Community News
What is Sciatica?

The sciatic nerve is a large nerve that begins at the base of the spine and that passes through the buttocks, and continues down the back of the thigh and into the lower leg. This nerve can become compressed or inflamed. If this occurs, pain begins to travel down the back of your leg. This pain is referred to as sciatica. Sciatica can be caused by a bulging disc, arthritis of the spine, a tight piriformis muscle in your buttocks and even trigger points in your muscles. Depending on the cause and the severity, you could also experience numbness, tingling or weakness in the leg. If you experience any of these symptoms, see your massage therapist as soon as possible for assessment and treatment. Massage can help reduce and reverse the pain and discomfort associated with sciatica.

Business Spotlight

I was frustrated. Exhausted. Hopeless. I felt trapped in a body that didn’t fit, and stuck in a lifestyle I didn’t want.  For three years I searched for an answer. I certainly didn’t know it would come in the form of network marketing and shakes, but in April 2012 my life completely changed for the better. A friend suggested I try an Isagenix cleanse. Within the first week I could feel a shift – I remember waking up one morning feeling joyful for the first time in a long time. By week five I had lost 21 lbs. My passion and mission is to positively impact and transform as many lives as I can. Isagenix is my vehicle to do this, and, with it, my ability to impact lives increases exponentially and indefinitely. I have the recipe to teach people the necessary mindset to not only start, but transform their lives.

Clean Eating: Thai Carrot Coconut Soup


1 ½ cups water
1 ½ cups carrots cut into 1” pieces
1 green onion
5 tbsp. shredded, unsweetened coconut
1 tsp. turmeric
½ tsp. sea salt
1 tbsp. lemon juice
1 date
2 tbsp. fresh lemongrass (finely chop the heart of 2 stalks)
1 tbsp. freshly chopped ginger
1 avocado –half to blend and half cut into ½” – ¾” pieces for topping
2 tbsp. fresh cilantro (to mince for topping)


Blend all ingredients, except avocado and cilantro, until smooth.
Add half avocado and blend.
Pour into bowls.
Sprinkle top with avocado pieces and minced cilantro.

From Uncooking with RawRose by Rose Vasile

Aloe Vera Juice

Why does aloe vera work? In a previous newsletter we mentioned the 6 antiseptic agents and 3 anti-inflammatory fatty acids and their benefits, now if we add that aloe contains at least 23 polypeptides (immune stimulators), then we understand why aloe juice helps to enhance and strengthen the immune system. The anti-inflammatory fatty acids can be helpful for the stomach, small intestine and colon. It naturally alkalizes digestive juices to prevent over-acidity – a common cause of indigestion. It helps cleanse the digestive tract by exerting a soothing, balancing effect. A newly discovered compound in aloe, acemannan, is currently being studied for its ability to strengthen the body’s natural resistance. Studies have shown acemannan to boost T-lymphocyte cells that aid the immune system. Aloe vera is a juice like other juices on the market, except it has greater benefits for over all good health and vitality.

Emotion Balancing Oils

There is an ever-increasing body of evidence that shows a direct link between our emotional health and physiological health. One vivid example I give to clients is to show them a series of before and after images from a live blood analysis relative to a one hour counseling appointment where I was tasked with describing traumas I experienced as a youngster. I recounted eight or nine. The live blood image following the appointment clearly showed changes in Red Blood Cell (RBC) arrangement. Rather than floating freely about in healthy singular functionality, they appeared to be magnetically clustered together. No wonder I felt weak and anxious. Agglutination (clustering) of the RBC’s logically indicated a dramatic decrease in their capacity for CO2 and O2 exchange. Topical application of a specific essential oil blend restored healthy RBC arrangement within minutes, and enabled me to regain emotional balance.

Your Healing Power

Bio-Energy Healing is a contemporary adaptation of the ancient understanding that the body has the innate power to regenerate and heal itself. For thousands of years, healers in many different cultures have understood the vital role that energy plays in our health and wellbeing. They understood the energy centres in the body and how energy flows, and were able to unblock and channel these energies so the body could heal itself.  What causes energy to become stagnant, congested or blocked? Many things contribute to this – including physical, emotional or mental stress, accidents, injuries, trauma, and suppressed feelings. In time, blocked, congested or stagnated energy can lead to illness, chronic conditions, anxiety, depression and pain which show up in the body. Bio-Energy Healing is a remarkably effective natural remedy for health issues and can take your health, wellbeing, spiritual connection and outlook to a whole new level.

Book Club: Gut

The Inside Story of Our Body’s Most Underrated Organ. By Giulia Enders. The gut’s nervous system, food intolerances, allergies, gut bacteria and the science of bad breath are detailed, suggesting the body’s “most underrated organ” plays a greater role in our overall wellbeing than we might have otherwise thought. Throughout the book, Enders points out, it is the gut that most frequently presents us with some of life’s most pressing questions. Pick up a copy at your local book store.

Clean Eating: Easy Healthy Borscht


4 cups of organic beef broth
1 cup diced carrot
½ cup garden peas
1 cup chopped green beans
1 cup chopped potatoes
2 cups beets with stems and leaves diced
1 onion chopped
4 fresh sprigs of dill
2 Tbsp Italian seasoning
Salt and pepper to taste


Combine all ingredients into a crockpot and cook on low for 6-7 hours. Alternately, cook on top of the stove until the vegetables are soft enough to eat. Serve topped with sour cream.


Burn Fat, Don’t Abuse Carbs

Many leading scientists, medical professionals, and nutrition experts agree the ketosis lifestyle is the pinnacle of health and wellbeing. Ketosis is a natural metabolic state where the body burns fat for most of its energy rather than carbohydrates. Fat offers the body 225% more energy than carbohydrates. Today, most people have sugar-burning bodies, not fat-burning bodies. Fat-burning bodies typically experience better energy and fewer cravings due to balanced blood sugar levels. Typically, without several days of fasting or sticking to unrealistic diet plans, our bodies cannot reach ketosis and take advantage of this energy. So unless you have serious discipline and nowhere to go, nutritional ketosis has been believed to be out of reach… until now.

David Warfield, ForeverGreen Ketopia

Gratitude Goes a Long Way

Gratitude is one of the fastest and most effective ways to change your mood. When you’re feeling heavy, overwhelmed with difficulties or frustrated with what you don’t have, one of the quickest and easiest ways to change this is to focus on what you DO have! Here’s an easy exercise to add into our day: just notice what you feel grateful for. Especially when you’re frustrated or feeling like things aren’t going your way, try this practice to change up your energy. What we focus on expands, so the more we focus on what lights us up and makes us happy to be here, the better! Gratitude is a key in life to attracting what we want. Here’s an exercise to try: at the end of each day write down 3 things that happened for which you are grateful. Do this for 21 days. See how this feels and what happens!

Shari Dunnet, Light Body Healing Works

Health Spotlight

Three decades ago, I had reached a low point in my life where I was suffering from several health conditions which the health system could not seem to resolve and a family member recommended Aloe Vera Juice, from Pro Ma Systems (Canada) Inc. Within three months of drinking the Aloe Vera juice, I found myself with very little or no discomfort from hot flashes and the miserable cramping associated with the colitis had virtually disappeared. I soon found myself with an unexpected increase in my energy levels. Now over 30 years and counting, I have virtually no symptoms. I knew I had to share this with others so I joined the company and never looked back. Not only have I been able to help people by recommending it, but I have witnessed amazing results with people of all ages who use our Grace Cosmetics natural botanical aloe vera based skin care, body care and therapeutics.

Maureen Glowasky