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Dry Needling for Pain 

Have you or someone who know been suffering with chronic muscular pain? Pain that is associated with nerve symptoms? Loss of range of motion in an area of your body?  Well it may be time to try a treatment technique called Dry Needling. Why do we feel pain?  Pain is a signal of tissue injury and inflammation (Acute Pain).  Chronic Pain occurs when there is an ongoing irritation to an area that causes inflammation. Chronic pain can also occur because of changes to the nervous system that causes increased firing of nerves (Neuropathic Pain). This type of pain can be attributed to unwell hyper sensitized nerves.   The term “hypersensitivity”  or, “super sensitivity” is a result of overactive and misfiring of nerves.  The end result is increased muscle trigger points and muscle shortening. Dry Needling is the use of a acupuncture needle that is inserted into muscular trigger points for a brief second then removed.  There is no solution inserted into the tissue and is the reason why it is called dry needling.  It is a technique that is used best for chronic pain with a Neuropathic origin.  It helps by desensitizing the nervous system by decompressing/ releasing the chemicals that cause the shortened muscular bands.  Usually you will require approximately 3 sessions to know if this type of treatment will work for you.  Though most people notice a change instantly. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING DRY NEEDLING OR WANT TO GIVE IT A TRY COME SEE ONE OF OUR QUALIFIED PHYSIOTHERAPISTS WHO ARE CERTIFIED IN DRY NEEDLING!

Lindsay Stevenson

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