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Happy Thoughts

In the philosophy called Science of Mind, “We teach how to think, not what to think”. When you truly understand how you create your life with your thinking, you unlock the power of life. When you think about something for a long time and add strong feelings to it, an experience is created. Life responds by mirroring your beliefs. This is the ‘How’ part of all of life. We encourage an awareness of ‘What’ you think. When you begin to think with awareness, and deliberately, the result is empowerment and a happier life. You are always free to choose what to think. And when you understand infinite good is possible, you will wisely choose your ‘What’. Did you know reactions are thoughts? And usually negative in nature. These negative thoughts resonate in your body. These thoughts cause deeper wrinkles, diminished health, and less joy.

Rev. Anne Ahokangas

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