Community News
Wildfire Smoke Health Risks

Wildfire smoke, a blend of PM2.5 and gases like carbon monoxide, poses severe health risks in Western Canada. It obstructs oxygen intake, irritates the respiratory system, and triggers inflammation, manifesting in eye irritation, coughing, or headaches. While most symptoms are manageable, severe cases require medical attention, especially if experiencing breathlessness or chest pain. Smoke exposure heightens infection risks and even ear infections in children. Minimizing exposure is crucial. HEPA air filters like PureHEPA+ and sealed environments help indoors. While driving, maintain closed windows and recirculated air. During smoky periods, reduce exertion, exercise indoors, and stay hydrated. Prioritize health amidst wildfires. Source: use code CVWN24 or a 15% discount

Stoking Our Inner Warrior

An inner warrior is someone who has the strength to stand up for what they believe in and speak their truth. Someone who perseveres in the face of adversity and challenge and who acts with integrity despite their challenges. Someone who knows how to love fully and generously shares their love. One way to cultivate the presence of your inner warrior is to choose a role model who embodies the quality of bravery, inner strength and courage. Close your eyes and each day contemplate the quality of energy that attracts you to this person and know this energy lies within you to receive and use fully.

June is Migraine Awareness Month

Migraines impact one billion people across the globe and is recognized as the #2 cause of disability worldwide. While a migraine is a headache, a headache isn’t always a migraine. Headaches cause pain in the neck, sinuses, face, and head. Migraines, however, cause debilitating pain, visual disturbances, or both. They can last for hours or days and are often chronic. Without relief, migraines can cause other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, muscle weakness and can also lead to depression. Some of the most common triggers include stress, bright lights, sleep changes, alcohol, foods such as aged cheeses, and changes in exercise habits. Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice on prevention and treatment.

Life is About Living Fully

The opposite of love is not hate, but indifference. When fear runs our hearts and our lives, it shuts us down and it creeps into every crevice of our being. It builds up walls that trap us inside ourselves. When we allow fear and indifference to run our relationships and our life choices instead of love, it strangles us slowly and boldly until one day there is nothing left but a shell of disconnect and dis-ease. Life is about living. Living fully, boldly, courageously, openly, lovingly, embracing and drinking in new experiences and exploring the laboratory we call “life” to its fullest. Learning firsthand what you love and works for YOU and what doesn’t work. When we allow ourselves to embrace life fully, we fill our hearts with meaning and connection and allow our life force to flow by both giving and receiving interchangeably.

A Day of Self-Nurturing and Healing

Dedicating a day for the pursuit of wellness once a month relaxes, renews and allows you to get off the “treadmill of life “and replenish. Having time to unwind, listen, reflect, nurture and reclaim your inner flow and balance is essential in a world where demands never stop. Recalibrating your nervous system and inner compass, listening carefully to your body, heart and spirit’s desires helps guide you and allows messages to come through that can’t when we are always on the go. Start your healing day by shutting out worldly distractions and devices. Set an intention and dedicate the time to healing by asking questions you want clarity on, choose wisely the healing tools that will best nurture you and let your day unfold.

Better than Botox™

Experience the ultimate anti-aging breakthrough with Better than Botox™ by Quantum Facial. This advanced system harnesses nano-science technology to deeply penetrate your skin’s dermis, delivering unmatched results. Our patented formulas feature revolutionary neurotransmitter blocks, offering effects similar to injectables, but without the pain or hassle. With a simple two-part activation, we ensure superior efficacy, while eliminating the need for stabilizers or fragrances. Unlike other products, water is not our primary moisturizing ingredient; instead, our nutrient-rich formula nourishes your skin, providing long-lasting benefits, without costly moisturizers. Embrace the skincare innovation revolutionizing the quest younger looking skin.

Laser Acupuncture for Smoking Cessation

The addictive qualities of cigarettes make smoking a tough habit to break, but there are safe and alternative measures you can take to remove this addiction from your life. Laser acupuncture is a non-invasive option that focuses on the three aspects of addiction: physical, using laser/electronic stimulation of acupressure points on your upper body; psychological, providing materials, tips, and one-on-one coaching; and detoxification, helping to eliminate cigarette toxins from your body. With an impressive success rate ranging from 85% to 94%, we offer 8 weeks of booster sessions to ensure your long-term success. Choose laser acupuncture as your gateway to a smoke-free life and regain your health and well-being.

Aging At Home

Many seniors would prefer to stay at home than move into a senior care home, but there are some challenges to consider. Factors like finances, physical mobility, social network, health concerns, and safety in the home are all things to think about. If you decide to remain in your home, discuss your plans with your family or a trusted advisor. It’s important to prepare your home to ensure you can live comfortably and safely there, using various aids and tools to make things easier. In-home care can also provide much-needed day-to-day support, as well as transportation to appointments and gatherings.

Benefits of Infrared Sauna

Infrared saunas are a type of sauna that use infrared heaters to emit infrared light experienced as radiant heat, which is absorbed by the surface of the skin. Here are some potential benefits associated with the use of infrared saunas: Detoxification, Relaxation and Stress Reduction, Pain Relief, Improved Circulation, Skin Health, Weight Loss. It’s important to note that while there is evidence supporting these benefits, scientific research is still ongoing to fully understand the extent and mechanisms of these effects. Individuals with certain health conditions should consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating infrared sauna sessions into their wellness routine.

Clean Eating Recipe

Vegan Ice Cream Bars: 1 ½ cups raw cashews. 1 ½ cups water. ½ cup maple syrup. 2 TBSP. vanilla extract. Chocolate Coating: 1/3 cup raw cocoa powder. 1/3 cup melted coconut oil. 1/4 cup maple syrup. Add cashews, water, maple syrup, and vanilla to a blender. Blend until very smooth. Pour into an ice pop mold, insert popsicle sticks, and freeze overnight. Remove the mold and place on parchment paper. Mix the chocolate coating and spoon to spread a thin layer of chocolate mixture on all sides of the bars. Enjoy!

The Healthy Book Club

In “Not Good Enough: Understanding Your Core Belief and Anxiety,” Sabrina Trobak, MACP, RCC, CCS, (from Fort St. John, BC) offers practical strategies to manage anxiety. She emphasizes the significance of recognizing and challenging core beliefs, which impact thoughts, behaviors, and emotions. Trobak advocates for understanding one’s core belief’s origins and influence, enabling readers to address unhealthy patterns and cultivate lasting confidence.