Community News
Family-First Products by Norwex

Nothing is more important than your family—they deserve only the highest quality, safest, most effective products. Enter Norwex: Our first priority is safe, clean products you can feel good about. With Norwex, you can wrap your children and pets in love, not harmful chemicals. Our range of safer products ensures you can keep them clean and dry while bringing peace of mind to you and your loved ones. From cleaning supplies to personal care items, Norwex provides a healthier, more environmentally friendly way to care for your family and your home, because your family’s well-being is our top concern.

Disability Tax Credit for Arthritis

During Arthritis Awareness Month, it’s essential to recognize the challenges that those with arthritis face, particularly in walking and dressing. These daily activities can become daunting tasks due to pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility. Fortunately, the Disability Tax Credit (DTC) is available to help alleviate some of the financial burden. As a DTC specialist, I assist individuals in navigating the complex application process, ensuring they receive the support they deserve. This tax credit can make a significant difference, offering financial relief that can be used toward medical treatments, mobility aids, and adaptive clothing.

September Brain Teasers

1. Lose me once I’ll come back stronger, lose me twice I’ll leave forever, what am I? 2. What is the difference between a person with a terrible toothache and a rainy day? 3. A Buddhist went to the dentist for a root canal, but he refused Novocain, why?

Overcoming Arthritis

With support, a person with arthritis may maintain daily activities and routines for a long time. Allowing even a small amount of regular, ongoing assistance can make a big difference for those living with osteo or rheumatoid arthritis. Some folks may need assistance with activities such as bathing; dressing; grooming; cleaning; cooking; traveling; or transportation. Others may welcome help to enjoy leisure activities or time with friends and family. Whether provided by family or through paid Care Professionals, some timely support will go a long way to improving quality of life for those with arthritis and other chronic conditions.

Laser Therapy for Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is generally caused by progressive wear and tear on our joints that results in the breakdown of our joint cartilage. When cartilage breaks down, the bones start to grind against each other, creating inflammation in the joint. These changes are what cause you to experience painful symptoms. The degenerative process itself may not be painful, however the resulting inflammation and irritation to surrounding muscles, ligaments, and tendons usually cause you to experience uncomfortable and sometimes debilitating symptoms. Cold laser therapy offers an innovative treatment for a variety of acute and chronic, often painful, conditions like osteoarthritis.

Financial Health: A Pillar of Overall Wellbeing

Just as you prioritize your physical and mental health, it’s vital to focus on your financial wellbeing. FP Canada found in it’s most recent survey that 44% of Canadians say money is their biggest source of stress. Financial stress can lead to anxiety, sleeplessness, and even physical health issues. By planning, budgeting, and investing wisely, you’re not just securing your future—you’re also reducing stress, which contributes to better overall health. Think of financial wellness as another pillar of your holistic health strategy. A sound financial plan ensures you can enjoy life’s pleasures, and maintain peace of mind, ultimately enhancing your overall quality of life.

Energize Your Back-to-School Routine

As the new school year begins, it’s important to recalibrate your energy and smoothly transition into a new routine. Incorporate grounding practices like mindfulness and deep breathing to stay centered and reduce stress. Address any emotional challenges or anxieties and consider using Reiki to boost mental and emotional resilience. Enhance focus and clarity for better performance and organization. Strive for balance between school, work, and personal life, emphasizing self-care to prevent burnout. Start the year with positive, uplifting energy to foster optimism and enthusiasm. Remember, a balanced routine promotes overall well-being and success.

Quit Smoking with Laser Therapy

Is quitting smoking on your ‘To-Do List’ year after year? Have you tried just about everything, with little success? Laser Therapy is clinically proven to help to control cravings and withdrawal symptoms, with a 84-95% success rate! In clinical studies, patients report a noticeable reduction in cravings, and have a higher chance of success in quitting. The benefits of quitting smoking with laser over other interventions include no medications with unpleasant side effects, no unhealthy nicotine in your system in the form of patches, and pleasant side effects of relaxation which are a result of the endorphins released in response to the laser.

Transform Your Health with Better Habits!

What do you most want for your health? Your habits can be the key to achieving it! Our habits are behaviors we repeat, often without even thinking. While some may be content with their health habits, others find they no longer serve them well. The good news: habits CAN change! If we want different outcomes, we must take different actions! Changing our habits, and ultimately our lives, involves letting go of what no longer benefits us and making room for something different. What one habit can you let go of to improve your health and achieve what you most want?

Product Spotlight: Soil Booster Plus

Boost your garden’s vitality with Organic Soil Booster, a powerful blend of over 70 trace minerals designed to replenish depleted soils. After more than a century of intensive farming, essential minerals have been drained from the earth, leaving plants without the nutrients they need to thrive. Our Organic Soil Booster contains humates, ancient natural substances, combined with Penergetic K, a cutting-edge bio-technology from Switzerland. This potent mix not only restores minerals but also stimulates soil biology, making nutrients more accessible to plants. Give your garden the organic boost it deserves for healthier, more resilient crops.

Book Club: The Mountain is You

Transforming Self-Sabotage into Self-Mastery by Brianna Wiest
Coexisting but conflicting needs create self-sabotaging behaviors. This is why we resist efforts to change, often until they feel completely futile. But by extracting crucial insight from our most damaging habits, building emotional intelligence by better understanding our brains and bodies, releasing past experiences at a cellular level, and learning to act as our highest potential future selves, we can step out of our own way and into our potential.