Community News
Ringing In The Ears: How to get Tinnitus Relief

Do you hear noise in your ears that other people can’t hear? Annoying sounds, like ringing, buzzing, whistling, whooshing or hissing? If so, you are not alone. Over 3 million Canadians suffer from tinnitus – a condition characterized by sounds that originate from within, rather than from without, your ears.

Tinnitus takes on many forms:

The most common “garden-variety” type produces soft-to-loud ringing, humming or rushing-water sounds
Tonal Tinnitus causes a constant chiming sound like a musical note played over and over again
Pulsatile Tinnitus produces sound that pulsates in time with one’s heartbeat
Mixed Tinnitus causes multiple noises to be heard simultaneously
Objective Tinnitus is extremely rare, and produces noise heard not only by the affected individual but by others as well!

Although frustrating, Tinnitus is rarely serious and often resolves on its own. But, if you are experiencing constant, unexplained noise, it’s important to see a hearing care practitioner for a comprehensive hearing test screening, including an audiogram, medical history, physical ear examination, and tests designed to pinpoint the origin of your tinnitus.

Tinnitus has no cure, but can be relieved through a few simple steps. Try to avoid loud noise. Control your blood pressure, and decrease salt and nerve stimulants, including coffee, cola, tobacco, and aspirin. Monitor your stress level, and make sure to get ample rest and exercise.

Try experimenting with masking noise. Use a competing sound, such as a radio, white noise maker, or fan, to “cancel out” the noise you hear in your ears. Ask your hearing aid practitioner about small hearing aid devices that generate sounds to “offset” the sound your tinnitus makes. Some tinnitus patients swear by biofeedback! And, many “habituate” to their condition, meaning they get used to it and notice it less over time.

Try keeping track of what triggers your tinnitus, and give remedies a chance to work. It can take longer than you expect to experience tinnitus relief.

Finally, seek out a tinnitus support group for coping methods, compassion and the latest information on tinnitus relief. Educate your family members and friends if necessary, and ask for their support. And, stay abreast of ongoing research – successful treatments for tinnitus are right around the corner.

Jeff Germain,

Protecting Our Immune System

Our immune system is an especially important part of overall health.

It is especially important to be mindful of our immune system during transitional times of the year, for instance, the beginning of a new school year when exposure to environmental threats increases. Many lifestyle factors can also weaken our immune system, including stress, lack of sleep, and exposure to toxicity, and poor nutrition. Managing each of these areas and adopting a model of consistency that actively supports the immune system is an excellent way to maintain health throughout the year.

Although the physiologic functioning of the immune system is complex, it can be broken down into two main parts—fixed and mobile immunity. Fixed immunity serves as the body’s first line of defense against potential threats by preventing harmful elements from ever entering circulation. This type of immunity is composed of the various protective barriers that exist between the delicate internal environment of the body and the outside environment, (for example, the lungs, gastrointestinal tract, and skin). We also have mobile immunity that is activated if the body does become infected.

Specialized immune cells quickly congregate at the site of infection to initiate the healing process. The combined work of both aspects of immunity is critical for staying healthy.

Take proactive measures to enhance the body’s ability to protect itself.

Supporting our immune system can be easily achieved. We should focus on simple approaches that are easy to implement and easy to share with others. Among the greatest benefits of essential oils is that they are simple to apply and offer consistent benefits. Here are steps that can be used to support both fixed and mobile immunity and, in turn, maximize the health of your family during colder months:

Build Healthy Intestinal Flora:

The gastrointestinal (Gl) system plays a key role in fixed immunity. If health of the Gl tract is compromised, so is the immune system. A probiotic supplement is an excellent way to populate the Gl tract with beneficial microflora, thus enhancing immunity. * It’s important to use a probiotic supplement that bypasses the strong acidic environment of the stomach and releases the bacteria into the intestines where it will have the most substantial effect.

Diffuse Essential Oils Regularly:

Scientific studies demonstrate that diffusion of essential oils can purify and cleanse the air, providing added protection when the seasonal threats are high. I recommend diffusing essential oils which contain powerful cleansing properties every day. They purify the air we breathe and also deliver positive effects on the immune system.

Use Essential Oils to Clean Surfaces:

Frequently touched surfaces such as doorknobs, keyboards, cell phones, and grocery carts can be more harmful during certain times of the year. Cleaning these surfaces often is an important part of minimizing exposure to harmful particles. Using some essential oils is a highly effective way to clean surfaces while preventing exposure to toxins. Our immunity is limited to its own ability to function properly. It is important to both minimize exposure to elements that may harm our immune system and to take proactive, consistent measures to enhance the body’s ability to protect itself. By developing a daily routine and integrating these tips into a model of consistency, we can easily, naturally and effectively keep our families healthy throughout all seasons of the year.

