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Trust in Your Partner

Imagine this… You’ve walked into your counsellor’s office with your partner, you’re feeling nervous but confident that with some help, you and your Most Important Person are getting back on track, and “boom!” Your partner drops the “Trust Bomb” onto the table. Be honest, would you like to simply say “I’m sorry” and move on? Though saying “I’m sorry” may help. Unfortunately, it’s generally not that simple. Trust is about putting in the time. It’s built on consistent, ongoing interactions that say over and over again, day after day, “I’ve got your back,” “I see you,” “You matter.” As humans, we like to know we matter! With our Most Important People, trust tells us we are emotionally and physically safe. And when we start here, good things can happen.

Caroline Bradfield, MaCP, RCC, Comox Valley Family Counselling,

Ask The Expert

Q: I’ve suffered from allergies this spring that really made my eyes water and itch, as well as my nose and sinuses. Everything seems better now except for my eyes, they still feel sandy. What’s going on? A: This is very common. While you may have had some temporary springtime ocular allergies, your condition evolved into some persistent irritation. It’d be a good idea to treat your eyelids with a warm compress for a few minutes every night to clear out the glands which are necessary to lubricate your eyes. Rubbing your eyes from allergies can introduce even more bacteria to the area. A hot moist washcloth is good to use, but a heating pad or mask can hold the heat longer. Oftentimes, extra lubrication from eye drops is helpful. Relief is usually slow-going. It can take several weeks (or even months) before the eyes start to feel normal, so diligence is key.

Dr. Alex Kennedy, Mosaic Vision Care,

Knee Pain Spoiling Your Game?

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis and a leading cause of joint pain and disability. OA is a degenerative disease affecting the cartilage and bone surfaces of a joint. With age, injury or just wear-and-tear, joint cartilage will become thinner allowing more pressure between bones. This causes pain, which could stop you from doing the things you enjoy most. In the early stages of OA pain, a knee brace has been found to be very successful in pain management and improved mobility. Knee braces have improved tremendously in comfort, function, and ease of wear making them more enjoyable to wear for daily activities and sport participation. Having your bracing needs assessed and fit by a Certified Orthotist will ensure you have the best chance of success. If you suffer from OA knee pain, you owe it to yourself to check out how knee bracing could help you enjoy being active again.

Aaron Amar, BSc, Orthotist, B.D. Mitchell Prosthetics and Orthotics,

Sun Strategy

The sun boosts our immunity, regulates our hormones and keeps us on the sunny side of life. The best source of Vitamin D is produced in the body by receiving the suns energy through our eyes and our skin. But too much of a good thing is not so good. How can you prevent sunburns and skin damage in the hot summer? Eat antioxidant rich fruits and vegetables, especially those in the orange, red and yellow spectrum. Drink clean, alkaline water. Wear a mineral sunscreen with herbs and organic butters like shea and coconut. Zinc and titanium effectively slow both the UVA and UVB rays. These two mineral oxides provide a healing and protective barrier to the skin. Many chemical sunscreens do not address the longer UVA tanning rays that can cause deep DNA damage. In a nutshell: eat lots of beta carotene and greens, stay hydrated, limit sun exposure, wear a hat and light protective clothing, use a zinc-based sunscreen and enjoy the glory of the sun!

Karen Van Dyck, Nature’s First Beauty Bar,

Dilution Terms in Essential Oil Therapy

In terms of the topical application of essential oils, there are three standard categories. “Neat” refers to those few essential oils, such as Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), that are generally accepted as safe for undiluted application on appropriate areas of the body. Neat application is controversial, however, within the field of essential oil therapy and is typically only performed by an adequately trained health practitioner and only for specific localized conditions. “Sensitive” refers to oils that are best applied mixed with a carrier oil, such as fractionated coconut oil, for people who are predisposed to having sensitive skin such as the elderly and children under the age of twelve.“Dilute” refers to oils best mixed with carrier oil for all skin types. Experts recommend using the lowest dilution possible that will obtain the desired results. A 2% topical dilution is common for the average adult in good health.

