Community News
Hyperbaric Oxygen for Brain Health

Hyperbaric Oxygen improves Dementia, Alzheimers, Stroke, MS and Brain Injuries. Recent studies have confirmed that Hyperbaric Oxygen can substantially improve brain health and can prevent and stop the progression of these disorders. By increasing neuronal stem cells and decreasing brain inflammation HBOT can improve memory, cognitive speed, brain fog, headaches and migraines. With enough treatments HBOT can create new blood vessels, work around damaged cells and have long-term benefits. In combination with exercise and nutrition, HBOT can mantain and improve your brain health even as we get older. There is no limit to the brains plasticity and growth with the right environment.

Seniors and Stress

Chronic stress is harmful to people of all ages, but its impact on older adults can be particularly severe, increasing the risk of age-related diseases, hastening cognitive decline, and even triggering falls. Stressors that are common amongst the elderly include loss of control, personal loss, declining health, financial worries, personal safety, and loss of independence. To reduce stress, get regular exercise, eat balanced meals to ensure the mind and body are properly fueled, and ask for help. Talking with a trusted family member, friend, or healthcare professional, at the very least, releases pent-up stress and may even lead to a solution.

Ask The Expert

Q. I just noticed that I can see certain things better without my glasses now. They’re new glasses, I just got them three years ago. What’s up with that?

A: Three years is actually more than enough time for your eyes to change, or for something to go wrong with your glasses. You can bring back your glasses to where you bought them to see what the issue is, but it sure sounds like you’re due for an eye exam in any case. Time goes by pretty quickly for just about everyone.

Osteoarthritis & Exercise

1 in 6 Canadian adults has arthritis, the majority being osteoarthritis (OA). OA is a disease of the joint cartilage with multiple contributing factors including genetics, previous joint injury, body weight and muscle weakness. Pain associated with OA may cause individuals to avoid physical activity which can lead to secondary complications and worsening of symptoms. Physiotherapists are experts in exercise prescription for conditions such as OA and can help you safely engage in exercise in a way that can decrease pain, increase strength, allow continued participation in activity and possibly prolong the life of your joint.

Diabetes Management

Do you know your ABCDESSS of diabetes management? Diabetes Canada ( recently updated the Canadian guidelines for staying healthy with diabetes. Each letter of the acronym ABCDESSS stands for a specific aspect of diabetes care. For example, A = A1C, which should be at target (usually less than 7%). Other examples include E (for exercise and healthy eating), and S (self-management, screening, and stop smoking). If you are a diabetic, now is a good time to talk to your healthcare professional to review and refine your diabetes management strategies based on the latest scientific evidence in the new guidelines.

Kombucha for Digestion and Trust

Most people will agree that one virtue which is presently widely compromised, is our ability to Trust. Another pervasive issue in society today is general digestive malaise. It is interesting to note that in terms of Chinese medicine’s Five Element Theory, the Virtue related to the digestive system (spleen, pancreas, stomach), is the Virtue of Trust. Good digestion is also regarded as the foundation of health because when our digestion is poor, other maladies follow, yet when digestion is strong, good health is sure to follow. In theory, kombucha, known to improve digestion, will also improve our lack of Trust!

Aging & Knee Pain

When your knees chronically hurt, you are told they are a sign of aging and degeneration, which is very true… but did you know there is a method of treatment to regenerate your knees? Prolozone therapy results in about 75% of chronic pain sufferers to become permanently pain free. Chronic pain occurs in areas of the body that contain ligaments or cartilage, which typically have only 1/10th the circulation that is seen in other connective tissues. This makes them especially vulnerable to the effects of decreased oxygen utilization/aging, which further compromises circulation. Prolozone therapy with procaine, natural anti-inflammatory medications, vitamins and minerals, and ozone gives the tissues what they need to heal.

Acupuncture and PTSD

PTSD is a physiological disorder that results from being exposed to a traumatic event. It can affect anyone at any point in their life. The disorder can result in several symptoms including, but not limited to anxiety, irritability, insomnia, nightmares, and flashbacks. Acupuncture for PTSD is administered by stimulating specific auricular points as well as others in the body. These points are responsible for signaling areas of the brain to help control nervous functioning as well as mitigate stress levels. Acupuncture treatments also have benefits such as a decrease in depression and physical pain. Soldiers, police officers, fire fighters and countless others who have been diagnosed with PTSD are using acupuncture to experience relief.

Reiki and Panic Attacks

A panic attack usually happens when a person is suddenly overwhelmed by an uncontrollable sense of fear or dread. Some symptoms that can accompany an attack include breathing problems, ‘racing or pounding’ heart, sweating, chills, nausea, uncontrollable trembling, weakness & dizziness.
It is thought that many conditions of the body can be a result of an imbalance in a person’s energy. This imbalance may be caused by stress, illness, trauma, injury or thoughts, beliefs & emotions. The spiritual energy that is Reiki restores the balance in a person’s energy field helping to bring about, in this case, a reduction in the number and/or intensity of the attacks.

Seasonal Eating for Autumn Bliss

As the seasons change, our bodies quiet down from the high energy of long summer days, and we start to crave more warm, cooked foods. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), we view food on a scale of its warming or cooling properties, which includes temperature, cooking method, and flavor. One of my favourite ways to incorporate warming foods into my fall and winter routine is with elixirs. For example, golden milk, a spiced turmeric latte, incorporates warming spices into a nourishing tea. Golden milk typically contains turmeric, black pepper, cinnamon, and ginger in a base of milk – dairy, almond or otherwise – and can be blended or whisked with a bit of sweetener. This is a very well balanced elixir, as it is anti inflammatory, immune supportive, and acts as a digestive tonic!

The Vibrant Life Project

Are you looking for a powerful and lasting change in your life? The Vibrant Life Project is a 12-week integrated health program that builds the foundation for a Vibrant Life! Assess your wellbeing with biometrics, and Wellness Inventory Assessments to determine where and how you’re motivated to change. Explore the different wellness dimensions, working with virtual tools while receiving weekly coaching and encouragement. Have your Vibrant Life anchored in with body work – massages, Yoga and meditation. Move to your more vibrant, energized self! Prepare to be inspired as you empower yourself for transformative change.