Aromatherapy – An Energetic Perspective

Winter approaches and many people already feel the effects of shorter, darker and drearier days upon their energy levels and moods. For those unable to simply get away to sunny locations to recharge, sun exposure (when available), Vitamin D supplements, Happy Lamps and some good old chocolate are some common remedies. Did you know that essential oils can also be selected for their energetic qualities? If you are familiar with Chinese Medicine, of which essential oil use has long been a part, then you will likely have heard of the Five Elements and corresponding Five Virtues as well as Yin/ Yang. For example, most people will instinctively recognize that Oregano is warming or Yang while Peppermint is cooling or Yin. In this cool wet season, it’s then easy to understand why warming oils like Cinnamon, Clove and Ginger can be so comforting!

Nelson Meggitt,

Essential Steps For a Joyful Holiday Season

The winter months can be a difficult time. Shorter days and the demands of the holiday season can leave many of us feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. One way you can approach this is by creating a plan to commit to a healthy lifestyle: 1. Exercise Daily. Do whatever movement that makes you happy, its even better with a friend. 2. Eat Light, Eat Fresh. incorporating high-quality foods into your meals such as vegetables, fruits, and other foods that are unprocessed and grow naturally. 3. Cultivate Your Brain’s Gratitude. When you wake up each morning, try starting the day off by listing three things you’re grateful for and follow this by picturing what you want to see happen next in your life. 4. Practice Stress Management. Try a yoga or meditation class. Schedule a massage or spa day.

Katie White RMT, HTP, CYT,

Benefits of Integrated Medicine

Utilizing an integrated Eastern Traditional Chinese Medicine, Western Osteopathic Manual Therapy, and Neurofunctional Acupuncture multi-system, and bio-psycho models our goal is to get you back into the game with full restoration of health, function, and well-being. Our diagnostic approach does not seek to eliminate pain directly, but instead investigates clinically, the levels of dysfunction associated with a given pain pattern, by looking through the lens of neurological, biochemical, metabolic, muscular, and psycho-emotional levels. Examination and assessment we will determine which muscles are neurologically facilitated or inhibited, which myofascia kinetic chains are not working properly, which tendon/ligaments is injured and which peripheral nerves have developed mechanosensitivity. Specifically, we aim to balance any disturbed neurological activity at every level that has been identified. Understanding all these aspects allows us to design a patient-centred treatment plan.

Dr. Ross Ralph, Dr. TCM, R.Ac., DOMP Courtenay Healing Centre Inc.

Do Your Children Enjoy Gym Class?

Activity is important at all ages but especially during the growing years. Developing strong bones and muscles in childhood pays dividends by helping to prevent many health issues later in life. But not all kids enjoy playing sports and participating fully in gym class. Sometimes it is due to joint hyperflexibility. When a child’s feet and ankles are hyperflexible they may feel less stable and find it more challenging to participate in physical activities, and so they avoid it. These kids can be easily identified by having arches that look high when sitting but flatten out when standing barefoot. Feet that point outwards when standing or walking is another indicator. A proper arch support and stable footwear can improve joint positioning allowing them to get stronger and get more enjoyment from physical exercise. More activity leads to stronger bones and a healthier future as they age.

Diane Calder, Certified Pedorthist,

Clean Eating: Locally Inspired Festive Stuffing

1 loaf Fig & Walnut Bread, cubed; 1 lb. Apple Pork Sausage; 1 c. Onion, chopped; 3/4 c. Celery, chopped; 3 tsp. fresh Sage, chopped; 2 tsp. fresh Rosemary, chopped; 1 tsp. fresh Thyme, chopped; 1 Apple, cored & diced; 1 c. dried Cranberries; 1/3 c. fresh Parsley, chopped; 1 c. Chicken or Turkey stock; 4 TBSP Butter, melted. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spread bread cubes in a single layer on lage sheet and bake for 5 to 7 min., until evenly toasted. Set aside in large bowl. In a skillet, cook the sausage and onions over medium heat, until evenly browned. Add the celery and herbs; cook, stirring, for 2 minutes. Drain excess fat; pour mixture over toasted bread cubes. Add remaining ingredients to bowl and mix. Evenly fill a 9×13 greased casserole dish. Bake covered for 45 min; continue to bake uncovered for an additional 15min. Serves 10.

