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Golfing is Like Investing

It’s golfing season! Apply the same strategies to investing that you do to being out on the course. When golfing, you have to choose the right club for the stroke. It’s the same when choosing an appropriate investment for your portfolio, which should be based on your financial goals and risk profile. In golfing and in investing, success comes not from comparing yourself to others, but from focusing on your own game. Patience and practice are important when golfing, just like in investing – think about the long-term. Finally, rely on your advisor/partner for guidance, just like during a round!

Surgery for ACL Injuries

Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury is commonly seen in sports such as soccer, rugby, and skiing. Although many individuals initially recover well, the ongoing instability often prevents return to sports and leads to further knee injury, and the risk of developing future osteoarthritis becomes increased. Bracing is rarely sufficient. Surgical reconstruction performed early, within 3-6 weeks, helps to minimize the risk of further injury. ACL surgery should be treated as an urgent matter: assessment, diagnosis, and surgery can usually be completed within a few weeks. The athlete, elite, or weekend-warrior can then start early rehabilitation to maximize the benefits of the knee reconstruction.

Core Training vs. Strengthening

The terms core training and core strengthening have been used interchangeably in both the physiotherapy and fitness industries, yet there is a significant difference between the two. Your core is the area between your breathing diaphragm and your pelvic floor. Core training exercises focus on restoring the timing and sequencing of your deep muscles to reinforce an optimal pattern of muscle activation (motor learning). Core training helps to make the right connections between your brain and your core. Once core training has restored deep muscle function, core strengthening exercises can be added to further improve function and performance. There is a difference, come and see for yourself.

Book Club: Making a Good Brain Great

By Daniel Amen, MD. When our brains work right, we work right. But the brain is easily injured. A bump on the head, sleep deprivation and poor nutrition can all have long-term consequences leading to problems with attention, mood and even dementia. Dr. Amen shares his exciting insights into protecting, repairing and maintaining our brains with good nutrition, supplements and special exercises. A great read!

Improved Circulation using Acupuncture

Q: My hands and feet often feel cold. Can acupuncture help with this? A: This issue is quite prevalent in both males and females. Acupuncture can treat this by improving blood circulation. The traditional Chinese medical theory explains this by balancing the yin and the yang within one’s body. You can see the difference with one treatment, and multiple treatments will work to solve the root of the problem and maintain the improved circulation.

Back and Pelvic Girdle Pain

When determining how to treat back and pelvic pain, many health professions focus on what hurts, rather than on why it hurts. Physiotherapists often look at back and pelvic pain in terms of how those regions function to gain a better understanding of the causes behind pain in those areas. The team at Diane Lee & Associates uses a novel approach that combines manual therapy and dry needling to release tight muscles and stiff joints followed by motor learning, using real-time ultrasound for biofeedback, and movement training. This combined whole body approach teaches the patient how to use their body in a more efficient way to avoid problematic habits in the future.

What is an Investment Advisor?

Investment advisor, financial planner, financial advisor, wealth planner, financial consultant – what’s the difference? Investment Advisor is a term generally adopted for those dealing in the investment industry. While some of the titles above work with portions of a financial plan, investment advisors tend to be full service, and are able to offer a broad range of products and services, meaning they can work with stocks, mutual funds and bonds. A good investment advisor should help you understand what makes sense for you, help you find your investment style to take advantage of the markets and the best investments for those markets, and as much as possible, take the emotion out of investing.

Suffering from Seasonal Allergies?

Spring and summer are typical times for allergies to trees, grasses, pollens, and dust to manifest increased symptoms. Simply rinsing nasal passages and eyes with a normal saline solution several times a day is a quick way to reduce symptoms before they become worse. Use of allergy medications (sprays and tablets) can help reduce symptoms further. There are many people who suffer from allergy-like symptoms who do not have the typical immunoglobulin response on testing. These sensitivities and intolerances still need to be identified and treated in order to obtain long-term symptom relief and allow the immune and detoxification systems to work properly.

Chiropractic is for Everyone

Chiropractic is for patients from all walks of life, from newborn babies to the elderly. Common ailments range from headaches and body pain, to digestive issues, fatigue, and stress. We also see many people who have no concerns, except to maintain their health.
To understand chiropractic, we have to first understand a little about the way the body works. When you were born, your body knew exactly what to do to keep you healthy, which is what chiropractors call “innate intelligence”. This is the knowledge our bodies are born with that no school can teach! Most people think of stress as just a mental dimension, but in a holistic model, stress is expressed in three dimensions: physical, biochemical (nutrition, and environmental toxins), and emotional/spiritual. The goal of chiropractic care is to assess the level of stress on our innate intelligence, also referred to as our nervous system.

Leaving Dependency Behind

Many drug and alcohol addictions stem from a lack of healthy coping mechanisms when dealing with life’s numerous stressors. Drugs and alcohol provide short-term escape solutions, but often lead to long-term health complications. Laser acupuncture can help with symptoms of withdrawal associated with drug and alcohol addictions, such as cravings, body aches, headaches, nausea, sweating, and muscle cramps, making the process of quitting less stressful. Coupled with lifestyle changes such as the use of nutritional supplements and beneficial herbs, and exercise, laser acupuncture can lead you on a road to recovery that will include more self-care and better coping skills.

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