Community News
Tendon Injuries

Tendinopathies are one of the most common injuries individuals seek treatment for (i.e. tennis elbow, achilles tendinopathy). They can be debilitating and ongoing as they tend not to improve with time and rest. Research is mixed on the best treatment for tendinopathies, however, one trend emerging is the that rehab programs should be focused on improving the capacity of the muscle and tendon to manage load. This means, in addition to hands-on therapy, a progressive tendon loading exercise program is key to full recovery. Physiotherapy can help break the negative cycle of these overuse injuries and prevent recurrence.

Communicating with Trees

Research shows that on a conventional and scientific level that we can communicate with trees. To communicate with a tree, using your hands, connect with its energy field. With your heart ask permission to spend time with it. Place your hands on the tree, smell, feel and touch it’s leaves. Stand and hug or sit with your back against it’s trunk. Sit quiet and connect with the spirit within you. Ask a question and breathe in your answer. Thank the tree before leaving. This takes practise but overtime your communication will intensify.

Finance isn’t ALL or NOTHING

As a Financial Planner I’m sometimes asked, should I do this or should I do that? In finance, it’s rarely that cut and dried. Should you pay off debt or invest? It depends. Should I invest in my RSP or TFSA? It depends! More often the answer is do something, or do both. If you work with a professional you should expect analysis and detailed response to the above questions, but more often than not, taking some positive financial steps to either reduce debt or increase tax efficiency (like RSP or TFSA) is always a good move.

Meet Your Practitioner

Meet Jenn Abele, your local Registered Dietitian. Jenn’s approach to health and nutrition is evidenced-based and compassionate, working alongside clients to find individualized solutions that fit their lifestyle and goals. Whether you are looking for guidance on general nutrition questions or you require support with a specific area of concern, Jenn can help you to make sense of the overwhelming amount of nutrition information out there. Jenn is an advocate against diets and weight stigma and believes that health comes in all shapes and sizes. Her intention is to help you focus on the important things so you can worry less and enjoy life more.

Book Club: Hack Your Anxiety

How to Make Anxiety Work for You in Life, Love, and All That You Do. What if anxiety is not a monster to be tamed, but a resource to be tapped? In this revolutionary book, Dr. Alicia Clark recognizes anxiety as the unsung hero in the path to success and happiness. It can become the motivating force that will lead to a better you, and The Anxiety Advantage aims to restore anxiety to its rightful place as a positive resource. Reclaim your anxiety as a powerful energy source, and bring yourself peace, growth and success.

Stress Management For Your Heart

Hypertension (high blood pressure) is one of the risk factors for heart disease. It is a long-term medical condition where the blood pressure in the arteries is persistently elevated.
You can help control or reduce hypertension in the areas of diet, exercise, weight, salt reduction, limiting alcohol & caffeine, not smoking and managing stress.
Many doctors include deep breathing and meditation in a stress management plan. Both Qigong and Reiki are excellent ‘tools’ for stress reduction. Slow, deep breathing and meditation are foundational to the practice of Qigong and the deep meditative state experienced while receiving Reiki brings deep relaxation, calm and peace to the body/mind.
The combination of movements and slow, deep and gentle breathing in Qigong helps the body & mind relax and release tension. Then, by focusing inward and replacing worries and negative thoughts with positive thoughts and emotions, a state of calm and peace is achieved that also positively affect the qi (energy) and blood circulation.
There have been a number of studies done worldwide on the benefits of Qigong for the heart. Overall, results show that practicing Qigong as a complement to medical treatment can help to improve blood pressure, heart and respiratory rates.
Reiki has been described as ‘spiritually-guided life force energy’ that has the ability to help balance our ‘energy’ on all levels – body, mind and spirit. In ‘matters of the heart’ it can also help to elevate the feelings of acceptance, love and compassion bringing with it an acceptance of the moment and a state of calm and peace that affects the whole person.
Studies have also been done with Reiki that have varying positive results depending on the focus of the study. With regard to the heart, Reiki as a complementary therapy can help to improve HRV (heart rate variability), mental state and quality of life (ie sleep, reduction in pain) especially after a heart attack and surgery. An example of one such study is found at:
February is Heart Month in Canada. What better time to do something new for your heart?!


Ask The Expert

Q: My older sister says she got an eye infection over the holidays, and that it’s actually shingles in the eye. Is there really such a thing?
A: Yes, the virus that causes shingles can sometimes affect the eye, and she probably deserves your sympathy – it can be painful and the treatment often involves a lot of eyedrops. It might be worthwhile assessing your own risk of developing shingles (factors include age or a compromised immune system) and asking your health care provider about vaccines to lessen the risk.

Tracking Multiple Income Streams

It’s important that we track multiple income streams properly to ensure we don’t end up with a large bill at tax time. Use a spreadsheet that includes these categories: Employer, Gross Income, Income Tax, CPP, EI, and Net Income (for each income stream). Total all streams so that you can calculate the total earnings, tax, CPP, and EI deducted so far. Then determine what the actual deductions should be, based on the combined income. The Canada Revenue Agency has an online calculator that is useful for this ( A qualified accountant can also help with any questions you might have.

To the Heart of the Matter

Research shows that there are nerve fibres that directly link the heart to the brain. More specifically directly to the part of the brain called the amygdala (the part of the brain that is linked to our fight or flight emotions). The power of love is real, as is the power of love to heal yourself! When we open our hearts, free the past and forgive ourselves, we can create a new create a new life for ourselves. In this month where you’re surrounded by commercial symbols of love, why not start with loving yourself?

Signs of a Heart Attack

Heart attacks can present with the following symptoms: chest discomfort, sweating, upper body discomfort including neck, shoulder, arms and back pain, nausea, shortness of breath, and light-headedness. Women may also have these symptoms, but many women can have a heart attack without chest pressure or other typical signs. Women may have extreme fatigue or non-specific upper body discomfort. Don’t dismiss symptoms. Have your symptoms or concerns checked to rule out a heart attack especially if you have a history of high blood pressure or other heart disease.
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