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April Brain Teasers

1. Working past age 65 is linked to a shorter life, a study found. TRUE or FALSE? 2. Sitting for more than three hours a day can cut two years off a person’s life expectancy. TRUE or FALSE? 3. Reading in dim light will harm your eyes. TRUE OR FALSE?

Words to Live By

“In this present moment there is no fear. Fear is an indicator that your mind is either in the past or the future, making up stories about moments that have already happened or are yet to come. Be truly present today and stay attuned to the safety of the moment you are already in.” – Keith Macpherson

5 Easy Healthy Eating Hacks

1) Making tomato sauce? Add in diced carrots, celery, onion, peppers, and zucchini 2)Making smoothies? Add in avocado, spinach/lettuce/kale blend; cucumbers 3) Making soup? Great to add a sink load of veggies – blend them up to add thickness and hide them. Also, a great medium for anti-inflammatory spices such as turmeric and ginger 4) Potato lover? Making mashed potatoes by using half cauliflower or sweet potatoes 5) Spices and Herbs? Rosemary for liver, garlic for heart and anti-microbial, cinnamon for blood sugar, thyme for immune system and respiratory health, sage for memory, parsley, and cilantro for digestive support.

Claiming Care Medical Expenses

Navigating the financial challenges of supporting aging parents, special needs children, or spouses with severe illnesses often involves significant attendant care expenses. The Disability Tax Credit (DTC) allows individuals to claim annually for attendant care fees incurred in Canada. Eligible expenses include nursing home or full-time care, group homes, in-home attendant care, retirement homes, special schools, or training institutions. Other eligible disabilities span vision, mobility, hearing, feeding, dressing, elimination functions, and mental capacities crucial for daily life. Approval for the (DTC) is necessary to claim these expenses.

Brain Teasers

1. Which hormone is often called the ‘stress hormone’? 2. What is the smallest bone in the human body? 3. What does a sphygmomanometer measure 4. What is the strongest muscle in your body?

Antioxidant Rich Infused Coffee

Savor the unparalleled delight of RED, a true masterpiece in the world of coffee. This premium brew, made from 100% organic Arabica beans, stands alone, unmatched by any other. With its unique infrared roasting process and infusion of the coffee fruit’s nutritional power, RED offers the healthiest and finest coffee experience you can indulge in. Say goodbye to bitterness and burnt flavors with this incredibly smooth blend. Whether enjoyed at home or on the go, RED provides a premium coffee experience at a fraction of the cost of your local coffee shop’s average cup of Joe.

The Sandwich Generation

Are you a caregiver to your children and your aging parents? If so, you are part of the “sandwich generation”, a group of adults who are “pressed” between caregiving responsibilities for their young and elderly loved ones. This generation of caregivers has its own unique stresses and challenges, spending on average about three hours per day on unpaid care while also working full-time. These challenges can take a toll on this group’s health, finances, and emotions. Thankfully, professional care companies can help relieve some of the stress by providing quality care for senior loved ones – wherever they call home.

Recipe: Tango Mango Berry Salmon Salad

Indulge in a delightful culinary experience with this Tango Mango Berry Salmon Salad. Begin by preheating your grill to medium-high heat. Season 4 salmon fillets with salt and pepper, drizzling them with olive oil for even coating. In a pan, sauté finely minced white onions until softened. Grill the salmon for 4-5 minutes per side until reaching 145°F. Transfer to plates, layer with sautéed onions, fresh baby spinach, and a vibrant mix of raspberries and diced mango. This simple yet exquisite creation promises a burst of flavors, offering a perfect balance between succulent salmon and the freshness of spinach, raspberries, and mango. Savor the goodness immediately!