We live in a world that demands constant mental stimulation and instant gratification. A world where we no longer know how to just be with our thoughts, our feelings or just simply in the moment. A world that medicates to alleviate; our bodies as well as our minds.
“We all have our own story and for me, floating has given me something I was unable to find anywhere else. I was in complete awe after my first float experience and the deep sense of calm it gave to my body after suffering for over 30 years with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. And after learning about all the other amazing benefits floating can provide, we were hooked and FLOAT.CALM was born. We wanted to bring Floatation Therapy to Winnipeg – a city that knew very little about it. ” – Co-founder
Pioneering a new industry isn’t always easy but it can certainly be the most rewarding. The entrepreneurial pursuit within an industry that is new and undefined is a bold undertaking that demands perseverance, integrity, passion, drive and carries great responsibility. Though the challenges seemed insurmountable some days, our goal of introducing floatation therapy to Winnipeg has not only been a dedicated business endeavor but also an amazing venture in personal self discovery and we are eternally grateful for all we’ve learned along the way.
Our dream of opening a commercial Float Centre was often received with raised eyebrows, crinkled noses and hesitant wishes of good luck. But we had a small backing of passionate followers who could not wait until we got this thing up and running. And this is what we love about floating. It creates such a passionate community because people who float know how truly amazing this experience can be. Their passion only helped fuel our fire and we knew the only thing we would ever regret, is not trying. We believe when you follow your heart, everything else just falls into place.
Our goal was to create an affordable, easily accessible environment that helped enrich people’s lives by providing an opportunity for them to DISCONNECT from everyday life. This experience of “exploring the private sea” allows people to RECONNECT with themselves to find a deeper sense of consciousness and compassion. We wanted people to reconnect with their mind as well as their body’s innate ability to heal itself. Creating a state of the art, multiple float pod centre allows people to share this private experience with others.
To all of our current and future supporters and fellow floaters, thank you for your enthusiasm, your open-mindedness and for thinking outside the box. We couldn’t have gotten here without you. Our hearts are filled with gratitude and appreciation.
And if you haven’t yet been to visit us, come on in and experience the benefits of….nothing.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/float.calm/?fref=ts