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How Much Caffeine Does Matcha Have? 

Matcha contains roughly 25mg of caffeine, which is approximately one-third the caffeine of a cup of brewed coffee. It is easily tolerated by many people for whom coffee makes them jittery and anxious! The caffeine in Matcha works in a synergistic manner with all the other great stuff it contains, including hefty quantities of phytonutrients, antioxidants, and amino acids. This special combination of ingredients produces an unusual effect: An uncanny ability to focus and be productive over an extended period of time. Because the caffeine molecules in Matcha bind to larger and more stable molecules, the caffeine is released over time, instead of all at once, into the bloodstream. In contrast to coffee, this timed-release mechanism tends to inhibit any sudden insulin increases, so there is no “crash” associated with quick drops in blood sugar that so many coffee drinkers feel an hour or so after drinking a cup.

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