Spousal Care Partner Support Group This group is for spouses caring for a person living with dementia, a safe space to share about your experience and gain knowledge and understanding from each other.
The Second Tuesday of the Month at 10am in the Northview Room. Please contact Meg to register. Phone: 204-326-5771 email: [email protected].
Minds in Motion. Minds in Motion is a program designed for people with early to moderate signs of dementia to attend with a family member or friend. This weekly program offers 8 sessions including; a gentle chair fitness class followed by engaging activities and conversation. Cost: $65 per pair. Please contact reception to register. Steinbach Brain Injury Support Group.
Last Monday of Each Month, 7:00-8:30pm. Please contact Donna or Gregg Schipper (204) 326-9614.
BAND of Colours+. 2SLGBTQ+ Support Group. Every Friday of the month, from 6:00-9:00pm. Contact Angelica Brunger (204) 905-4949
Parkinson’s Support Group.
Every other Thursday of the month from 1:30-3:00pm
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