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Lose Weight With MINDBAND

MINDBAND isn’t just about losing weight, it seems to have a side effect: it helps diabetes, just as Lap-Band does, only it comes without the stress and danger of surgery, the recovery time, and the strict diet. MINDBAND is simple and easy. You get to relax, and the results are that it makes it easier to stick to sensible eating habits. Why? Your mind actually wants you to eat sensible, healthy food and it is not fighting you to eat that dessert and bag of chips. Real results. One client had a blood sugar level of 19.6. We did MINDBAND and she made a couple of easy changes to her eating habits. Four days later, her blood sugar level was 7.4. This program can also help those who do not wish to lose weight, but are having problems controlling their blood sugar, or for those who wish to lose weight only.

Sherry Wilkinson,

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