Community News
Pelvic Health Physiotherapy

Pelvic Health Physiotherapy is a specialized area of physiotherapy practice which aims to restore function to the muscles, ligaments, and connective tissue in the pelvis. Pelvic health concerns, including incontinence and pelvic girdle pain, are quite common but unfortunately not often talked about or treated. These concerns can arise in both men and women at anytime including during the pre- or post-partum period, after surgery, with weight training or peri-menopausally. Dysfunction in the pelvic floor can significantly impact individuals both physically and emotionally. Current literature supports pelvic floor physiotherapy as the first line of treatment for incontinence and pelvic pain. 

Lissa Fraser, Registered Physiotherapist, Fresh Tracks Physiotherapy,

Springtime Renewal and Managing Risk

Tis the season of renewal for plants, animals and our hopefully, our energy levels as we emerge from a colder than average winter. Before the fun really begins it’s a good time to consider your risk management and in the world of finance, that can mean a number of things. Insurance is one of the greatest tools to manage the big risks we all face in life, such as an untimely demise, critical illness or disability. Do you have enough of the right type of insurance at the right cost? Consider working with a professional to evaluate your needs.

James Vasilyev – IG Wealth Management,

Acupuncture for Sports Injury

Most sports-related injuries occur when a particular part of the body is overused, which leads to a repetitive stress injury. This can lead to injuries such as runner’s knee or tennis elbow. Many athletes rely on acupuncture to treat their injuries and boost their performance – but also to prevent injuries from occurring in the first place. Acupuncture offers many benefits when it comes to pain management, recovery, and prevention, including: 

1. Releasing tight muscles or activating muscles that aren’t firing properly.

2. Boosting healing and recovery of tendons and ligaments.

3. Relieving stress.

4. Improving the immune system.

5. Aiding with sleep.

6. Keeping the pain away. These are all great reasons to use acupuncture to keep you active.

Aysha Nuttall, RAc, Inner Strength Acupuncture and Health,

Get Things Moving Again!

Chronic constipation is one of the most common digestive complaints, and it can lead to all sorts of problems, including build-up of toxins in the body, sluggish liver function, abdominal discomfort, and brain fog and fatigue. Some ways to restore proper bowel function include: 1. Drinking enough water (8 to 12 cups per day). 2. Getting at least 30 minutes of physical activity each day. 3. Eating a balanced diet with plenty of fibre from fruits, vegetables, and other fibrous foods. 4. Managing daily stress. 5. Taking fibre, probiotic, or specific mineral supplements, as recommended by your doctor.

Kayla MacDonald, RHN, Edible Island Whole Food Market,

Ask The Expert

Q: I can’t get comfortable vision for my computer with my progressive lenses. Do I have to get something different?

A: Yes, if you’re using a computer for long periods of time then you’d likely get a lot of benefit from some glasses focused specifically for your computer work. Standard progressive lenses might not have enough usable areas for the focusing distance of a computer. There are a number of different lens designs for this. Ask about it the next time you get your eyes checked.

Dr. Alex Kennedy,

Preventing Seasonal Allergies

Seasonal allergies develop when the body’s immune system overreacts to something in the environment, usually during spring, summer or fall when certain plants pollinate. Did you know that seasonal allergies can be prevented by taking an antihistamine before symptoms start? Antihistamines work better if you start using them daily before you expect to be exposed to the allergen. Many of the newer antihistamines are once a day dosing. If one antihistamine proves to be ineffective, switching to another one may help. All antihistamines can be sedating if taken in higher doses, but the newer antihistamines are generally fine if taken as directed.

Catherine McCann, BScPharm, Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy,

Shoulder & Rotator Cuff Pain Relief

To eliminate the pain of frozen shoulder or rotator cuff injuries and to regenerate the joint, especially with osteo-arthritic elements; acupuncture and Prolozone injection therapy are my treatment protocols. Each component of Prolozone therapy has a specific biological purpose. Procaine acts to re-establish cellular membrane potentials. Anti-inflammatory agents decrease edema and swelling. The inclusion of vitamins and minerals provides necessary substrates of oxygen utilization that in damaged tissues are often deficient. And finally, oxygen utilization is directly stimulated by ozone. It is excellent for all forms of musculo-skeletal and joint pain.

Dr. Sterling Desmond, Dr. TCM, R.A., AAOT Fellow Member,

Avoiding Medication Mistakes

Medications play an important role in maintaining health and longevity for many of us as we get older. Taking multiple medications can be challenging. Here are some helpful hints to manage your medications effectively: 1) Follow the instructions for each medication carefully. 2) Shake bottles of liquid medications before use. 3) Take all medications as prescribed. 4) Use the same pharmacy to fill all your prescriptions. 5) Report any unusual symptoms to your doctor. 6) Never stop taking a medication suddenly without checking with your doctor. 7) Most importantly, conduct annual medication reviews with your doctor or pharmacist.

Denise Metcalfe, Executive Director,

Clean Eating Recipe

Purple Power! Beet Black Seed Detoxer Smoothie.

