Connection holds a remarkable power in our lives—especially in the relationships we nurture with ourselves, our community, and out in nature. Without connection, it’s easy to fall into the “half-life” I was stuck in, an existence haunted by ancestral pain and the constant playing out of old patterns.
Without connection, humans wither and decline. That’s why I created Solbrü elixirs. Solbrü is designed from the ground up to bolster connection, compassion, and self-healing. Embrace a healthier lifestyle, feel empowered—not disheartened. Set a positive example for yourself and others around you, I want you to feel loved—not shunned.
Overcoming Challenges & Gaining Confidence
Many women avoid gym programs for their exercise routines because they are self-conscious. It’s normal to feel this way, especially at the start of a weight loss program. So first, give yourself a break. Then, give yourself a kick. The hardest part is showing up, so think about what might help you do that. Here are some tips: Mid-morning and mid-afternoon are likely to be less crowded than lunchtime or before or after work. Bring a friend! It’s easier to try something new when you have support. Also find comfort in knowing that many of the women you see in the gym are embarking on the same journey as you.
There’s No Place Like Home
Many seniors, whether they need short term or long-term care, prefer remaining in a place most familiar to them – their home. By removing elderly loved ones from their home we often take away years of memories, relationships with neighbors and communities which can lead to a decline in health and leave them feeling sad and isolated. If Mom or Dad is willing to explore the idea of home care, involve them in the process and remember to take it slow at first. Home is still the safest place to receive care!
Don’t Ignore Chipped Teeth
A chipped tooth can happen for a variety of reasons, including biting something hard, hitting your mouth, having tooth decay, or grinding your teeth. While you might think having a chipped tooth is no big deal, this can lead to some problems. Sharp edges can cut your inner mouth, while deep chips can impact tooth roots (possibly leading to infections or toothaches), as well as tooth decay (which can cause sensitivity and bad breath). To avoid needing a root canal or extraction, it’s important to have a dentist examine and fix a chipped tooth before the problem gets any worse.
Breast Cancer Garments & Prosthetics
Breast cancer is devastating; physically, mentally, and emotionally. Being able to put on a favorite outfit or wear a swimsuit to the beach is empowering. Properly fitted garments and prosthetics are an important part of the process of moving forward. Post-surgical swelling can be managed with compression garments that range from discreet to outrageous colours to match your personality, and let you be you.
Ask The Expert
Q: I don’t like wearing sunglasses when I’m gardening. Is it really necessary? Sunglasses are too dark for me. A: You would probably do well just wearing some clear, non-tinted safety glasses. You can get these at any hardware store, and most of them have UV protection which will protect your eyes, even in bright sunlight. Eye injuries are common with gardeners, and the safety glasses will be beneficial in that regard too.
More Than Skin Deep!
Feed the roots of your health! Go beyond the surface level. Photobiomodulation or Light Therapy is a proven model of healing therapy that focuses on the foundations of your health. Stimulating the mitochondria (energy packs of your cells) to do their job more efficiently. Giving you healthy sebum secretion, increased collagen production, improved healing times from accidents and surgeries, and increases the circulation in your muscles producing improved recovery times. At White Cedar we focus on nourishing the roots of your health giving you more control and lasting results. Benefits: no side effects, no-touch, cost-effective.
Shockwave Therapy for Chronic Conditions
Do you suffer from a nagging injury like tennis elbow, achilles tendonitis, frozen shoulder, rotator cuff injuries or plantar fasciitis? Shockwave therapy is one of the best research-backed treatments for chronic musculoskeletal conditions that have not healed properly. It involves the application of acoustic sound waves to kick-start healing, control pain, and restore mobility. Often patients will feel relief after their first treatment and can expect more significant and lasting changes within 3-5 applications. Shockwave Therapy coupled with Class IV Laser Therapy is evidence based and the gold standard in tendon healing.
Keeping You Accountable
What happens after your first Vega Testing appointment? Setting goals for yourself, by yourself can be hard. Never mind achieving them. Sometimes you need to feel accountable, and I offer additional support after your first appointment to do just that. May it be in the office, in the grocery store or the comfort of your home, I can help you set your health goals and be accountable for them. I will support you with recipe sharing, cooking tips, and further recommendations as well as answering any questions you may have along the way!
What is Stability to You?
Stability can unintentionally show up as bracing or rigidity when we consciously try to create it – But then suppleness and a full breath can get lost. I really love how my mentor describes stability as having control and coordination through the arc of a movement. Consider this; when you slow something way down, do you notice any wavering, awkwardness, or engagement of unnecessary body parts? If so, imagine that magnified when you complete that movement quickly and without as much focus. Feeling stable is amplified when we move efficiently on a foundation of ease. Let’s explore this together! Small group classes and 1:1 options are available.
3 Ways to Improve Digestion Naturally
With any diet advice, it is vital to build a reflective awareness of the messages of your body and intuitively choose the best routine for your situation. Here are 3 natural ways you can integrate healthy habits to improve your diet instantly. Chew! Chewing breaks down food to enhance the extraction of nutrients that your body needs. Incorporate set meal times throughout the day. Three meals are often the average for most individuals. Adhere to this natural rhythm until your body signals it’s time for a change. Go for a walk! The movement of walking often aids with digestion.