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Living Well Beyond Breast Cancer. A Survivor’s Guide for When Treatment Ends and the Rest of Your Life Begins. By Marisa Weiss and Ellen Weiss. With answers for everything from how to deal with hair loss and weight gain to finding online support groups and understanding healthy foods and supplements, Living Well Beyond Breast Cancer contains a greater depth and breadth of information that cover current treatment options and preventative tips for those at high risk for developing breast cancer.

Clean Eating Recipe

Butternut Squash Soup. Ingredients: 15 ml olive oil. 1 onion. 1 butternut squash. 2 celery stalks. 2 garlic cloves. 1 potato. 2 ml pepper. 1, 5 L vegetable broth. 250 ml cooking cream. Directions: Heat oil in a large saucepan over medium heat and sauté onions for 4 minutes. Add squash, celery, garlic, potato, and pepper. Pour in vegetable broth and bring to a boil, then reduce heat to low. Simmer uncovered for 30 minutes. In a blender, puree mixture into a smooth soup. Return soup to the saucepan and add cream. Reheat over low heat before serving. Stir in 1 tbsp (15 mL) finely grated ginger and 1 tsp (5 mL) hot pepper flakes for a warm, spicy kick.

Move to Gain Strength and Mobility

After surgery or injury, it is often very important to exercise to regain strength and movement. If you have been told to exercise by your doctor or surgeon but are not sure exactly what that means, help is available. A kinesiologist can help you develop a strength training program to help with repetitive low back pain, hip pain and knee pain. Here are some tips for a smoother recovery after surgery or injury; ●Move as often as you can. ●Move with intention. ●Move within your pain free range of motion. We can help.

Product Profile: VoxxLife Wearable Technology

Over the past five years, Great Socks for All has introduced pain relief and enhanced balance to the people on Vancouver Island. A Canadian, searching for drug free pain relief for his mother’s MS symptoms, spent several years and millions of dollars analysing brainstem functionality and the peripheral nervous system. The result of the research is a very specific sequence and pattern of neuroreceptor activation on the bottom of the feet. This pattern is incorporated into VOXXLife socks and insoles. Benefits include enhanced pain relief and management, especially PDN pain, enhanced postural stability and balance, improved mobility and higher energy levels.

Single-Event Sports Betting

The CBC article, “Conservative MP says the Saskatchewan government has ‘dropped the ball’ on single-event sports betting, featured Waugh’s Bill C-218, also known as the Safe and Regulated Sports Betting Act”. Bill C-218, passed by the Canadian Senate and received Royal Assent in June 2021, came into force in August 2021. The legislation allows provinces and territories to conduct and manage single-event betting on any sporting event except horse racing. In November, the BC Lottery Corporation (BCLC) announced that BC residents had placed more than $25 million in single-event sports bets within two months of the legalization. If you run into trouble, support is available. ( )

Benefits of Therapeutic Recreation

At the core of therapeutic recreation is the idea that recreation and leisure are integral to the quality of life. This is especially important for seniors, who may be at increased risk of isolation and loneliness, which can have a detrimental effect on their physical and mental health. The recreation programming at Seniors Communities offers many benefits for the emotional and spiritual realms of life, including 1. Decreasing symptoms of anxiety, stress, and depression. 2. Fostering positive experiences. 3. Improving self-confidence. 4. Increasing sense of belonging. 5. Decreasing loneliness, boredom, and expressive behaviours.

Wellness Women’s Expo

The Women’s Expo is the place to be on September 23 & 24 to Explore, Indulge, Escape & Shop. It is all about wellbeing, empowerment, fashion, friends and fun. Lots of great things to explore with over 100 exhibitors showcasing their products and services. The 4th Annual Women’s Expo features wellness seminars, demonstrations, shopping, fashion shows and over $3000 in prizes. FREE to attend. Plan to be at the largest Women’s Expo on Vancouver Island taking place in Nanaimo on September 23 and 24th. See you there!

Relaxation Helps Longevity

Telomeres, small caps at the end of every chromosome, affect our aging process. An enzyme, telomerase, directly influences the rate of shortening of these caps which equates to the rate we age. The good news is we can influence this process. Stress has a direct effect on telomere length. It is strongly linked to oxidative stress in cells, a decrease in telomerase activity and an acceleration of telomere shortening. To strive for longevity choose to make relaxation time a priority. Garden, soak in the tub, have fun with family and friends. Stop watching the news and enjoy the abundance in your life.

Are Your Wants Realistic?

Most of us want to have a flat stomach, but the stomach is not meant to be perfectly flat. The ‘stubborn’ fat that doesn’t go away needs to be there to protect our digestive and reproductive organs. We need to stop berating ourselves for the ‘flab’ that actually keeps us healthy and safe. Our posture, the way we stand or an exaggerated curve in our back can make our belly look bigger. Before you skip that piece of cake or bowl of ice cream, work with a physiotherapist or a Pilates teacher to address your posture. Contact me to find out if Pilates is right for you.