Ingredients: 1 medium raw beet, peeled, and shredded. 1 large Gala, Fuji or Honeycrisp apple, chopped into 1 inch pieces. 2 inch piece of fresh ginger, peeled, and chopped fine (1 tablespoon). ½ teaspoon Enerex Black Seed Oil. ½ avocado. ½ lemon, juiced. ½ cup water (more, if needed). 2 teaspoons Chia seeds. 2 teaspoons honey or maple syrup (if needed).

Directions: Place all of the ingredients into food processor and blend until smooth and creamy. Serves 2.

Resolving Constipation for Full Body Wellness

Although researchers are just beginning to understand the connection between our gut and full body health, we know definitively that one of the most important aspects of digestive health is bowel regularity. Our stools are a vital sign that indicates balance (or imbalance) within our bodies. The frequency is important, but the colour, texture, smell and buoyancy are all good indicators from within. I know, I know – you don’t want to look… But you really should! Ideally, everybody needs to have regular bowel movements between 1 and 3 times per day, and the stool should be well formed and smooth, with a total length of about 12 inches. Anything less than this is diagnosed clinically as constipation – and chronic constipation is one of the most common digestive complaints, especially in aging populations. Chronic constipation can lead to build up of toxins in the body, sluggish liver function, abdominal discomfort, cramping, gas, nausea, poor appetite, and brain fog and fatigue.

Addressing the root cause of constipation is key – stimulant laxatives (think: senna leaf or cascara sagrada) may work short term, but are habit forming and can cause damage to the muscular function of the colon. Proper bowel function relies on a number of variables, including adequate hydration, physical activity, nutrient intake, gut bacteria, and stress management. Starting with a foundation of drinking 2-3 litres (that’s 8-12 cups) of water, incorporating at least 30 minutes of daily movement, and ensuring the diet is balanced with a variety of vegetables, seasonal fruits, fermented foods, and other fibrous foods is a non-negotiable starting point.

Next, forming a regular morning routine can help establish regular elimination – even setting aside 15 minutes for yourself each morning can greatly lower stress, which ultimately relaxes the muscles of the digestive tract, improving their ability to efficiently contract and release. This improves the mechanical function of the digestive system and can contribute to more effective and regular bowel movements.

Optimizing micronutrient status is another important step. In particular, electrolytes such as magnesium and potassium play an important role in hydrating the stool, as well as regulating muscle relaxing and contracting within in the digestive tract. Women, individuals with high blood pressure, and those eating a diet low in carbohydrates are especially susceptible to deficiency in these nutrients. These minerals are highest in plant based foods, so eat your vegetables! Leafy greens, avocados, and potatoes are particularly dense in magnesium and potassium. If supplementing with these minerals, note that magnesium should be in the bisglycinate form rather than a citrate or oxide, which can further disrupt mineral imbalance. Potassium should be taken in split doses throughout the day. Note that supplemental calcium and iron can both contribute to constipation.

Those who have been on antibiotics, or individuals who consume diets high in sugar, refined carbohydrates, caffeine, or alcohol may want to support their gut bacteria with extra fermented foods such as kombucha, traditionally made pickled vegetables and sauerkraut, and kefir; fibrous vegetables such as leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, and summer squash; and foods high in resistant starches (prebiotics) such as asparagus, artichokes, potatoes, and white rice. Supplemental probiotics may be beneficial to some individuals, as can supplemental fibre.

After the basic principles are satisfied with hydration, regular movement, stress management, and optimizing nutrient intake and gut bacteria, downstream interventions for symptom management may be appropriate. Adding supplemental fibre, probiotics, or specific minerals may help regulate bowel function, depending on the root cause of the constipation in the individual.


Reflexology – More Than a Foot Rub!

Reflexology is an all-natural therapy that reduces pain, stress & tension in the body and can improve both circulation (cardiovascular & lymphatic) and elimination as well as promote homeostasis (balance and harmony) within all systems.
There are reflexes in the feet, hands and ears which are connected to every part, organ and gland through a subtle energy that flows through channels in the body. When there is discomfort from stress, trauma, injury or illness, blockages develop in these channels and the flow of energy becomes disrupted. By applying alternating pressure and rotation techniques to these reflexes, signals are sent via the nervous system that help to release these blockages, relax the body and balance the natural functioning of the related parts elsewhere in the body. It is a total ‘reboot and rebalance’!
Your Foot Reflexology session:
• You will be asked to fill out a simple health intake form that will determine if there is anything that may impact your session.
• Length of session is 45 to 60 minutes.
• You are in a relaxed, semi-reclined position in a zero-gravity chair or on a massage table.
• Only your socks and shoes are removed.
• Only the feet and lower legs are touched.
• Firm, gentle pressure is used on each reflex and on both feet to elicit a response within each system, however, pressure can be adjusted if there are any areas of tenderness.
• Water is offered at the end of your session as well as helpful techniques to use at home.
Treat your feet to a relaxing session soon and discover why people love this therapy!