight loss progress. Try these tips:
• Don’t skip meals to save up for a feast. You’re more likely to overeat.
• Eat plenty of protein, which will keep you fuller longer.
• Stay active, which will help make up for eating more than usual and will reduce stress.
• Practice mindful eating. People are often rushed and on the go throughout the holiday season, which frequently leads to multitasking during meals.
Alma Naranjo, Success Weight Loss, SuccessWeightLoss.ca
Lose Weight & Still Enjoy Wine!
Research suggests people who follow a Mediterranean diet lose 52% more weight than the standard low-fat diet because it isn’t just a fad or limited list of foods. It’s a lifestyle based on a balanced approach to your meals, which focuses on produce, healthy fats, whole grains, legumes, fish, and even some red wine. Committing to losing weight for three months using the Mediterranean diet as a base, along with three booster products and three lifestyle changes, guarantees results. And there is no meal skipping! Look and feel great for all of your holiday parties and events!
Lisa – Modere, LiveClean.Market
Product Review:
Serrapeptase, the little miracle enzyme! Serrapeptase is a proteolytic enzyme, which means it breaks down long protein chains into amino acids that the body needs. These enzymes bind to the alpha 2 macroglobulin in our plasma where it is shielded from the immune system while retaining its enzymatic activity. They are then free to roam through the blood stream seeking to break down hard protein (non-living tissue), fibrin surfaces, scar tissue, granuloma, and even thin out mucous to ease conditions such as chronic sinusitis.
It’s been proven to be a safe and effective alternative to NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen) and should be taken on an empty stomach. The capsule must be a special DRcap (Delayed Release capsule) or enteric coated capsule that allows the Serrapeptase to pass through the stomach to the small intestine where the enzyme is then released. Enerex.ca
Book Club:
What To Do After “I’m Sorry, it’s Cancer.” An Exceptional Guidebook for Navigating Your Way to Health and Happiness. Two-time survivor Wanda St. Hilaire provides easy-to-read information that you will not get at your local cancer centre. Learn how best to navigate your cancer journey and make empowered, informed decisions. St. Hilaire’s mission is to greatly reduce suffering and ensure you maintain a high quality of life through, and well beyond, cancer. You’ll discover how to uncover imbalances for healing and you’ll create a unique and personalized wellness plan that will help you on toward health and happiness. ImSorryItsCancer.com
Does Your Pet Need Dental Care?
It’s not surprising that many of us don’t think too much about periodontal disease in our pets…at least not until something starts to look…or smell…bad! Often, there are no obvious signs, but just as with humans, our pets’ overall well-being is very dependent on the state of their teeth and gums. Infections, gingivitis, and broken teeth all can have very adverse effects on their systemic health, as well as being just as painful to them as it is for us. Your veterinarian can help with tutorials on dental home care and prevention. Treatment may include diet, oral rinses, brushing, and of course, professional cleaning done by your veterinary team.
Is Your Toothpaste Toxic?
Did you know that your mouth is one of the most absorbent places in your entire body? While you’re brushing the ingredients in your toothpaste enter your mouth and gums, which are the gateway to every system in your body. This is why you need to be very careful when choosing toothpaste. Many brands contain questionable ingredients that you’re far better off avoiding. Modere’s toothpaste received the Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) gold standard verification. • Sugar free • Fluoride-free • Water-soluble abrasives clean without damaging tooth enamel • Supports healthy looking teeth and gums • Our non-toxic formula means it is safe for the whole family • Natural peppermint oil freshens breath. Lisa Tustin, Modere, LiveClean.Market