Nelson Meggitt, Optimum Wellness Factor,

Osteopathy – More than Bones

Osteopathy – More Than Bones Osteopathy is a hands-on manual therapy that focuses on the total body health by treating and strengthening the musculoskeletal, visceral and craniosacral systems. This therapy is a unique holistic approach to health care. We examine and address the mobility of all these systems manually and look for limitations in mobility that could be linked to the patient’s complaint. Osteopaths will make use of their extensive practical knowledge of anatomy, physiology, neurology and pathology. By treating mobility of the musculoskeletal, the facial, the vascular and the neurological systems in an integrated and structural thinking our patients experience greater healing capacities. An Osteopath does not heal but encourages the body`s own healing potential. Because Osteopathy is a healthcare system rather than a modality, its uses and applications are varied. People seek out Osteopathy for back and neck pain, joint problem, TMJ, headaches, sports injuries, and physical complaints.

Dr. Ross Ralph Dr.TCM, RAc. DOMP,

Book Club: My Stroke of Insight

My Stroke of Insight by Jill Bolte Taylor, PhD is the riveting account of a Harvard-trained brain scientist’s massive stroke at the age of 37. This stroke, caused by a ruptured blood vessel, affected the entire left side of her brain, temporarily removing the ability to differentiate between herself and others and leaving her in a stroke-induced Nirvana. It took her eight years to recover. An absolutely fascinating and inspiring book that sheds new light on what it means to be human.

Dr. Anke Zimmermann, ND

Help is Available

Professionals can help! If you have a mental health concern, deciding to take that first step toward reaching out to a professional can seem daunting and scary. However taking that first step can open the door to feeling better. Who do you go to if you have a mental health concern? Your doctor can be a great professional to turn to. They may even refer you to other professionals to ensure you get the care you need. There are many different types of professionals that can help us. For example, counsellors can help you work on relationship issues, past life events and many other topics. Financial planners can help you save money or reduce debt. Reaching out to a professional doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you, it means you’ve recognized a need for change and want someone to help you through it.

Canadian Mental Health Association,

Stressed & Anxious? Can’t Sleep?

Stress and anxiety can cause insomnia, and a lack of proper sleep can also aggravate anxiety and make it more challenging to cope with daily life. It is often then that we forget our good habits that normally reduce our tensions. Are you working long hours and being sedentary due to the amount of time that you are spending at work? Regular exercise and adequate rest are so beneficial for a good night of sleep. If insomnia is due to overwork, do not work in the bedroom and remove anything that may be a reminder of the office or work. A warm bath or light snack before bedtime may also be helpful. Regular practice of meditation exercises is extremely beneficial. Ask for help from friends, family and colleagues when stress in life becomes intolerable. Music, nature, dance and humour are all soothing to our spirit. Allow yourself to get away from daily routine to do something different and enjoyable.

Dr. Brigitte Tetrault, Courtenay Healing Centre

Book Club: Financial Fitness

The Offense, Defense, and Playing Field of Personal Finance. by Chris Brady and Orrin Woodward. Just as with becoming physically or mentally fit, becoming financially fit requires two things: knowing what to do and taking the necessary action to do it. Regardless of your current financial situation, you can learn to prosper, conserve, and multiply the fruits of your labor through a basic understanding of the principles behind the Offense, Defense, and Playing Field of personal finance. This book brings all of these fundamentals together in one convenient location so you can quickly and easily become the master of your money and the kind of person who can prosper in any economy!

Derek L. Chase. CPA, CA, CIRP

Benefits of Cassiolamine

This multi-flavonoid compound helps in the prevention of cardiovascular disease and in the reduction of high blood pressure. Cassiolamine helps to maintain healthy blood vessels by reducing the adhesion (stickiness) of blood platelets, which promotes healthy blood flow. This important ingredient also serves as an anti-oxidant, which helps to maintain a healthy heart and improved immune system. What this natural legume based extract is mostly known for is its powerful lipase-inhibiting features, which results in the prevention of fat absorption and an effective carbohydrate blocker.

Brett & Andrea Griffin, Valentus Canada