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Holistic Health Coaching: Superfoods

Superfoods include foods that have a dozen or more unique properties such as source of complete protein, immune-stimulating, liver-cleansing, and anti-aging substances, antioxidants and many minerals. Superfoods greatly increase the vital force and energy of one’s body, improve overall health, boost your immune system, enhance sexuality, and cleanse and alkalize your body. By consuming superfoods we could dramatically easier achieve our ideal weight, diet, and food habits. Help nourish the brain, bones, muscle, skin, hair, nails, heart, lungs, liver, immune system and much more. Over the long term of using, correct imbalances and help to guide us toward a natural diet. Superfoods give us more nutrition with less eating. The top ten superfoods are: Goji berries, Cacao, Maca, Bee products, Spirulina, AFA blue-green algae, Marine phytoplankton, Aloe Vera, Hempseed, Coconuts products.

Martina Vantuchova


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