Community News
Make Exercise Fun!

It’s a brand-new year and the gyms are busy with people starting their new year’s resolutions. There are different goals we can choose, ie – burn calories, increase strength, improve cardio, or simply be more active more often. There are different exercise approaches to attain these goals, but they must be right for you. You can tailor it for yourself to ensure you are getting what you want out of it, but are enjoying it as well. Cycling, swimming and even playing tennis are just 3 of the many ways you can attain your goals. You can burn between 475-550 calories for just 1 hour of moderate intensity of one of these activities. There are so many ways to meet your goals without simply lifting weights and running on a treadmill. By performing one of these you can get a workout, get a sweat, and of course, have a lot fun!

Heath Vermette, CAT(C),

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