The Victoria Horseshoe Club, Home of the Happy Horseshoe, invites you to come and check out the Club and join in the fun. The Club welcomes all players no matter what your skill level is. Their Summer League is underway with room for new members. The many benefits of horseshoe pitching include: *Exercise, *Meet New Friends, *Competition, *Recreation, * Fun for the family and *Low-cost registration. The members are a warm and friendly bunch and they look forward to meeting you. See their website for more information.
Managing Isn’t Living
“Isn’t it nice to go visit Dad? I wish I could see him more, but he seems to be managing.” What does managing look like to a senior? They manage to get up, get dressed, and get fed. They manage emails and telephone calls. How many of us equate managing with living? Comfort Keepers say ‘NO’ to senior isolation and loneliness through our companionship program. CK provides a FREE in-home assessment where we match personalities and provide companionship and confidence to your loved one so they may go back to doing what brings them joy. Reach out to us for more information.
Pick the Quiet Food
Grocery store items have health claims on everything from cereal and granola bars to drink mixes. Imagine if the produce section came with health claims on the carrots and broccoli. Beets would be covered in stickers exclaiming how good they are for you and your heart, and stickers about the high fibre content would be on everything. The same can be said about the grains and beans that can be found in the bulk section. Choose these quiet foods that contain an abundance of the vitamins, minerals, fibre, and protein that the loud foods are claiming they have.
Clean Eating Recipe
Vegan Ice Cream Bars: 1 ½ cups raw cashews. 1 ½ cups water. ½ cup maple syrup. 2 TBSP. vanilla extract. Chocolate Coating: 1/3 cup raw cocoa powder. 1/3 cup melted coconut oil. 1/4 cup maple syrup. Add cashews, water, maple syrup, and vanilla to a blender. Blend until very smooth. Pour into an ice pop mold, insert popsicle sticks, and freeze overnight. Remove the mold and place on parchment paper. Mix the chocolate coating and spoon to spread a thin layer of chocolate mixture on all sides of the bars. Enjoy!
June Brain Teasers Answers
.1 Shake hands. 2. A penny. 3. A glove. 4. A river
Words to Live By
“Do not let the opinion of someone else get in the way of what is truly in your heart to express.” – Keith Macpherson
Words to Live By
“Listen carefully to the stories that you tell other people. Are the stories you share about your life in line with how you want to show up in the world?” – Keith Macpherson
Words to Live By
“True Silence is the rest of the mind, and it is to the spirit what sleep is to the body, nourishment and refreshment.” – William Penn
The Healthy Book Club
In “Not Good Enough: Understanding Your Core Belief and Anxiety,” Sabrina Trobak, MACP, RCC, CCS, (from Fort St. John, BC) offers practical strategies to manage anxiety. She emphasizes the significance of recognizing and challenging core beliefs, which impact thoughts, behaviors, and emotions. Trobak advocates for understanding one’s core belief’s origins and influence, enabling readers to address unhealthy patterns and cultivate lasting confidence.
Are You Having Fun?
As an older adult, you’re likely aware of the importance of staying active for optimal mental and physical health. Amidst all your activities, it’s crucial to ask yourself: Are you truly having fun? Fun and joy are essential components of a fulfilling life, making us feel alive, engaged, and connected to others. When we embrace laughter and play, the world becomes more vibrant and inviting. Every senior deserves to pursue enjoyable pastimes that transport them, making them lose track of time or feel like a carefree kid once again. The good news is that many of the best activities for senior citizens are low-cost or even free. So, why not explore activities that reignite the youthful spirit within you?
Make Self-Care a Priority
Stress is a natural part of everyday life. But are you aware that stress is among the number one causes of all kinds of health concerns, including sleep deprivation, changes in appetite, illness, anxiety, and depression? One of the greatest ways to combat these stress symptoms is to implement a self-care plan that is done regularly in your life. Self-care strategies include doing activities that you enjoy regularly. Like when a flight attendant does the safety brief and asks you to put on your oxygen mask first before helping others, it is important to ensure your health and wellness are a priority.