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New Years’ Financial Resolutions

Not surprisingly, many resolutions involve money issues, whether it’s sticking to a budget, paying off debt, or saving for the future. All of these resolutions are doable – with careful planning, realistic expectations, patience and hard work.  Here are a few tips when considering starting a budget:  When calculating monthly expenses, don’t forget the small things. Spending $3 a day on lattes adds up to over $1,000 a year. That’s a lot of extra money in your pocket! Change your spending habits. It’s a simple thought that most of us have already heard (over, and over again), but really, try to be mindful of your spending! Think about bringing your lunch to work a few days a week, taking public transit, and even leaving that debit card at home! Most of us don’t realize how much the little things add up. It’s all about changing your spending habits – and being more mindful.

Derek Chase & Associates

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