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Foot Health Awareness Month

Let’s admit it, sometimes we take our bodies for granted. It’s no different for our feet. Our feet are important – they carry us through life! The 52 bones in your feet make up for a quarter of all the bones in your body. The foot performs 3 main functions that are related to biomechanics; they absorb shock, act as a rigid lever to propel the body forward, and they help the body adapt to different ground environments. The foot forms the basic foundation of the body and represents the body in its entirety. Any impairment to its function will displace the body’s centre of gravity, making it necessary for other areas to overcompensate. Almost 95% of all foot deformities are painless but affect the spine, shoulders, and cervical displacement. Taking good care of your feet through regular reflexology treatments, exercise, foot strengthening exercises, and hygiene will help to keep the foot strong and healthy.

Gloria Laing, Registered Canadian Reflexology Therapist, Gloria’s Reflexology

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