Community News
Spotlight: Kairos Guest Suite

“Guess you could call your place ‘The Woman’s Wellness and Therapy Centre’ or ‘The Come and Get a Grip on Yourself Centre.’ I tell my kids I’m your unfinished mother, who continues to evolve and transcend herself, and I learned that at Kairos.” This is a testimonial from a Kairos guest. Other guests have experienced rest, relaxation, and a new perspective. Two guests rekindled their love of painting; one guest began to write again; another guest, a university professor, used the quiet environment to work on his writing.

Our garden labyrinth invites guests to step into that place where we connect with our own inner voice. To walk a labyrinth is to explore our connection with mother nature, with the universe, and with our self. Our one-bedroom, self-contained suite is located at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac – within walking distance of the Comox Marina. Walk our garden labyrinth, let nature touch your soul, and experience your own Kairos moments.

Kairos Guest Suite

Need More Energy?

When your energy is stuck, you can feel sick, stressed, exhausted and overwhelmed. You’re aware that you’re not functioning at full capacity and know you are capable of so much more! Bio-Energy Healing instantly gets your energy flowing through your body, mind and spirit from the inside out. Using only natural energy healing techniques, we effectively re-balance your body’s energy flow. Bio-Energy Healing is safe, natural, subtle and yet powerful… and gets amazing results!

It’s proven effective for many conditions including back pain, stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, arthritis, asthma, chronic fatigue, migraines, headaches, brain-fog, IBS, addictions, allergies, food intolerances, infertility, impotence, weight issues, eczema, psoriasis and many more health challenges. We determine where life-force energy isn’t flowing and using series of techniques we release congestion, stagnation and blockages re-establishing the free flow of energy, health and wellbeing on all levels!

Light Body Healing Works

Alternative Healing for Dogs

Alternative medicine for pets is growing in popularity due to more widely reported success. Paralysis in dogs can be reversed with acupuncture. Agility Dogs with torn cruciate ligaments and dogs with severe back pain can return to normal function without surgery in most cases. Cancer is treatable with traditional Chinese medicinal herbs and skin issues are curable without the use of steroids.

Many veterinarians are applying an integrative approach to their practices. In combination with Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine, this approach has seen great success for kidney disease, cancer, seizures and skin issues. With the use of prolotherapy/platelet-rich plasma, acupuncture, chiropractic techniques, and homeopathy, dogs are now able to live a more pain free lifestyle. A combination approach offers the safest and widest variety of options.

Phoenix Rising Veterinary Care