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Are you Living YOUR Best Life?

This is a question many of us would answer with an overwhelming “NO!” Do you know what is preventing you from living your best life and having the best health possible? You might not realize it, but our thoughts, beliefs, judgments and perceptions about ourselves and our lives actually drastically affect our health and our relationships. For example – we all know that eating nutritious food and getting exercise are important for being healthy. But how many of us have a balanced eating and exercising lifestyle? Why don’t we all just automatically do what we know is good for us? The reason – we are not robots, we are people! People have subconscious beliefs that are created in early childhood about everything in life – but they are not known, they are hidden within us. Our BEST Life begins when we become aware of and remove these uncooperative subconscious beliefs.

Shannon Russell, BodyMind Freedom Solutions

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