Community News
Happy New You!

January. The time of New Year’s resolutions and wanting to change ourselves. The problem is, change doesn’t happen overnight, and most resolutions end up being abandoned. Then we feel yucky about it. Consider, instead, small sustainable steps towards a healthier lifestyle. Being healthy isn’t just about what we eat and how much we weigh. Real wellness includes how we talk to ourselves, our outlook on life, and how we deal with stress. Feeling better can start with any of these things. See January as only the beginning, and, consider yoga! It’s a practice which encourages you to feel worthy whatever your starting point. Yoga promotes self-awareness: learning to listen to your body, your breath, and your thoughts. Then, with self-acceptance (and not the need to ‘fix’ ourselves), we begin to appreciate how our health, wellness, and stress levels are tied to the many daily choices we make. Happy new you!

Susan Turner, Yoga Connections,

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