Cakebread Artisan Bakery,

Ozone Accelerates Healing

Have you ever noticed that after a thunderstorm the air has a poignant, fresh smell? This smell is ozone, a gas that is produced during natural circumstances. Ozone has the feel of being cleansed… and that is precisely what it does. It cleanses the atmosphere when nature produces it, and similarly it cleanses our bodies when we are exposed to it. We don’t have to wait for nature to make ozone; modern technology can produce highly concentrated ozone for effective, accelerative healing of chronic, degenerative diseases because it operates at the foundation level of the body: the body’s cells. Ozone enhances circulation & provides an oxygen-rich environment for cellular & tissue regeneration. It can be applied to the body in a variety of ways to accelerate healing & eliminate the pain of many conditions including, arthritic joints & muscles, spinal, E/N/T, immune. Just like nature, ozone therapy enhances your vitality.

Dr. Sterling Desmond, Dr. TCM, R.Ac.,

Canadian Mental Health Association launches manifesto for better mental health in BC

It’s time to change the way we think about mental health and addictions care in BC.

The Canadian Mental Health Association in BC today unveiled a five-point manifesto that lays out a set of concrete and practical actions to improve the lives of people living with mental health and addictions problems.

The manifesto is a call to action for all British Columbians to get behind the idea that mental health and physical health should be valued equally. It outlines a series of recommendations on how we can create better mental health and addictions care in BC.

We would never knowingly wait until Stage 4 to intervene for cancer; we educate, screen, and take action in the early stages. CMHA BC firmly believes that we need to do the same for mental illnesses and addictions. b4stage4 is about preventing mental illness and addiction, and for those who are experiencing symptoms, intervening in the early years before people reach a crisis point.

When it comes to better mental health and addictions care, there is plenty of evidence for what works. The manifesto calls for BC to adopt community-based programs that have proven successful in treating the early symptoms of low mood, anxiety, and stress. They are cost-effective supports to our overburdened system in BC. But more needs to be done to ensure people get the help they need at any stage or age.

“There is a moral and economic imperative to act b4stage4. Our goal here is to engage individuals and organizations across BC in our manifesto for change,” says Bev Gutray, CEO of CMHA BC. “This is a real opportunity for us all to move toward prevention and early intervention in mental health and addictions, and away from the overuse of emergency services and the justice system.”

“We know that the demand for our health care system is outpacing supply. In fact, demand for mental health and addiction services is expected to more than triple by 2036. ” continues Gutray.   “Too many British Columbians diagnosed with mental illness, such as depression, are not able to access the help they need.“

CMHA is calling on the public to take part in this conversation and support the b4stage4 campaign.

British Columbians are encouraged to register their support at There, they can sign the manifesto.

Natural Product Review: pureWash® Pro

pureWash® Pro is a breakthrough in home laundry purification. As it turns out, your laundry has been keeping a dirty little secret, (It’s really not that clean at all!). Detergent may leave clothes smelling clean, but it does not eliminate the mold and bacteria that builds up from sports activities, pets, and everyday living. pureWash® Pro cleans clothes with the disinfecting power of oxygen, not detergent. This same technology is used in Hospitals and Hotels. It’s clinically proven to eliminate 99.9% of bacteria and mold, plus it’s both safe for the environment and for family members of all ages! If you have sensitive skin, you will not get skin irritations as you do from detergent. Detergent build-up promotes mold growth and does not kill bacteria. Independent, scientific studies have proven pureWash® Pro kills 99.9% of both with cold water. The power of naturally oxygenated water eliminates dirt, bacteria, and mold better than detergent!

Kevin Shale, Low Environmental Impact Technologies,

3 Ways to Naturally Boost Your Immune System

It’s officially cold and flu season. Here are five simple things you can do to improve your body’s natural immunity: 1. Drink a TON of Water: Ensuring you are hydrated is an important part of keeping your immune system strong. Try to drink at least 1.5 to 2 litres of water each day to keep your body in tiptop shape and ready to fight cold and flu bugs. 2. Get a Good Night’s Sleep: The body regenerates and repairs itself while you sleep. Getting a proper night’s rest – between six and eight hours – is important for keeping your body’s natural defenses at optimum efficiency. 3. Take a Hot/Cold Shower: The next time you take a shower try alternating hot and cold water. Research shows the body’s immune system is stimulated when it tries to warm itself up in between the extreme temperature changes. White blood cell production is increased and endorphins are released that help you relax and relieve pain.

Brett Scott,