Community News
Embracing Comfort & Safety

As 2024 begins, our focus turns to winter wellness for our loved ones. Home care becomes a beacon of warmth and support, ensuring seniors navigate the colder months with comfort and safety. From expertly conducted home safety checks to wardrobe assistance for chilly days, our caregivers bring tailored care to the doorstep. As the cold weather sets in, home care becomes more than practical assistance; it’s a commitment to preserving independence and fostering a cozy, secure environment. Embrace the season with peace of mind, knowing that your loved ones are in caring and capable hands.

New Year, New You!

Invest in yourself this year with a Personalized Plan to support your health! Choice Nutrition’s expertise in leveraging alternative and holistic treatment approaches, proven effective for over three decades, aims to enhance, restore, or sustain good health. They’ll identify your unique needs and merge the best of natural and conventional healthcare to maximize your health using: 1) Professional-grade custom formula nutritional supplements. 2) Therapies and Services – Naturopathic Consultations, Integrative Microscopy & Cancer Care, Acupuncture, IV Therapy, Sensitivity Testing, Low Intensity Laser, Heavy Metal Testing, Custom Orthotics, Wellness Detox Room, along with Massage, Reflexology, and Reiki being offered.

2024: Choices for Healthful Living

As we embrace 2024, let’s welcome a year brimming with opportunities for well-being. Let this fresh chapter inspire us to prioritize wellness, build meaningful connections, and journey toward a healthier, happier self. Together, let’s make 2024 a year filled with choices that nurture lasting vitality. Here’s to growth, resilience, and the pursuit of overall well-being. Cheers to a healthier, happier Saskatchewan!

Importance of Vitamin D

With the darker winter months upon us, we do not get enough sun exposure for our bodies to produce sufficient vitamin D on their own. Osteoporosis Canada recommends that most Canadian adults should take a daily vitamin D supplement. Vitamin D plays an essential role in bone health by facilitating the absorption of calcium. In addition, it helps maintain muscle health, can minimize the effects of seasonal depression, and may reduce the risk of fractures caused by falls. Talk to one of our pharmacists about recommended doses.

Clean Eating Recipe:

Indulge in Potato Gratin with Sage and Parmigiano Reggiano. Preheat oven to 350ºF. Peel and slice 3 lbs Yukon gold or red potatoes, layering them in a 12-inch skillet with ½ cup thinly-sliced onion, sprinkling 3 tsp kosher salt as you go. Pour 3 cups heavy cream, add ¼ tsp black pepper, ⅛ tsp nutmeg, and 6 sage leaves and gently stir. Simmer on medium-high heat, then low for 15 mins till cream thickens and potatoes are half-cooked. Dot with 1 tbsp unsalted butter and sprinkle ⅓ cup Parmigiano Reggiano. Bake until cheese is golden, and potatoes are tender, about 15 minutes. Enjoy!

Words to Live By

“Although no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” – Carl Bard

Seasons Greetings: Tax Benefit Opportunities

“As the year draws to a close, it’s a time to reflect on gratitude and generosity. I wish you joy and cheer this season. Remember, amidst the festivities, there may be untapped opportunities to ensure financial wellness. As a disability tax specialist, I encourage you to explore potential tax benefits available to you. Let this season be not only about celebration but also about securing your financial future. May the holidays bring you comfort, and may the new year shine light on possibilities for a more prosperous tomorrow. Wishing you and your loved ones a season filled with happiness, while keeping your financial well-being in mind.”

Curb Holiday Sugar Over-Indulgence

With the holidays right around the corner, here are some tricks to minimize that over-indulgence. Try to keep up with your exercise regime to help your body process the excess sugars and calories and to keep feelings of bloating or indigestion down. Before a party, have a high-fibre snack to decrease the amount of sweets eaten and try to limit yourself to one cocktail and intersperse that with sparkling water. Drink warm lemon water with some added apple cider vinegar to support blood sugar and digestion, and add turmeric and ginger for anti-inflammatory effects. As for your cooking and baking, explore recipes with healthy sugar alternatives.

Live Your BEST Lung Life!

Inhale. Exhale. This holiday season here are three things to talk to your health provider about to keep you breathing easier. 1) Don’t ignore the snore. If you snore and are tired during the day, you may have sleep apnea, a disease where you stop breathing in your sleep that requires treatment. Ask about a sleep apnea test. 2) Keep up to date on your vaccinations. Prevent influenza, pneumonia, COVID and RSV. 3) Don’t ignore a cough, wheeze, shortness of breath or chest tightness. Ask about a spirometry test. Learn more at

Hypnotic Holiday Self-Care Solutions

Amidst the whirlwind of festivities, integrating hypnotherapy into your self-care regime can be a transformative holiday gift. This powerful practice offers a serene escape from seasonal stress, fostering relaxation and mindfulness. Through guided sessions, it unlocks the mind’s potential, fostering resilience and aiding in overcoming obstacles. Embracing hypnotherapy during this time cultivates a deeper connection with oneself, facilitating a sense of calm amidst the seasonal hustle. As the new year beckons, it’s an invaluable tool for setting intentions and embracing positive change. Incorporating hypnotherapy not only enhances the holiday experience but lays a foundation for a rejuvenated, empowered journey into the new year.