Community News
Migraines – it’s NOT all in your head

Sometimes we know when a migraine is coming, and sometimes we don’t. Often there are specific triggers that start a migraine that may include physical movement or even weather changes. When it starts at the base of the skull, then the cause of the migraine is likely structural. The human body is built to be structurally balanced with the head centered over the shoulders, which in turn is centered over the pelvis, which ideally, is level with the ground. When the head and the neck shift out of proper alignment, this may result in decreased blood flow into the head, and decreased flow out. In fact, it’s the latter that often describes what people feel with migraines – a feeling of built up pressure inside their head. Structural Chiropractors are able to correct and unlock these unwanted shifts in the head and neck, allowing the body to return to its normal, balanced state.

Dr. Matthew Kittleson,

Eliminating Fears and Phobias With Ease

Have you ever gotten frustrated by your own or someone else’s fears or phobias and suggested “just get over it?”  Most people think fears can be overcome using “mind over matter,” but because the fear response is controlled by the unconscious mind, mental intention rarely works. Meanwhile, most people who suffer with these issues get so used to adapting to them, they don’t realize how they hold themselves back from really living, or how simply fears can be overcome. Twenty two years ago, I learned the powerful self-care method of Emotional Freedom Technique (aka EFT or Tapping). Since then I have taught EFT to hundreds of people in groups and in my private practice. I regularly receive gratitude for how their lives have changed using EFT to eliminate various fears and phobias including: spiders, snakes, heights, flying, public speaking, exams and riding in elevators. You can too!

Karen Ledger, RN BScN,

Changing Habits: Part 2

Research shows that there are 6 stages in changing habits that are all important to your success. Here are questions to ask yourself at each stage: 1. PRE-CONTEMPLATION – How much pain am I experiencing due to this habit? 2. CONTEMPLATION – How aware am I of the problem(s) created by this habit? 3. PREPARATION – What are the options available to change this habit? What is my plan? When will I start? 4. ACTION – Am I following through on my plan?  Do I have the support I need? 5. MAINTENANCE – (note:  this is the consolidation stage & can last 6 months to a lifetime). How consistent am I with my new habit? 6. TERMINATION – Am I beyond the risks of returning to my old ways? Remember – Be kind to yourself as you change habits.  Practice makes permanent!

Juhree Zimmerman,

A Fresh Start 2016

Calvin Wells wrote “The pattern of disease or injury that affects any group of people is not a matter of chance.  It is invariably the expression of stresses and strain to which they were exposed, a response to everything in their environment and behavior.”  This is a provocative and profound statement. Without judgement of ourselves and others we are able to clear a path to new possibilities.  When the chips are down, I love these self help tips from Michael I. Bennett, MD. 1. “Do your best to survive.” 2. “Act as if you like yourself.” (self focussed not self absorbed) 3. “Keep busy and distracted.” 4. “Avoid adding to your troubles.” 5. “Grade yourself daily as if you were evaluating a friend.  Grant your-self kudos every time you treat yourself or do something positive during times when you feel like a loser who deserves nothing.” Get a Massage!

Roxanne Derkson RMT GCFP,

Sleeping, Snoring, Always Tired? 

Adequate sleep is a key part of a healthy lifestyle, and benefits your heart, weight, mind, and more. The cost of poor sleep is much greater than many people think; it can have profound consequences for our long-term health. People who consistently fail to get enough sleep are at an increased risk of chronic disease. One potential cause of inadequate sleep is Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Multiple arousals each night are a result of the closing of their airway when asleep. This causes decreased oxygen levels and increased blood pressure. Over time, this leads to the chronic elevation of blood pressure, which is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease and stroke. Fortunately, when sleep apnea is treated, sleep quality improves, blood pressure may decrease and so do the associated risks. Testing for sleep apnea is done in the comfort of your own home.

Shelley McCulloch, RRT,

Benefits of Shea Butter 

Shea butter is a sustainable, hand-produced butter that is extracted from the kernel of the Shea fruit. It is primarily harvested and produced by women, and in Africa it is used in food, on babies, to protect skin and hair and as a skin healer and softener.  The natural fatty acids stimulate skin renewal.  The Vitamin E in shea butter makes it very stable and a reliable antioxidant to slow the signs of aging.  It providers an emollient barrier, so it is great as a diaper product, for healing bed sores, to stop chaffing, and for protecting hair and skin from chlorine, sun, salt and wind.  The cinnamic acid in it makes it sun protective, and the stearic acid in it makes it easy to mix with other ingredients. Eczema and psoriasis respond well to the healing powers of Shea Butter.  Organic, unrefined Shea Butter is the Superwoman of butters!

