Community News
What is Matcha? 

Matcha is a Japanese green tea that has been shade-grown, de-veined, de-stemmed and slowly stone ground into a very fine powder. Matcha isn’t steeped, it’s “eaten.” Matcha drinkers benefit from a higher concentration of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fibre than are found in any other tea, making matcha one of the healthiest beverages on the planet. To match the potency of antioxidants found in a single serving of matcha, you would need to drink at least 10 cups of brewed green tea. Traditional matcha is also very simple to make. Pour ½ cup of hot water over ½ teaspoon of sifted powder, froth it (with a traditional bamboo whisk or an electric milk frother), and enjoy! With zero sugar and virtually zero calories, matcha is the ultimate “zenergy” drink.

Tiffanie and Kip Home, Just Matcha Tea Shop

Oil for Acne?

Turn to nature and cold-pressed, organic oils for glowing, healthy, clear skin. Soaps, alcohols, foaming products and strong astringents stress your skin, making it more vulnerable to skin problems, including acne. Consider adding oil to your regime to heal and balance the skin. Here’s how: Instead of soapy cleansers use an organic cold-pressed olive or jojoba oil to unplug sebum in the pores and reduce blackheads. Rinse with warm water, apply a thin layer of oil to the face and allow it to sit for a minute or two. (Adding essential oils like Tea tree or Lavender to the oil will act as powerful anti-bacterials.) Using a clean, hot washcloth, wipe the oil off your skin. Before bed, consider applying a thin layer of coconut oil (drying, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial), or a super healing oil like Tamanu oil to cleansed, warm skin. Wash off in the morning.

Karen Van Dyck

Finding Migraine Causes

If you or someone you know suffers from migraine headaches, you know how big of an impact they can have. Changes in weather, certain foods, loud noises, bright lights or even sudden movements can trigger them. Sometimes they come out of nowhere.Yes, these are common triggers, but most of the time these triggers are not the actual cause of the migraine. In fact, there is usually an underlying structural issue at the head and neck that causes tension and pressure to build up in and around the brain. The Doctors at UC Life focus specifically on locating and correcting these structural issues, allowing the body to release the tension and pressure that cause migraine headaches. If you or someone you know is suffering from migraine headaches, it’s time to contact UC Life for a complimentary consultation to see if they can help.

Dr. Matthew Kittleson

Book Club: Autism – Beyond Despair

Autism, Beyond Despair, CEASE Therapy, Homeopathy has the Answers, by Dr. Tinus Smits MD.

A riveting read for anyone with an interest in autism and other developmental and behavioral disorders. Through the ingenious use of homeopathy Dr. Smits was able to clearly identify the many causes of autism and to treat them systematically and logically. This book is a profound message of hope for anyone involved with autism.

Dr. Anke Zimmermann, ND

Good Financial Health

When is the last time you considered your own financial health? There are many dimensions to financial health, including the amount of savings you have, how much you’re setting away for retirement, and how much of your income you are spending on fixed or non-discretionary expenses. Each person’s situation is different, for this reason, it is worthwhile spending some time in developing your own financial plan to ensure that you’re on track to reach both your short-term and long-term goals. People often fail to recognize the power of interest; For example, putting away $10.22 per month from the time you are 16 years old, with compounding interest, would result in $100,000 upon retirement. However, purchasing everyday items on credit and just paying the minimum balance each month may mean that you reach retirement carrying $100,000 in debt. Shedding unnecessary debt now with our help can steer you toward future financial health.

Colleen Craig

Visit your Denturist 

Many people are not aware that they should visit their denturist office every two to three years. By not doing so, their overall oral health may be jeopardized, making their denture wearing ability and comfort harder to achieve. The need for regular visits is due to changes occurring in both the bone structure and soft tissues of your mouth over time. Usually a simple reline or rebase can refit the denture to the gums causing a more comfortable and tighter fit. However between the five to eight year mark, the actual denture teeth may be worn down enough to cause damage to your Tempo mandibular Joint from over closing. This over closing can also lead to cracking of the corners of the lips, aging of the face, or even headaches. Denturists are your Denture specialists and are trained to spot these problems and correct them.

Kent Roberts

Sleeping, Snoring, Always Tired?

Adequate sleep is a key part of a healthy lifestyle, and benefits your heart, weight, mind, and more. The cost of poor sleep is much greater than many people think; it can have profound consequences for our long-term health. People who consistently fail to get enough sleep are at an increased risk of chronic disease.  One potential cause of inadequate sleep is Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Multiple arousals each night are a result of the closing of their airway when asleep. This causes decreased oxygen levels and increased blood pressure. Over time, this leads to the chronic elevation of blood pressure, which is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease and stroke. Fortunately, when sleep apnea is treated, sleep quality improves, blood pressure may decrease and so do the associated risks. Testing for Sleep apnea is done in the comfort of your own home.

Shelley McCulloch, RRT

Doula Support Spotlight

Doula Nancy Murphy offers prenatal, birth and postpartum support to pregnant women and their partners/families from Victoria to Duncan, both in a home birth and hospital setting, with midwives and physicians. Having a doula on hand to coach you through your pregnancy and birth adds an extra level of support throughout your entire pregnancy journey and offers great peace of mind. As a graduate of the Pacific Rim College Holistic Doula Practitioner program in Victoria, Nancy utilizes integrative holistic approaches such as Thai massage, yoga, acupressure, and herbal medicine, with her clients. Also a visual artist in Victoria, Nancy embraces the beauty of pregnancy by sculpting belly casts as a beautiful keepsake for expectant mothers, with each cast being finished with art designs chosen with her clients. Another fun service that Nancy provides is belly henna – which is perfect for baby showers and other celebrations.

Nancy Murphy

Protecting Your Vision

We strive to maintain our health today with exercise, diet and preventative care by visiting our general practitioners annually, but what about our eyes? How often should you see an optometrist? Today eye exams are recommended once a year for a multitude of reasons, and having good vision doesn’t exclude the need. A person can have 20/20 vision and still require prescription glasses to help with symptoms such as fatigue and headaches caused by binocular or accommodative disorders. An optometrist is not only trained in detecting ocular diseases, like glaucoma macular degeneration and tumors, but also systemic conditions, that often times have changes within the eyes, such as diabetes, hypertension and multiple sclerosis. Many of these diseases may be asymptomatic in the early stages, but can cause permanent vision loss if not detected early. So if you’ve never seen an optometrist, or it’s been a few years, you’re overdue.

Clean Eating: Pumpkin Chia Bars


2 ¼ cup rolled oats
½ cup honey
1 cup pumpkin puree
1 tsp vanilla extract
¼ cup chia seeds


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Line a 8×8 pan with parchment paper and set aside.
In a medium bowl, add pumpkin, honey and vanilla extract.
Mix until combined.
Fold oats and chia seeds into batter, mix until incorporated.
Press evenly into baking dish.
Bake for 20-30 minutes.
Let cool and cut into 8 bars and store in air tight container.

Using Therapeutic Oils


When you go for a massage do you ever ask your therapist what kind of oil or lotion they use? Do you care? Some therapists are purists and others not so. For example Holly Oil, which is actually petroleum based, tends to be used due to its cost effectiveness. A popular and more natural option to try is fractionated coconut oil, which is a light carrier oil, fragrance free and much better for your body. With fractionated coconut oil, the lauric acid component is removed leaving it liquid at room temperature. As with all oils and lotions, make sure you are purchasing from a trusted supplier. Quality and freshness differs greatly. Buy organic when you can and stick to natural ingredients whenever possible. Up to 85 % of the product is in the top three ingredients listed. Your body deserves the best.

Roxanne Derkson RMT