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Join the WellnessHub Today

Are you a health care practitioner? Do you have a health and wellness business? If so, you want to get a listing on the WellnessHub – Basic listings are FREE. The WellnessHub is Vancouver Island’s local online health and wellness resource. It features practitioners, businesses, health tips, a monthly contest and much more. Monthly memberships are available for people who want extra exposure. The WellnessHub is supported in print, social media, radio and more. We work with you to get your message out to your potential customers. The Hub attracts thousands of local visitors every month.

The Cryptocurrency Craze

Crypto! We are hearing about it everywhere now. There are hundreds of cryptocurrencies available, wide-ranging in value. Have you seen the crypto ATMs at the mall? Have you noticed the uptick in crypto advertising during sporting events, including at hockey, football, and basketball games? What is crypto anyways, and how does it work? Is it investing? Playing the market? Gambling? All of the above? None of the above? If you’re curious about crypto, or if it is negatively impacting you or someone you love, please reach out to We can help you untangle crypto.

Assistance for an Ageing Workforce

“We’re dealing with an ageing workforce that will have more people with chronic pain issues, more people with vision or hearing loss, and there are different supports available depending on the degree of challenges you are dealing with,” says Nate Toevs, Marketing Manager for the WorkBC Assistive Technology Services program. “We know we can bring a lot to the table that can make a huge impact for that individual, which in turn will impact the company that they work for.” The program provides funding for assistive technology, ergonomics, restorative supports including canes and crutches, hearing aids, vehicle modifications, and more. Contact us for more information.

Coldest Night of the Year

The Coldest Night of the Year is Canada’s National Walk for Homelessness. Since 2011, it has raised more than $43 million. The Coldest Night of the year is a winterrific family-friendly walk to raise money for local charities serving people experiencing hurt, hunger, and homelessness. Team up, walk, and fundraise! It’s cold out there… but there’s no place like home. The event takes place on February 26th in 168 locations in Canada. The event features family-friendly 2 or 5 km walks and Covid-friendly virtual options. See the website for more details on how you can get involved with your local event.

Information and Energy are Key to Health

Have you ever considered that in a state of total wellness, the body’s cells and organs always know what to do, and do it perfectly? The latest science is revealing the mechanisms that allow the body’s optimal functioning, and also what can cause it to lose resilience and efficacy, and to even malfunction. All of the science, along with NES’s extensive research and testing, has demonstrated that the root cause of malfunction – as well as the source of optimal functioning – exists beneath the physiology of the body. We must look to the physics underlying our biochemistry.

Total Wealth Planning

As of 2021, 22.8% of Canadians are 65 or older. It’s important to have conversations around Total Wealth Planning for your family. Considerations: *Talk about money openly with family, *Establish a family member as a point of contact to divert calls from scammers, *Regular finances review; involve the family in discussions with your advisor, * Discuss the creation of a Will and Power of Attorney while the senior is still of sound mind. If you want to learn how to help the senior in your life, contact us today.

Chiropractic Care for Newborns

Why on earth should a newborn see a chiropractor? Chiropractic is about assessing and improving function rather than pain. Babies go through thousands of milestones in their first year of life alone. It is important that these milestones are reached and occur in the appropriate time frame. Assessing your baby’s nervous system function and removing any interference may allow your baby to appropriately reach these milestones. Adjustments for a baby look very different than for an adult. Often, all that is needed is sustained pressure – the same pressure you would use to check the ripeness of a tomato. It is safe, gentle and effective.

Preventive Dentistry

Going to the dentist is not something that most people enjoy even though it is very important for overall health. Did you know that you can avoid many cavities, gum diseases, enamel wear, and other dental issues with preventive dentistry services? Considering the condition of your oral health, an experienced dentist will advise appropriate preventative measures to protect your teeth and gums from damage. Preventive dentistry can be very cost-effective and save you money in the long run. Treatments are designed to help you maintain a healthy smile. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

At Home Fitness

The last few months have been challenging. Many businesses, like F45 Training, have adapted extremely well. Since the lockdown, F45 has been running online, at-home zoom sessions called “F45 Live”. Members and non-members can sign up on the F45 Training App. Members participate in workouts at home with an F45 trainer live on the screen doing the session with them, giving them their queuing and motivation. The F45 Challenge app offers bodyweight workouts, weighted workouts, and recovery sessions at the click of a finger. All of these options have helped their members stay engaged, stay fit and stay on top of their fitness goals!

Meet the Practitioner: Dr. Klar

Dr. Jason G. Klar is a passionate and dedicated practitioner in the field of optometry, who strives to make patient-centred care a priority. He completed a Bachelor’s of Science in Chemistry at UBC followed by a Doctorate of Optometry from the Illinois College of Optometry in Chicago, Illinois. During this time, Dr. Klar completed multiple clinical rotations across both diverse and complex vision settings. Dr. Klar received training in therapeutic and ocular disease, while also working in both primary care and pediatric internships. Dr. Klar is eager to apply his experience and compassion with patients as they address key vision concerns that ultimately impact their quality of life.

Fresh Air & Exercise Boost Wellbeing

Have the icy roads and snowy conditions kept you from enjoying your daily walks? We know the importance of daily exercise and fresh air to our health. Luckily, February on the coast usually comes with more favourable walking conditions. Outside our door is the beautiful nature of Vancouver Island. Whether it is just a walk around the block or a hike up a mountain, the fresh air and exercise boost our wellbeing. So lace up your shoes and wear VoxxLife socks with HPT for enhanced balance and stability. Additional benefits include; enhanced pain relief and management, especially PDN pain and improved mobility.