Community News
Great Socks for Travel

Many of us have compression socks for traveling. On the day of travel, put them on when you get up; that is when your legs are less swollen. This allows your body to adapt to the socks. Make sure to leave them on for a few hours after you land to again allow your body to adapt. Wearing the socks for the extra time can reduce any swelling of the legs much more effectively than if they are taken straight off. Travel socks do not work unless you wear them. If the ones you have are not comfortable, look for a different kind.

The Wellness Hub Vancouver Island

Looking for more local health and wellness information? Check out the Wellness Hub Vancouver Island. It features hundreds of local business and practitioners offering services and products, health tips on a variety of topics, podcasts, reviews and more. It is easy to search, access and share information. While you are on the Wellness Hub, don’t forget to enter the April Contest for a Wellness Basket sponsored by Bonneau Gifts. The draw date is April 30, 2022.

Reiki Really Works

Reiki is an energy healing treatment that works holistically; on the whole body, mind and spirit. Natural healing vibrations are transmitted through the hands of a Reiki practitioner to the body of the recipient. Reiki treatment can relieve stress and pain, induce relaxation, release emotional blockages, accelerate natural healing, balance subtle energies, and support other medical modalities, including traditional therapies. Reputable medical facilities are now offering patients alternative healing programs such as Reiki, and are analyzing the benefits and submitting them for review and compilation. Look at your options on how you can learn Reiki to experience personal healing and also to help others.

Warm-Up Before Exercise

With the warmer weather of spring comes an increase in many people’s activity levels. We are more motivated to get out and enjoy the warmer temperatures and the sunshine. An increase in physical activity often increases activity-related injuries and muscle strains. To reduce injuries, try doing some easy warm-up exercises. Lunges, bending forward, arm circles, side bending, and jumping jacks are some great exercises that can warm-up and stretch your muscles before you get going. Post-exercise stretching will also reduce your risk of injury. We are here to help if injuries occur.

Can You Do a Pelvic Tilt?

When people try to do a pelvic tilt, they usually 1) try to suck their abs in like a posing bodybuilder, (2) push their back out like a Halloween cat silhouette, or (3) squeeze their bum forward like a scared dog. Do any of these moves sound athletic? The majority of people cannot perform or sustain a pelvic tilt properly. If you can’t tilt your pelvis, you can become constipated, lose range of hip and shoulder mobility, get bunions (they are not genetic!), lose bladder control, and no matter how many ab exercises you do, your belly will not get smaller. I can help.

Product Feature: The Abena Difference

Comfort | Dignity | Confidence | Freedom are all qualities of the Abena incontinence management products and are just the tip of the iceberg of what makes them unique. Abena’s product specialists work closely together with nurses to develop products with industry-leading absorbency and specialty features. It has a holistic approach to healthcare that personalizes products to suit your lifestyle. Incontinence care should never be ‘one size fits all’. Abena products are designed with a highly absorbent core, are fully breathable, are guaranteed skin-friendly and are certified eco-friendly. We are pleased to offer Abena incontinence management products.

Profile: MEND Mobile Health

Mend is defined as “the act of curing, repairing and reforming”. That is exactly what the health practitioners at MEND can do for you in the comfort of your own home. They are Kinesiologists, Acupuncturists, Athletic Therapists, Exercise Physiologists and Personal Trainers. “Making small changes in your routine can have huge impacts on whole-body health, the healing process and general well-being.” MEND practitioners can help you *Build strength to keep up with the grandkids, * Improve your balance and mobility, * Recover from surgery/injury and *So much more. Contact them today to find out how they can help you Mend.

Holistic Learning Support

Happy Student offers holistic learning support created by a certified and experienced Life Coach & Teacher with an extensive understanding of children’s psychology and mindfulness practices. We offer *Tutoring: Unique programs based on students’ passion and talents. *Summer Forest Camp: A safe place to socialize, practice French, connect to nature and play in a small group setting. *Homeschool Support: Together we create a program that is aligned with each student’s capacity. This results in peace of mind for students & parents ensuring you are on the right track and feeling organized. Please contact us to book a free consultation.

WorkBC Assistive Technology Services

“There are a million different ways that we can help somebody increase their capability at work,” says Nate Toevs, Marketing Manager for the WorkBC Assistive Technology Services program. Offered across BC, the program “helps people who have a barrier to their employment-related activities,” explains Nate. “The focus is on people with disabilities, but it’s also people who have an old injury or chronic pain, anything that prevents them from giving one hundred percent of themselves in the workplace.” The program provides funding for assistive technology, ergonomics, restorative supports including canes and crutches, hearing aids, vehicle modifications, and more.

Relief for Sore and Tired Legs

Do you spend a lot of your day standing or walking? Being on your feet for long periods can cause sore feet, swelling of the legs, varicose veins, general muscular fatigue, and other health problems. VoxxLife socks with HPT technology provide enhanced pain relief and management, better stability and balance, improved mobility and more energy. The Athletic Knee highs with gentle compression reduce swelling, keep muscles warm, increase blood flow in the legs and are comfortable for all wearers. Wool work socks with HPT are ideal for working outdoors and for activities like walking and hiking.

Weather Protection

Here on the west coast, March comes in like a lion and brings showers along with it. After a long, dark winter, we want to get outside to enjoy more hours of daylight, so it is important to protect ourselves from the rain. If you ride a scooter, there are accessories available to keep the rain off both you and your ride. Many of these accessories attach to your scooter and include; *canopies, *umbrellas, *rain capes, and *covers. There are also accessories to keep you safe, such as flags and windshields. Please visit our showroom or website to see the full line of accessories.