Community News
Knit for Life!

Knitting is a great natural strategy to deal with anxiety, depression, and pain. The simplicity of rhythmic stitching can be very centering, and combines with eye movements, color, and texture to stimulate and focus the mind. Knitting can be picked up and stopped quickly, allowing it to provide precious calm in a whirlwind day. Relaxation activities with repetition have been shown to reduce anxiety, lower blood pressure, and heart rate, and ease stress-caused illnesses and complications. Socially, the chance to get together with other knitters, sharing a bit of food and friendship and comparing notes can go a long way to remove isolation and loneliness. So often the knitting group can provide an invaluable haven and supportive community that looks after its own. Finally, knitting creates a comfortable (and wearable) beauty which can be kept or given to those who need. Not a bad side effect of this wonderful therapy!


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