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In Season: Apples and Oranges

Both fruits have been shown to reduce the risk of stroke. Researchers estimate that if every adult over age 50 ate an apple a day, there would be 8,500 fewer strokes and heart attacks every year. One medium apple has 95 calories and 4 grams of fiber. Half the vitamin C content is in the skin, so don’t peel it! And yes, an apple a day keeps the doctor away because its vitamin C may boost the body’s resistance to germs and viruses. One medium orange has 60 calories and 3 grams of fiber. It supplies 120% of your daily-recommended intake of vitamin C. While you’ll probably want to peel it before eating, you can add the orange layer of the peel (zest) minus the white part, to stews, roast poultry, or yogurt for a rich, citrusy taste and a dose of phenolic acids, powerful antioxidants also found in apples.

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