Community News
The Power of Touch

Physical touch is a basic human need. Scientists have identified several benefits of positive touch, especially in social and mental development. Premature babies who are massaged regularly gain weight more quickly and have stronger immune systems. Babies that are deprived of touch are more susceptible to disease and are more likely to have behavioural problems as they mature. Not being nurtured can be very stressful and therefore increases stress hormones which can also lead to a poor immune system. In adults, the Touch Research Institute found that touch therapy reduces blood pressure, alleviates depressive symptoms, improves immune function, and reduces pain. The University of North Carolina did a study which showed that women who were hugged by their partners regularly had an increase in oxytocin levels- the hormone responsible for building trust, bonding, empathy, and lowering stress hormones.

Sydney Reaburn, RMT,

What is Effleurage?

I would love for the word “Effleurage” to become a household name. Effleurage is a French word for a Swedish massage technique. This technique includes beautiful long and short strokes that can be applied to almost anywhere on the body.  This stroke is easy to learn and is the first to be taught in many massage therapy programs. This sensual stroke is used to spread warm oil on the skin, increase nourishing blood flow to muscles and connective tissue. Applied lightly it will flush out toxins and accelerate lymph and venous circulation. Applied slowly it will induce relaxation and sleep.  People can enjoy effleurage at any age. Check out massage basics and other learn to massage videos for free on youtube/uservivitherapy and try some effleurage this Family Day or Valentines.

Roxanne Derkson,

Heal Your Gut!

“All disease begins in the gut” – Hippocrates. The Greek physician Hippocrates (c. 460 B.C. – c. 370 B.C. ) said this over 2,000 years ago, and we are only finally starting to recognize the truth of his words. He also said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food,” and, “If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health.” Research from the past two decades proves that digestive health is critical to overall health, and an unhealthy gut contributes to a wide range of diseases including autism spectrum disorder, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, diabetes, obesity, and rheumatoid arthritis. It is interesting that people generally make resolutions regarding their health following a time of merriment and feasting!

Nelson Meggitt,

Choosing Care Options

Choosing the right elder care for yourself or your aging parent is no easy task. Both at-home and senior center care options have their benefits, but it depends on what your needs are. Compare the pros and cons of each option before making any decision. The option to stay at home is the most appealing, but that is not always the best choice. However, the greatest benefit of at-home care is that the patient can live in their own home. A live-in nurse can be hired to provide 24 hour care or a caregiver may be hired for daily visits. Part time caregivers will not only administer medical aid and treatment, they can also drive the patient to and from doctor’s appointments or even to the grocery store. What is expected of the caregiver can be negotiated before choosing to hire one, so make sure to get exactly what you need for yourself or your loved one.
Lance Pace,

Cold Weather Pet Safety 

West Coast winters provide a uniquely varied range of weather challenges for us and our pets. Arctic winds and snow one moment, replaced by torrential rains the next. Be prepared for all of Mother Nature’s whims. Be sure to have enough food, water and medications on hand for a minimum of 5 days. Younger and older animals are more susceptible to the cold. Extremes in temperature and humidity can adversely affect conditions such as arthritis, and pets with diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, or hormonal imbalances may have a harder time regulating their body temperature. It’s an unfortunate but common belief that dogs and cats are resistant to cold and wet weather because of their fur, however like people, cats and dogs are susceptible to frostbite and hypothermia and should be kept inside. No pet should be left outside for long periods of time in very wet and/or below-freezing weather.

Puntledge Veterinary Clinic,

Ask The Expert

Q: I was watching the new Star Wars movie and shortly afterward I got some weird shimmering kaleidoscope-like images in my vision for half an hour. What’s up with that?

A: It sounds like you experienced an aura which are typical with a migraine. However, these auras are often painless events, perhaps for the majority of people who experience them. It’s not usually an eye problem. The effect occurs because of some subtle irritation in the visual part of the brain, which is actually near the back of the head. For instance, a sudden change in blood pressure or blood sugar may be enough to alter the circulation in that part of the brain. Other known causes would be food sensitivities or stress. Since these auras appear differently for everyone, it’s worth investigating with your eye doctor just to rule out the effect happening because of internal eye problems.

Dr. Alex Kennedy,

The Power of BioSil®

BioSil® supports hair, skin and nail health, and helps in the formation of collagen. Collagen is the key protein for creating smooth skin, thick hair, and resilient nails. During youth, you have a rich abundance of collagen. This ideal collagen condition gives skin elasticity and helps create strong hair. But starting at age 21, collagen diminishes by 1% per year. By age 30, the signs of reduced collagen become visible. BioSil®’s patented formula is clinically proven to make genuine collagen regeneration a reality. BioSil® “turns on” the body’s actual collagen-generating cells. It has been tested in rigorous trials for both efficacy and safety. It is important to note that BioSil® is not made out of collagen, it generates collagen. There’s a big difference. When you ingest collagen, the human body breaks it down and uses it as food. By contrast, BioSil®’s patented formula helps your body generate its own for stronger, healthier hair, skin and nails!