I just got diagnosed with hearing loss.  Now what?

You’ve finally taken a hearing test and found out that you do in fact have a hearing loss. The diagnosis is official and you need hearing aids. Now what?

It can be difficult to come to terms with this type of diagnosis, and even a bit scary. The good news is that with proper care from a good audiologist or registered hearing professions such as a RHIP, the transition is worthwhile.

Coming to terms with the diagnosis

When an individual first receives a hearing loss diagnosis, it can take up to seven years before they start seeking treatment.

Many people struggle to accept the diagnosis as there might be personal reasons holding them back from treatment.

There are several risks of untreated hearing loss such as mental fatigue, poor emotional well-being and safety hazards, especially after long periods of time without treatment.

It’s important to avoid further consequences and recognize that treatment is a way to improve your quality of life. You can be more involved with your loved ones, recognize important sounds around you and effectively function better on your own.

Although it may seem frightening, expensive, or difficult to accept – treatment can benefit you greatly.

Audiologists and hearing health professionals at NexGen Hearing work with you to find the best treatment plan for your needs and help you receive the most effective hearing experience possible.

Getting your first hearing aids

Those with sensorineural hearing loss are typically treated with hearing aids. Since technology has advanced dramatically in recent years, hearing aids are more effective than ever with various brands offering unique experiences.

Before making recommendations, your audiologist or hearing health professional will conduct a formal needs assessment to address specific lifestyle needs outside of your hearing abilities.

They will learn about your social life, career, hobbies, budget, the style of hearing aids you like and more. All the information uncovered will help them tailor a hearing aid recommendation.

Your lifestyle and environment matter when it comes to selecting a hearing aid. Some people enjoy loud social gatherings so they need a hearing aid that can block out unnecessary background sound. Others may frequently spend time watching TV, so a hearing aid with excellent Bluetooth capabilities would be the most helpful.

Once a specific model is chosen, the hearing aid is ordered and you are booked in for a fitting. This appointment will introduce you to your new devices, ensure the hearing aid is comfortable and program the devices to your prescription.

There are several follow-up appointments around a week apart to fine-tune your hearing aid programs based on your feedback. Some patients might need certain sounds lowered or others increased to hear better.

In order to provide feedback that will improve your hearing aid programming, the hearing aids must be worn regularly so you can adapt to the hearing aids and new sound environment.

The goal is to make the transition easy for each individual so they can adjust to the hearing aids at their own pace. In some cases, patients need time to get used to the louder sounds because it can be overwhelming at first.

By moving as slowly or quickly as needed, you can get accustomed to the new sound environment comfortably and eventually reaching your prescription level.

Also during these appointments, you will receive education on all of the necessary hearing aid care such as how to charge them, properly clean and change their filters, connect to Bluetooth, warranty and more.

Your audiologist or hearing health professional is there to answer your questions, provide support throughout the experience and ensure you are getting the most out of your hearing aids.

Once all of the follow-up appointments are completed and you are happy with your hearing aids, you can go back to life as normal with support from your hearing clinic.

The next steps

The hearing aid journey doesn’t stop at the fitting and programming at NexGen Hearing Clinic. It continues throughout life as you navigate the world with hearing loss and hearing aids.

Always available and willing to help, the clinic provides support to its patients for as long as needed from quarterly check-ups to walk-ins with a hearing or hearing aid problem needing to be solved.

That being said, the best part about completing the fitting and programming stage is how your new hearing aids integrate into your day-to-day life.

Amplifying the sounds you struggle to hear and creating a fuller listening experience, the hearing aids improve your quality of life.

They become a tool for your success so you can hear the things you used to miss, feel more comfortable in situations that used to make it difficult to hear and gain confidence.

If you notice odd sounds, tech issues or other problems, NexGen Hearing Clinic’s front door is always open to help patients and provide support as they accumulate to live with hearing aids.

Are you looking to treat your hearing loss?

Audiologists and hearing professionals at NexGen Hearing are passionate, dedicated and experienced. They are here to support you on your journey to better hearing and help you experience an improved quality of life through exceptional care.

Patients are welcomed at over 45 clinics in the BC Interior, Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island.

To find a clinic near you and book an appointment, click here or call 1-877-606-6671.

Dance for the Health of It!

Dancing is fun and burns lots of calories. Modern Square Dancing is: *A combined mental and physical workout. *A great way to meet new people and have lots of fun. *A cooperative sport where all work together to execute a series of calls in time with the music and caller. *A joyful, rhythmic group dance done to all types of music and live singing. It’s also a fun evening out and you can top up your step count for the day! Come with a partner or on your own. All are welcome! Free Lessons September 18 & 25.