Community News
Is Cancer Preventable?

“Every person who has cancer has a pH that is too acidic.” – Dr. Otto Warburg (Nobel Prize winner). Did you know that 95% of cancers are said to be linked to diet, lifestyle, and environment, leaving only 5% to genetics? From the foods we eat, to the amount of stress we are under, our culture leads a particularly acidic lifestyle. Our bodies were not designed to endure what we put them through, leading us on a path of disease. The answer? Eliminate the acidity. It Works! GREENS Blend is an amazing green-based super food. It helps to alkaline, energize, and detoxify the body with a perfect blend of 38 herbs and nutrient-rich super foods that provide phyto nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and enzymes you require for your body and overall health. Reclaim your health, start with GREENS.

Wendy Omilanow, IT WORKS

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