Community News
Donations Graciously Appreciated

When you are planning your end-of-year giving, we hope that the Golden Circle Senior Resource Centre will be top of mind as your charity of choice. We are more than just a drop-in centre for older adults, we are an intergenerational gathering space and resource centre, providing important outreach services to older adults to help them actively age in the place that is right for them by offering services such as: supportive transportation to medical appointments, grocery delivery, housekeeping, snow removal, lawn care and elder abuse support just to name a few. We have a wide range of social activities as well which help to increase social inclusion of older adults such as cards, quilting, an art club, carpet bowling, registered exercise programs, in-house dining, a frozen meal program and much more!

Every dollar truly makes a difference to our non-profit society. You can go to our website to find a donate button through Canada Helps, or feel free to drop in to donate, we’d be happy to take you on a tour of our amazing facility!

The Golden Circle has been an important part of Red Deer and area since 1977, and your generous support is vital to allowing us to continue to do the important work we do every day for older adults in our community!

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