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Itchy Skin –  Rosacea – Eczema

Your large intestine and skin are organs that interact with the environment. Part of the function of your skin is to excrete waste.  As a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner for over 21 years, I have observed that many skin conditions are caused by a toxic colon. My mother died of liver and colon cancer. After her death, I found a lot of anti-itch cream in her home. Her body had been trying to get the toxins out through the skin. A friend’s husband had rosacea but did not want to change his eating habits. After a total bowel obstruction and the removal of 40 cm of his colon, the rosacea disappeared. To avoid a toxic colon, people should have at least two eliminations daily. A fibre rich diet, drinking enough water and daily exercise helps with regular eliminations. Minerals, especially Magnesium, are very important. We have to pay attention to the signs our body is giving us.

Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP

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