Spring is in the air and now is the time to plant seeds and reap the benefits throughout the year. Mindfulness is a seed that you can plant and practice daily in your lives. Mindfulness is cultivating the seeds of awareness, paying attention, and noticing what nourishes or depletes us. Mindfulness also includes non-judgment and self-compassion and enjoying our precious life. Some seeds you can sow are choosing to experience greater calmness, responding vs. reacting to stressful situations, operating less on automatic pilot. Explore the mind-body connection and ask; what am I noticing in this moment and what am I feeling? Trust your inner wisdom as you make decisions and healthier choices. Gratitude and taking the time to be of service to others, listening, and a caring attitude are all seeds of growth. Allow yourself to shift some of your patterns, perspectives and sow more seeds of contentment.
Bernice Parent
La Vie Mindful