Karen Van Dyck,

Eye Exams Important for Diabetics

As a diabetic, it is very important to have an eye exam at least once a year, even if you’re not having any difficulty with your vision. Diabetes can cause damage to the small blood vessels to the back of your eye, causing them to bleed and distort vision.  It’s the leading cause of vision loss among working age adults. DME or Diabetic Macular Edema, is when the area of your central vision is involved and swelling occurs. Other ocular changes that can occur from being diabetic are cataracts, a clouding of the lens and glaucoma, a disease that damages the optic nerve. Diabetic Retinopathy can often go unnoticed until vision loss occurs, so all diabetics should have a dilated eye exam once a year as early detection by your optometrist can decrease the chances of having vision loss.

Dr. Nicholas Catchuk, IRIS Optometrist,

Partial Dentures

Removable partial dentures can replace one or more missing teeth.  They are designed specifically to meet the needs of the patient.  Esthetic appearance and speech is restored along with the ability to eat confidently and efficiently.  Partial dentures can be constructed out of metal and acrylic (plastic) or completely out of acrylic.  Metal partials are considered stronger structurally, thinner and more hygienic than acrylic partials.  Acrylic partials are usually recommended as a transitional or temporary partial.  A properly designed partial denture may help preserve the natural tooth placement of your existing teeth.  Your Denturist will determine the appropriate treatment plan and appropriate partial for you.  Call your Denturist  to book a consultation.

Kent Roberts RD,

Natural Health Spotlight

Lali Formaggia, PhD, H.N, B.Ed, (Arg) R.Ac, Dip. TCM, from Natura Medica is a fully qualified Registered Acupuncturist, board member of ARIIA-Acupoint and Regeneration Injection International Association in BC. Licensed by the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, with clinical experience since 2003. Her practice combines eastern and western sciences for optimum results. She specializes in regeneration of tissues with integrated pain treatments. “Many conditions respond well to regenerative injection therapies, such as facet syndrome (back and neck arthritis), whiplash, joint sprains, degenerative disc disease, osteoarthritis, tennis elbow, sprains, chronic tendonitis, and more. In my clinical practice, I have found injection therapy to be extremely effective for chronic and acute injuries recovery.” Testimonial: Sam Graci – health researcher, author, founder Greens Plus© “I had a traumatic injury on my knee. I was recommended surgery. I decided to try acupuncture and injection therapy in my ligament instead, and see what it could do first. After a series of injection treatments, I have no pain or tenderness at all. The results have been phenomenal!”

Lali Formaggia, Natura Medica

17 Benefits of Drinking Water

We all know that drinking water is vital for life. But what, exactly, is water’s function within our bodies?
Here are the top 17 Functions & Benefits of Drinking Water:

1) Water composes 75% of your brain.

2) Water regulates your body temperature.

3) Makes up 83% of your blood.

4) Makes up 75% of your muscles.

5) Composes 22% of your bones.

6) Helps convert food into energy.

7) Removes waste and toxins.

8) Enables your body to absorb nutrients.

9) Moistens oxygen for breathing.

10) Cushions your joints.

11) Helps carry nutrients and oxygen to your cells.

12) Improves your productivity at work.

13) Natural remedy for a headache.

14) Relieves fatigue and improves your mood.

15) Reduces your risk of getting cancer.

16) Improves your performance during exercise.

17) Makes you look younger and healthier.

The amount of water you consume every day plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy mind and body.

Jen McCarthy

Holiday Wellness

We are nearing the Holiday season; which can bring very mixed feelings for some people. The speed of life can seem daunting this time of year; and it is easy to get caught up in the busyness, and the impact and pace of so much change. One very helpful thing in times of stress is to simply take some breaks in Nature. Go for a walk, do some yard work, breathe the clean and fresh air outside – raining or not. We tend to spend more time than we need to sitting in front of a computer. Even just getting up to get a glass of water, or stretch your legs for a moment or two brings good health dividends. There is nothing I know that is better for the brain than to listen to music you enjoy – or, even better, play some music, by yourself or with others.

Howard V. Dieno DO (UK)