Jeanie Bruenau,

Can Anger be Useful?

Anger is simply an emotion that occurs as a reaction, also called a trigger, in response to an uncomfortable situation. If we view it as simply a secondary emotion or physiological reaction, also called “fight or flight” response (faster heartbeat, adrenaline rush, feeling hot and tense) we can begin to think as to what the anger is about, in effect using it as information. In undertaking anger counselling the goal is to uncover the “primary” emotion. What is driving the anger? Is it fear? Is it frustration? Or sadness, guilt, jealousy, disappointment? Once the underlying emotion(s) are identified then we can begin to problem solve. This is done by identifying triggers (when does it happen? Where? Who is around?). It’s much like detective work and with the help of a qualified counsellor the “anger cycle” can be identified and healthy measures can be put in place to ensure your anger isn’t destructive, but rather a useful piece of information to solve internal conflicts.

Rod Chant,

Caring for Gastrointestinal Blues

From indigestion, bloating and belching to heartburn, acid reflux and ulcers, gastrointestinal issues affect many of us. Even occasional nausea, constipation, bad breath and food sensitivities can be symptoms of an irritated GI system.

Before reaching for an over-the-counter medication, or even self-prescribing a natural medicine, let’s consider some possible underlying causes of your digestive issues.

GI disorders are commonly associated with mental stress over prolonged periods, like that work project that consumed you for weeks on end or the all-day cram sessions that were so intense you forget to eat. Even emotional stress, such as frustration or anxiety, can wreak havoc on your digestive system. Anything you can do to reduce stress will be beneficial.

What you eat and – just as importantly – what you don’t can also be a factor. Beware of fad diets and faux-healthy trends. People are depriving themselves of so much nutrition these days, reducing this and eliminating that, yet collectively we’re less healthy than ever. Eat whole, nutrient-rich foods, and try to balance your fat (30%), carbohydrates (40%) and proteins (40%). GI issues can be complex and are very seldom solved with a quick-fix diet.

On a broader level, I suggest we change our relationship with food. It seems we rarely turn off our electronic devices long enough to actually enjoy our food. To taste it. To make eating a fun, social experience. How we eat, and our mindset about food, affects our digestion.

Finally, look into herbal remedies. Western medicine typically involves pharmaceuticals, many of which have side effects over time. While often relieving symptoms, they do not provide a cure. Chinese herbal medicine can offer the same benefits while also restoring normal GI functions and promoting better digestion.

Any doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine will be happy to chat with you about how you can improve your digestion and quality of life.

Dr. Brigitte Tetrault,

Clean Eating: Quinoa “Breaded” Chicken Strips 

Ingredients: (Use organic products)

3-4 boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut into strips
⅔ cup flour
1 tsp sea salt + ¼ tsp pepper
3 eggs + 2 Tbsp water
2 cups cooked quinoa


Preheat oven to 425 degrees and grease a baking sheet with Coconut Oil or Butter. In a small bowl whisk flour, salt, and pepper. In a second bowl whisk eggs and water. Place quinoa in a third bowl. Dredge chicken in flour mixture, then eggs, and lastly in the quinoa being sure to coat well.  Bake for 20 minutes until chicken is cooked. Serve with your favorite healthy dipping sauces!


MARCH 14 –  7:30 – 9:00 pm

Understanding the Root Causes of Fears and Phobias and What You Can Do About Them.
A FREE public presentation and demonstration of the self-help tool, Emotional Freedom Technique – EFT/Tapping.
Oak Bay Public Library, Community Room.
1442 Monterey Ave.
Free Parking.

More info. Contact: Karen ledger RN BScN.
250 598-4126




The Health, Wellness and Sustainability Festival is an interactive, all ages educational experience that aims to build community learning in holistic wellness. Coming on February 27  to the Victoria Conference Center, this festival goes beyond the average trade show, featuring Jo Robinson, author of Eating on the Wild Side, TED-trained speakers presenting throughout the day, a curated list of health and wellness professionals offering products and insights on bodywork, fitness, diet and nutrition, herbal medicines, gluten-free living, and much more. This is the festival’s third year of community-driven programming, and it is still growing. Over 65 booths participated last year and we debuted our interactive Food Science Fair, a hands-on learning opportunity for all ages that is returning this year as part of the Experience Bar. Come experience our open-forum learning opportunity with your family and friends on February 27, 2016 at the Victoria Conference Center.  a Wharf Street Production